This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: A prison visit and... a meal?

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What? (O_o)??

One of the six cardinals of the Holy See of Light was killed? And it was Melanie who did it?

After listening to the news from the little black cat, William seemed to be stunned when he saw the little mouse with deciduous teeth raiding the cat's nest and stunned the 30-pound big fat orange inside.

He has seen Cardinal Lucas in his last life. This person who has been in the cardinal position for more than 300 years, but a downright "old minister" of the Holy See of Light, is known for his straight, irritable and rigid personality.

If it is converted to some historical themed film and television works, it should be the kind of characters who made countless contributions to the frontier when they were young, and who have given up their positions of real power to do a vacant post when they are old, but they are all over the world. The one with high expectations, the seniority is scary.

Compared with the real "old ministers" in film and television works, whose sponges are so soft that they can be tied into bows, and who have to wear diapers if they want to go to court, this Cardinal Lucas's hands are very "hard", and he is disciplined in one hand. The divine arts are sophisticated and powerful, and even competed with Melanie's grandfather for the position of the Son of God.

As the saying goes, if you want to evaluate a person's level, it mainly depends on who his opponent is. When he was able to wrestle with the strongest pope, the level of Cardinal Lucas is naturally evident. In the ninth-order occupation All of them are first-class Mengren, and considering Melanie's seventh-order bottom...

Gee, it's so free, right?


After calming down a bit, holding a blind cat can hit a dead mouse, maybe even a little miracle, William hurriedly asked:

"And then? What happened to Melanie? Did she run away? How did the Holy See of Light react?"

"How to run? She was a vampire who raided the Holy See of Light, that is, the mouse broke into the cat's nest, and of course was caught, meow~"

After sticking out the tip of her tender tongue and carefully licking the messed up hair again, the little black cat who relaxed a lot said with a relaxed expression:

"As for the Holy See of Light, it has been more than a thousand years since the last time a cardinal was killed, and to be suddenly humiliated by this kind of shame, of course, is out of breath.

And after that Melanie killed Cardinal Lucas, it is estimated that she was severely injured and her strength was greatly reduced. She was caught before she ran far, but because of her special status, most of them were imprisoned in the Inquisition of Heresy. I should wait for the Pope of the Holy See of Light to come back and deal with it. "


The strength is greatly reduced...Are you sure that is not her real strength?

After listening to the little black cat's words, William couldn't help smacking his lips.

That's right, in addition to his ability to hide and hide, that guy's actual combat power is terrifyingly low, and it's a strange thing to be able to escape, because he thinks too much.

As for Melanie's single-killing Lucas... Just kidding, she wants to single-kill a ninth-order cardinal at her level? Even if it is seriously injured, there is no hope, and the most important thing is that the Holy See of Light still really believes in it?

After holding back the old groove, William immediately frowned and pondered.

Although the Cardinal Lucas suffered a loss in the family blood in the end and failed to compete with the old Pope who was a direct descendant of Apollo, his strength should not be underestimated.

Especially when dealing with various "outside" opponents such as demons, undead, dark creatures, etc., he is proficient in discipline and magic. An excellent record against the tenth-order Demon King in a short period of time.

And such a strong man who has lived for more than 400 years, has reached the peak of his life, regardless of strength or experience, even if he meets a vampire of the ninth-order peak, he can hang the other party and fight, just rely on the seven feet of the dish. Jie Melanie, can you beat him?

I can't fight, I don't have the ability to know!

And more importantly, just after he spoke for the old pope and put on the attitude of Biebao Melanie, he immediately added a big basket that could not be covered no matter what, it must be the news leaked Yes, there must be an inner ghost in the upper echelons of the Holy See of Light!

As for planning all of this, it can even easily kill the mastermind behind a ninth-order peak cardinal...


After frowning and thinking for a while, William ignored the little black cat's resistance, buried his face in her soft belly, and said in a loud voice:

"Let me confirm again, according to the information you got from the Church of Shadows, Melanie should be locked up, and there will be no danger to her life in a short time... Right?"

After struggling for a while, it was found to be useless. The little black cat who gave up resistance spread out its limbs, and had to meow weakly, indicating that William's statement was fine.


After lifting his face from the belly of the little black cat, William, who had calmed down again, rubbed the space ring, carefully checked the inventory inside, and then said with a serious face:

"Apart from Melanie, what about the other people I asked you to look after? Take me to find them.

