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Vol 2 Chapter 1229: donkey and mill is 1 balance

Chapter 1233 Donkey and mill are a kind of balance

After chasing away the bewildered female heroic spirit, the God of Venus with feverish cheeks hurriedly lowered the curtain, found a position as comfortable as possible and leaned on the head of the bed, then closed his eyes slightly and let his consciousness go blank, a strand full of peach blossoms The source of the red smoke couldn't wait to rush out of his kingdom of God.

Um? Lord Venus has left?

Feeling the gradual silence in the dormitory, the female heroic spirit who had just been kicked out couldn't help but startled, and then pursed her lips in worry.

With the current situation of Lord Eros, the injury may break out at any time. We should save every bit of power and try our best to suppress the alien divine power in the body. Why do we need to separate part of the source to come to the Arcane Continent?

no! I must remind Lord Cupid that she must never...well...

Just when the female heroic spirit Marta raised her hand towards the stone pillar outside the dormitory, ready to remind Lord Cupid to rest in peace, her outstretched arm paused slightly, and several sweet and greasy peach-colored smoke came from her heart It seeped out, and those eyes that were as clear as emerald jade were instantly completely covered by some kind of seductive and unrestrained pink light.

So that's how it is... The person who has consumed so much of my desire and divine power is actually in the Arcane Continent?

After perceiving the whereabouts of the true god's source, "Marta" flashed a look of surprise in his eyes, and then glanced curiously in the direction of the Austrian Fa Continent.

If I remember correctly, apart from some loopholes due to the lack of Seagod's power, there shouldn't be new tenth-level professionals born there, right? And some human beings who are only at the peak of the ninth level, who can't even touch the threshold of priesthood, how can they withstand the beatings of the God of Cupid?

"Don't... take a break..."

An arm soaked in fine sweat rested on someone's shoulder, and the white and tender palm gently pushed out twice, and then prayed in a low tone:

" about going here first?"

"No! How can you give up halfway?"

After sternly rejecting the other party's improper application, Wei, whose legs were weak, first wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then coughed vigorously.

cough! Hurry up! I can't take it anymore!


After hearing the pre-agreed signal, a certain goddess who was not thrown out of the window for the first time rolled her eyes, then put her translucent hand out of William's pocket, and slapped him **** the back of William's waist.


"Then... what's that sound?"

"Don't pay attention to those details!"

Feeling the sudden recovery of a large amount of physical strength, a certain person who was somewhat weak at first straightened his back, and sternly reprimanded:

"Also, you must concentrate when doing things! How can you slip away casually?"

"Okay... okay..."


After a few hectares (after N hours), the weather was calm, the clouds scattered and the rain gathered.

Wei, who successfully defeated the enemy, first picked up the down pillow that had been knocked to the ground and put it on the head of the bed, then turned over and leaned against it with a Buddhist expression on his face, feeling that there was something missing in his mouth that could emit smoke s things.

He took out a piece of jerky and put it in his mouth, and after chewing it a few times, the rounded William crossed his arms behind his head, silently giving himself a thumbs up in his heart.

I am so great.

I once again sacrificed myself regardless of the danger and successfully saved thousands of congregants of the Church of Eros. The Holy See of Light owed me a saint's quota again.


After vaguely feeling part of William's psychological activities, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help but rolled her big eyes, and couldn't help but speak yin and yang:

"Congratulations, in the 'competition' with Cupid, you finally won."

"Same joy, same joy."

After chewing and swallowing the dried meat in his mouth, William waved his hands calmly and said:

"Being able to achieve today's great victory, in addition to relying on my own unremitting efforts, there is also a small share of you in the credit book."

Pooh! No more faces!

The hip-pull goddess couldn't help but spat hard when she heard the words.

shame! If I hadn't been waiting by the side, constantly using the divine power of fate to help you recover your physical fitness, you would have been overwhelmed by others, okay? Only by cheating can you narrowly win, what do you have to be arrogant?

After vaguely feeling the venomous tongue of the hip-pull goddess, William calmly reached into his coat and took out the lucky coin in his pocket, then tensed his biceps and rounded his right arm, and threw it vigorously towards the boundless blue sky outside the window .


Heh, saving the common people...could it be called cheating?

"Well...why is the window broken again?"

Awakened by the violent sonic boom when the hip-pull goddess "leaved" at high speed, "Avril Lavigne" who was sleeping next to her rubbed her eyes first, then put her sweaty hair behind her ears in a provocative gesture, and leaned her cheek dizzily Come over, and asked in a soft voice with curiosity:

"Also, William...what's the matter with you today? Why have you been reluctant to take off your coat?"


After a moment of speechless silence, William looked sideways at the clear sky outside the window, and responded calmly:

"Conquer, subdue, lure, tempt."

"That's it..."

Although I didn't understand the meaning of these four words, after seeing that William was not going to answer, "Avril" smiled and didn't ask any more questions, but put his arms around his arms and leaned up softly, and said softly:

"Thanks to you... Otherwise, I'm afraid I really want to... um... Anyway, I really want to thank you..."

"You're welcome."

After agreeing with eyes full of Buddha, William silently grabbed the little hand that was stuck into his clothes, and refused with a straight face:

" should be honest, you should stop when you say stop, and don't move your hands around,'m afraid you will be in danger."


After hearing William's warning, "Avril" couldn't help but chuckled, then stretched out her hand to caress someone's jaw that was gradually tightening, and bit her ear dizzily, saying:

"People... just like your danger~"


It's over, the donkey was killed a little early, and the big millstone turned up again. If I pulled it myself, it would be a bit...

Hiss...wait! Don't do it yet! Wait until I get the donkey back first, without her, you won't be able to win...Donkey! dear donkey! I was wrong! Come back soon!

"Your Excellency William?"

Seeing William's pale complexion being brought over by the waiter and his slow pace like the old man, the millennium leftover woman couldn't help but be surprised.

"Are you...are you injured? Why does it look like...uh..."

Tsk... In order to save your God of Eros, who strives for excellence, I was concentrating, dedicating my energy, being smart and capable... Even when the donkey was thrown away, I still relied on great perseverance to forcefully win the competition... Your great benefactor to the Church of Eros Just this attitude?

After rolling his eyes at the strange-looking Millennium Saintess, William slumped onto the sofa in the reception room, rubbed his eye bags vigorously, and said with a Buddhist face:

"Come on, help me set up a spiritual channel, I want to chat with your Cupid."

This part of the content... um... Due to the lack of corresponding modules in the material library, it is really... a bit difficult to render the fish out of thin air... I will post half of it first, and the second chapter is estimated to be twelve o'clock.

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