This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 117: Proposal and Showdown

I didn't expect that the non-combat attrition was due to kidney tonifying. This method is really unexpected.

William raised his eyebrows and recalled that he still had an impression of the guy named Bern Corso. At first, when he tried to "help" the young knights to advance, the Tie Hanhan who perfectly avoided all the traps was him. In other words, he doesn't look like he has a kidney deficiency. What are you doing with a horse whip when you have nothing to do?

He glanced at Hans, who was a little sluggish. The one who really needed kidney nourishment was his bearded cousin.

I don't know if it was due to excessive blood loss, or because of the severe juicing yesterday. Hans's hairy little black face was faintly pale. Facing William's inquiring gaze, he raised the straps. His bandaged arm scratched his head awkwardly.

"Cousin, what are you looking at me for?"

William withdrew his gaze and replied lightly, "Nothing, I just have an idea, and I'm going to discuss it with you."

"Ah? What are your thoughts?"

"Do you remember those knights we brought out from the capital?"

The bearded cousin nodded ignorantly. "Of course I remember, what's wrong?"

"At that time, Her Majesty the Queen asked you to be the commander and me to be the deputy commander."

Hans scratched his head in confusion again. "Ah... It turns out that I am the commander, and I always thought you were the commander."

William raised his eyebrows, you are the leader! The legion panel can only see the members of your own command, because you are the commander, so I can't see your attribute panel, because you are my boss in name.

He said flatly, "Hans, I want to discuss with you, can you give me the position of the commander?"

The bearded cousin nodded and agreed to William's request without hesitation. "Okay, besides, this commander should have been done by you. It's okay for me to lead them to charge. I can't do anything else."

[You have been appointed as the commander of the "Knights of the Royal Capital (pseudo]

[Legion name: Royal Capital Knights (pseudo)]

[Legion Level: First Class]

[Corporation establishment: 32/1000]

[Legion Features: Crash, cause higher damage to low-speed targets...]


William patted Hans on the shoulder with satisfaction, clicked on the list of members amid the honest laughter of his bearded cousin, and opened Hans's pants...attribute panel.

[Name: Hans Vankins]

[Race: Human, Half-Blood Demon (Brazil Demon, Succubus)]

[Reputation: French Empire 153/1000 (respected)]

【Armor value: 8/10】

[Status: Insufficient Energy, Anemia] [Special Status: The Bell of Destiny]

[Talents: Detective Aura, Combat Continuation, Opposite Sex]

[Special Skills: Natural War Madness, Charming Temperament, Armor Proficiency, Glory Barrier, Block Proficiency, Giant Strength]



[Evaluation: Amazingly powerful meat shield for defense]

William's face was a little dark, and a series of question marks flashed in his mind.

Is your mental value similar to mine? And what the **** is that fate clock? Heterosexuality? Charming temperament? Is this property panel fake?

In order to be sure of the authenticity of this matter, he raised his head and looked at his bearded cousin's face carefully. Because of frequent exposure to the sun, his skin was dark and rough.

Although his dark eyes are as smart as those of young people, but with the beard that almost grows to his neck, he looks like a forty-year-old person no matter what. William even saw a small piece on the black and shiny beard. crumbs of bread.

Are you sure this face has the so-called charm?

But William thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. The bearded cousin, Fang Ling, left the list at seventeen. Although the marquise is a little older, she is not too young in other places.

William withdrew his gaze and re-studied Hans's attribute panel. He was most concerned about Hans's status bar. Anemia is not difficult to guess. It should be caused by excessive blood loss before. After fighting all night, this is completely understandable.

The problem is that special state called the Bell of Fate. No matter in this life or in the previous life, William has seen this state for the first time.

He curiously opened this special state and read the description.

[Special state: Destiny is the bell, the person is loved by fate, and the probability of triggering special events with a small probability increases greatly]

Raise the probability of triggering special events? How special is the so-called special event? Can a broken paper in the toilet be considered a special event with a small probability?

"Your Majesty." Just as William was peeping at the privacy of his bearded cousin, Pomona finally made up her mind to prepare for Avril.

She stood up and bowed down, performed a standard lady etiquette, and said with a serious face: "I am willing to accept your conditions on behalf of my tribe, although this is only my personal opinion at the moment, but I will try my best to persuade them. "

After hearing her words, Avril smiled gently, stood up and supported Pomona's arm.

"Very good, then I will thank you on behalf of the French royal family for your trust. I believe that in the future, you will not regret your choice today."

But Pomona didn't get up. She kept her posture of bowing down and continued, "Your Majesty, I have a personal request. I hope you can fulfill it."

Avril nodded and said, "Okay, you can talk about it first. If it is within my power, I will definitely not refuse."

Pomona glanced at Hans, who was whispering to William, and said with gritted teeth, "I hope you can marry Hans to me, and I will definitely treat him well."


As soon as her words came out, everyone else in the tent was stunned.

The bearded cousin stood there dumbfounded, unable to believe that he was actually proposed by a woman; William touched his chin and began to think whether being proposed by a woman could be considered a special event with a small probability; Avril covered his lips, looking good His eyebrows narrowed into two crescent moons.

"Pomona, hehe, what we say here is not the same as yours. Usually only men say this, but I understand what you mean, do you want Hans to join your family?"

"That's right, that's what I meant!"

Pomona nodded unabashedly in response. She got up and looked at Hans, who was bewildered. Her eyes were the same as the large-scale "Chengfu" in front of her, and she looked extremely aggressive.

The former Marquise's little abacus was racing, and the purpose of going back was to persuade the clan to accept the conditions. This was not an easy task, and it might take a month or two to leave.

