This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 115: Queen's wrist?

Avril glanced at Hans, who had shriveled again, and couldn't stop laughing. She turned her head to face William behind her, and raised her smooth chin slightly.

William nodded understandingly and said loudly, "Bring that messenger here. As for the guards he brought, they can be arranged in a nearby tent first."

Glancing at the man covered in dust, William added: "Find two more maids, someone needs their help to clean it up."

Soon, a man dressed in a noble costume walked in behind the guard. He first greeted Avril respectfully, then explained his intentions, and presented a letter with flame paint in a low attitude.

Her Majesty the Queen took the envelope and opened it at will. In addition to a few pieces of letter paper, there was also a small yellowish note. This small note was crumpled and exuded an unpleasant sap.

She is very familiar with this kind of crumpled paper. It is made of sedge leaves soaked in magic eucalyptus sap. Although the handwriting feel is very poor, it is not afraid of blisters and the words on it are not easily deformed. It is a spy scout and the like. people's favorite paper.

The scouts of the royal army also use this kind of paper, but the output of this kind of paper has not been very high, and the price is not cheap, so generally only when very important things happen, the scouts are willing to use it to pass news.

Avril smoothed the small note with her fingers and looked at it curiously, but after reading a few words, her expression changed.

"How can it be……"

The expression on Avril's face was quite complicated. She was shocked, puzzled, and even a little joking. She handed the small note in her hand to William behind her, and sighed inexplicably.

"The Farrell family is really... an eye-opener for me."

Hearing her evaluation, the messenger who knew the contents of the note smiled awkwardly, but he didn't open his mouth to explain to the Farrell family.

Avril didn't care either, suppressed the shock in her heart, calmly picked up the scented letterhead, and read it line by line, except for William who saw the faint blue veins on the back of her hand, no one noticed abnormal.

He opened the small folded note and glanced at it. There were only a few lines on it, but the content could be said to be very exciting, and it could even be said to be great news for Avril.

After reading it, he raised his eyebrows, and under Hans' expectant gaze, he raised his hand and handed the note to... Pomona.

Cousin, don't look at it. Anyway, you need someone to explain it again. What are you doing so hard?

Pomona, who didn't know why, took the note, only to see the first sentence, she gasped.

"The head of the house is dead? The head of the Farrell family is dead!"

William glanced at her, probably because the inhalation was a little too strong, and the two palaces of the former Marchioness suddenly expanded a lot, and swayed slightly with extreme ostentation.

However, the next few pieces of news were even more astonishing, and Pomona's proud city house also expanded again and again.

"The Church of Knowledge killed the first heir of the Farrell family?"

"What? It was the youngest son of the Farrell family, and the United Fortune Church attacked his father? All the elite of the Farrell family were wiped out!"

Pomona raised her head sharply and looked at Avril who was reading the letter calmly, with a look of fear on her face, even a hint of fear.

This woman is worthy of being the real power behind Flange. Not only does she take the former king as a puppet, does she even allow the three True God churches to be driven by her?

The three major churches made a brazen attack, and it can be said that the Farrell family suffered an unimaginable heavy blow. If this information is true, then there are probably only two or three big cats and kittens left in the Farrell family's blood, except for the old and weak women and children in Ironthorn City.

Pomona recalled the achievements of the Farrell family. They seized the opportunity that the royal family could not make a move, and in less than a month, they directly destroyed two of the seven major duchies, including the French The capital has been beaten down, and it can be said that it is not powerful.

But who would have imagined that the queen who escaped from the capital in embarrassment in front of her would be the one who had the last laugh? On the contrary, the Farrell family, which seemed unstoppable before, was killed and injured in a blink of an eye, and almost none of the bloodline was left.

An incomparably powerful family actually vanished like this, the queen's skill is really - it is frightening from the bottom of my heart!

Pomona looked at Avril's flat face, and the cold sweat on her back instantly wetted her close-fitting clothes.

I actually wanted to negotiate terms with this kind of person just now? And not only rudely rejected her proposal, but even wanted to beat her? Is it still time for me to be soft?

Behind the scenes · Ai · Black Hand · Wei Er's heart is also not calm, she seems to be calmly reading the letter written by Jessica, but after reading for two full minutes eyes are only on the first letter of the letter Traveling back and forth, I didn't even know what I was reading.

Just as Pomona was shocked by her "wrist", she is now shocked by the strength of the three major churches.

Farrell's family is extremely strong, and even if it is placed in the Marquis family, it is the top group. If you don't count things such as supplies and territories, if you only talk about combat power, it is very likely that none of the seven major duchies, except for the Northern Duchy, are not. their opponents.

But now, the priest of the Church of Eros has just come to look for him, and it didn't take long before he received the news that the Farrell family was almost completely destroyed.

Undoubtedly, this is the naked threat. It is a warning with practical actions not to do anything that will make them misunderstood. It is meaningless to resist.

Avril sighed very secretly.

When she learned that her life had always been manipulated by others, and that she was just a tool deliberately created by the three major churches, she had no idea of ​​resistance.

But now, she has fully understood the truth. In the face of the terrifying strength of the three major churches, she has no room to resist; and the consequences of the undead breaking through the gate of the dead country are too serious, and she does not want to see this happen.

After all, living beings and undead cannot coexist. According to the Church of Eros, although those high-level undead do not like living beings, they may not necessarily attack.

But those low-level undead creatures that only retain a little consciousness are naturally very aggressive towards living beings. If a large number of low-level undead flood into Flange, they will definitely cause countless harm to ordinary people.

Closing the gate of the dead country is a good thing for everyone in Flange, but it is a pity that closing the door of the dead country will cost you your own life.

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