This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 113: 1 scout captured

The silence in the tent was broken, Pomona and Avril began to discuss the conditions for providing food, and William began to think about the origin of species.

I remember that Hans can use the special skills of the Berserker Demon. Maybe he is really two species with himself, at least he is a hybrid with the blood of the Berserker Demon, and according to the strength of the skill, the purity of the bloodline does not seem to be low.

It's just that I don't know if Fanjins has the blood of the mad war demon, or if he is the only one who is a mixed blood of the mad war demon.

Thinking of this, William's expression suddenly changed, and he remembered the people of the Vankins family. If they all had a certain bloodline of the mad war demon, they could develop it well.

Unlike the cannon fodder inferior demons who win by numbers, the mad war demon is one of the main arms of hell. The [Rage Flame Legion] composed of a large number of Tier 4 Berserker Demons is quite powerful, and it is not afraid of death.

When the hundreds of scarlet shock waves spread out on the battlefield, all the melee legions would feel a great headache.

As for the people in the Vankins family, there is not too much. As long as there are twenty people who can awaken their innate skills, even if Ji Bo rushes into the crowd, they will be directly held down, as long as they take turns to give Ji Bo [Blood Trample] , you can entangle him in the crowd. If there is another high-attack profession that can break defense, maybe it can grind him to death at Tier 4.

The more William thought about it, the more he felt that this matter could be dealt with. Now his attack power is on the table, but the problem is that he can't drive anyone. If there is [Blood Trample], according to the theory of relativity in the canyon, if others slow down, I will speed up, and the short board in speed will be made up at once.

From this point of view, building a simplified version of the [Raging Flame Legion] is simply more powerful. It just so happens that the people of the Vankins family are not ready to go against the queen, so if you have the opportunity, you can really try it.

While he was thinking about the possibility of establishing a legion, the conversation between the queen and the former Marchioness once again came to a deadlock.

"You want us to give up part of the grassland and move to the inland closer to the Northern Principality?"

Pomona frowned tightly and waved her hands without hesitation, rejecting Avril's proposal.

"Every fertile grassland is taken by swords, and the grassland is as important to us as life! It is impossible for me and my clan to agree to this condition! Moreover, this is a betrayal of the barbarians, and we may be besieged. of!"

Avril smiled, leaned forward slightly with her upper body, and slowly pressed Pomona's waving hand on the table.

"Why is it not possible? You barbarians do not have their own country, and only reluctantly formed a loose alliance with the suppression of a few large tribes.

I remember those big tribes being called the three great barbarians, right? In my opinion, there is no affiliation between you and the three barbarians at all, and there is no loyalty at all. Now it is just for the continuation of the tribe, making a little change, how can it be called a betrayal? "

Pomona was a little confused, thinking about it, it seemed reasonable, but she still shook her head and refused: "No, although we don't have a country, there are still tribes who will be allied. If we migrate to the interior of France, Must be considered an enemy by most tribes.

Even if the three barbarians will not take the initiative to attack us, this grassland will no longer accept my tribe. If you repent again, we will be completely isolated and helpless, and then we will be completely..."

Avril interrupted Pomona again, grabbed her arm, and pulled her suggestively.

"Then don't worry about that alliance!"

Her Majesty the Queen stared at Pomona's face, and said in a deeply bewitching tone:

"I've always been curious about how the tribal alliance of the barbarians is maintained? Every year, you unilaterally donate a large amount of supplies to the three barbarians who preside over the alliance, including food, horses, cattle and sheep, and even many more. What you lack yourself, what can they give you?"

"Is it possible to pull you in a critical moment? Or can I help you raise food? You small and medium-sized tribes starve to death every year, and they fight with each other. The three barbarians seem to have never cared about your life and death. Bar?"

"Come on, let's figure it out, what you and your tribe can get after attaching the flange."

Her Majesty the Queen turned Pomona's hand over and slowly pressed her pinky back into her palm.

"The first is food. I can promise you that your tribe can buy enough food for the entire tribe to spend the winter at market prices every year. At least they can survive without looting. Is this a benefit for you? "

Pomona hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Very good, then let's talk about the next one."

Her Majesty the Queen smiled, reached out and pressed her ring finger back.

"I can open up a large-scale trading channel. Spices, cloth, even salt and cast iron are all within this range. You can exchange for trained war horses, leather goods, and a large number of livestock, and you will no longer have to be exploited by those big chambers of commerce in the future. …”

Pomona looked at her bent ring and fell into deep thought.

Let’s not talk about life-saving food, just opening up trade is a huge benefit.

It's not that there are no chambers of commerce selling goods on the grasslands, but their goods are surprisingly expensive. At the most demanding, even a healthy adult horse can be exchanged for an old iron pot.

If you can really open up trade to your tribe, the living conditions of the tribe will be guaranteed, and even just by reselling those goods on the grasslands, your tribe will be able to eat and drink.

Even if there are no other conditions, these two items alone are already attractive enough. Compared with these real benefits, those potential dangers do not seem to be unacceptable...

Seeing that Pomona seemed to be motivated, Her Majesty the Queen smiled again and gently pressed her **** back into her palm.

"The last one, as long as you help me stop the harassment on the grasslands, I can fully support you to become a big tribe and make the three big barbarians become the four big barbarians."

Hearing this condition, Pomona's expression suddenly became tense.

"How is that possible! If you really support us to become a big tribe, we will definitely be targeted by the three major barbarians. Although the barbarian population is not as large as your Flanders, you are even in the capital now..."

Feeling her suddenly stiff palm, Her Majesty the Queen knew in her heart that Pomona had been completely persuaded by herself.

Avril's face opened with a smile, and she said with a firm expression, "Are you trying to say that Fran is still in a mess now, worried that he doesn't have the ability?

Don't worry, the current situation won't last long. Didn't you just meet the priest of the Church of Eros? They've promised to help me reunite..."

"Cousin! I caught an enemy scout!"

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