After being separated for such a long time, if you don't put the "mantou" in your arms first, what if one of them runs away after you come back? Not to mention the suspicious cousin staring at him...

A series of images flashed in Pomona's mind. She glanced at William with extreme vigilance. In short, she should keep Hans away from his cousin no matter what!

William caught this look keenly, and when the vigilant gaze swept across his body, a rather strong malice rushed towards his face, causing goosebumps on his back.

After discovering that Pomona's eyes kept circling around him and Hans, William instantly understood the meaning behind his eyes, and couldn't help but be furious.

What the **** are you thinking? Am I like the kind of guy who's interested in adding sticks and chirping chirps?

Seeing Hans' suspicious cousin looking at her with annoyed eyes, Pomona couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and became more and more firm in her thoughts.

Make sure to keep Hans away from him! Otherwise, the man I finally got my hands on would be gone! In order to prevent William from jumping off the wall, she even had an idea and came up with a wonderful solution without a teacher.

Pomona stared at William's expressionless face, and asked in a very sincere voice:

"Your Majesty, I'm not very good at speaking. The guard behind you not only defeated Ji Bo, but also looks very shrewd and capable. I wonder if you can send him out to help me persuade my clan?"

William's eyes became more and more annoyed. If it wasn't for the [Professional's Face] suppressing part of his expression, his face would have been darker than the bottom of the pot.

However, the expression of Hans beside him changed first.

After noticing that Pomona's eyes had been locked on William, the bearded cousin was equally nervous.

He suddenly remembered some previous pictures. When he was dressing the wound at the top of the tent, Pomona had been paying close attention to her cousin. Not only did she take the initiative to ask questions, but she was particularly concerned about whether her cousin was married. With my cousin secretly swallowing...

For Hans, who never interrupted on "national affairs", he opened his mouth for the first time.

He stretched out his hand and tugged at William who was staring at Pomona, his eyes dodged and said: "Cousin, how far is the grassland, it's very inconvenient to go there, and you may not be able to come back for several months, and Her Majesty the Queen I need you so much, why not? You should stay and protect the queen!"

? ? ?

William was a little stunned by the sudden backstab. After looking back at Hans, he instantly understood everything.

Damn, are you two poisonous? Where on earth am I threatening you?

Pomona's thoughts were barely concealed, but Hans's thoughts were simply lice on a bald head, no! It's like a lion on a bald head! You can see it clearly from a distance of 800 meters!

Seeing his bearded cousin's little eyes fluttering around, William knew what he was thinking without lifting his tail. His once pure and flawless cousin is now beginning to suspect that his cousin is not pure!

In this tent full of lasagna, Hans, who was seen through at a glance, was on the first floor, Avril, who saw through Hans at a glance, was on the second floor, and Pomona, who was still quite secretive, was on the third floor. William has seen through everything and stepped into the fifth floor in one step.

The problem is that he is standing a little too high now, feeling the double suspicion from his cousin and younger siblings, William is so grieved that he wants to scream up to the sky, the fifth floor is so cold! The heights are so cold!

At this time, Her Majesty the Queen made a decisive move, ending the intrigue in the tent.

She smiled and said to Pomona, "I'll leave Hans to you. As for William's words..."

Avril thought for a while, and was a little reluctant to let William leave. After all, her life had already entered the countdown, and she basically had to see each other less, but after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and prepared to agree.

"He also goes grass with you..."

"Wait!" William walked over from Hans and interrupted Avril's decision.

My cousin was preventing me from putting a hat on him, and my younger brother was preventing me from tilting her husband. I went to the grassland with the two of them when I had a problem! Besides, I still want to create an Angry Flame Legion, and I will make a fool of Leonard. If I leave Flange now, won't I be blinded?

"I won't go to the grasslands with you. You can persuade you if you can, but if you can't persuade them."

He activated the [Face of the Ambitioner] and threatened with a sullen face: "Then I will burn the pasture every autumn when the pasture is the fattest, kill the horses in the spring when the horses are the thinnest, and go in the summer when the water is the most scarce. Poisoning, prohibiting trade in winter when food is at a minimum.

In addition, from time to time, a small group of elites will be sent to harass, burning grassland, poisoning, and killing young beasts. . "

"It's not that Farran can't deal with the it's just that he has been unable to spare his hands.

Let’s talk about it here, what are the benefits of agreeing to Her Majesty the Queen’s conditions, and what are the consequences of rejecting Fran’s kindness? I believe you understand it. I hope that when you come back, you can bring back one that is good for both of us. information. "


Pomona dragged her bearded cousin away with a complicated expression, and finally only William and Avril were left in the tent.

Her Majesty the Queen stretched lazily, and glanced at William with a pair of peach blossom eyes: "William, what you said seems to be good, why don't we just do as you said?"

William shook his head and said indifferently: "You are joking, the method I said was just to scare her, I hope she will do her best, it is not difficult to do it, the grassland is really too big, just be sure Pastures, water sources, and the location of tribes is a problem."

Her Majesty the Queen smiled. "Hehe, yes, we don't have that many people to draw maps. Moreover, there are no obvious landmarks on the grassland, and even if there is a map, it may not be possible to find the location.

However, Pomona was quite frightened by your words. Be careful that she goes back to take your cousin's anger out. "

William smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he put his hand into his pocket and rubbed it on a cold and hard round object. This thing was the [Hans' Lucky Coin].

When he was walking past the bearded cousin just now, he touched the coin. Next, he was going to verify certain things, and he just needed the ability of this coin.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

William looked up and looked directly into Avril's eyes, and asked in a flat voice:

"Are you sure you don't have anything to tell me?"

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