Hmm... Then please go run an errand and help us find a place with a kitchen. This time the amount may be a bit large, and the stock on weekdays alone may not be enough. "


Hiss...what's up with the Inquisition's cell? Is it about some high-level ice elemental creatures? Why is it so cold?

Following a seventh-order fossil giant and walking into the huge underground cell, the gray-haired old woman frowned and felt a chill from somewhere.

She opened her mouth to ask the "jailer" who was leading the way in front of her, and after learning that no sinners who could emit air-conditioning had been detained, the old woman, who felt that something was wrong, was about to ask again, but she heard the fossil giant in front of her urn and said:

"Card Marlene, we have arrived, the criminal you are looking for is in the cell ahead."

Has it arrived yet?

Although there was still a strange sense of crisis in her heart, after seeing the small figure in the cell through the translucent crystal barrier, the old woman temporarily put down the question and nodded and said:

"Thank you for your hard work. Go and open the cell. I want to go in and talk to her."

"This... I'm sorry, I'm afraid not."

After hearing the old woman's words, the fossil giant jailer hesitated for a while, and then began to shake his head greatly, so that the thick white stone skin around his neck quickly cracked, and large and small pieces fell to the ground. .

"Cardinal Marlene, the criminal you are looking for is locked in the second-level cell, second only to those great villains who are blasphemous and cannot be completely killed, so whether it is the rules of the inquisition or for your safety Consider, I can't even open the prison and let you in.

Otherwise, you should ask outside, and I can open a small window for you, so as not to delay your interrogation... uh... Wait! Dare to ask what is in your hand..."

"The Pope's order, you can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem with the origin of these tokens."

After putting away the half-cut stone tablet with the white light flashing in her hand, the old woman explained with a somewhat indifferent expression:

"Before leaving, His Excellency the Pope kept the three Pope's decrees that belonged to him. In addition to the two Pope's decrees in the hands of Card Reese and I, there are a total of five Pope's decrees here."

"No, no, I didn't doubt you."

The fossil giant hurriedly shook his head, expressing that he did not intend to offend, and then said with some hesitation:

"It's just... She was just locked in. According to the rules here, no matter what the evil power in her body must be ground, and then three pairs of ribs can be nailed with holy relic chains before..."

"Since you choose to follow the rules with me, you should strictly follow the rules!"

Seeing the fossil giant who was still hesitating, the old woman snorted coldly.

"According to the rules set by the first Pope, each of the six cardinals holds one papal decree, and the pope alone holds three papal decrees, and as long as more than half of these nine papal decrees are combined, they will be able to travel unimpeded in the Holy See. decides most things!

These things include arbitrarily checking all level-two and below information, opening all forbidden places below level-two including level two, and even slightly opening the abyss passage when the Pope is present!

Although the prison of your Heresy Inquisition is not a forbidden area, and its powers and responsibilities have always been relatively independent, the authority level of this cell is still only second-order, so if you follow the rules, let alone let you open the cell, I even ordered You are eligible to release people on the spot! "

After reprimanding the fossil giant with a stern expression, the old woman ordered coldly:

"Now, do your thing! Open the cell immediately and let me in!"

It seems that he did not expect Cardinal Marlene to be so tough. The fossil giant with a height of more than 15 meters was stunned for a while. The huge lamp with a diameter of more than five meters in his hand was placed on the ground, and his palms were stretched flat against the translucent crystal barrier in front of him.


With a humming sound like a metal tremor, the crystal barrier that was harder than gold and stone in front of him was slightly softer, and the arms of the fossil giant sank directly into it, and his arms covered with white stone skin gradually became crystal clear. The crystal barrier was transformed into the exact same material, and most of the forearm went directly into it.

"Cardinal Marlene, although you should already know it, as the guard of this crystal prison, I still need to repeat it with you."

The huge body was half-kneeling on the ground, and after making a tearing action with great effort, the stone skin cracked all over, and the fossil giant who thumped and dropped the fragments opened his mouth, and exclaimed:

"First of all, the time I can separate the crystal barrier is limited, so you don't stay after asking questions, you must get out of it as soon as possible; secondly, there is a magic pattern that collects sounds in the cell, and every conversation you have with the criminal will be ignored. Record;

Finally, even if you have five papal decrees, when you leave here, you still have to undergo the most stringent inspection, so as not to be escaped by criminals with special abilities, or to pass on the internal situation or news... …”

"Got it."

After frowning and nodding, the old woman said with a slightly impatient expression:

"It's annoying to have to say these two words every time! Hurry up and open the cell, I know everything you said! Check what you want!"



After sighing heavily in his heart, even though he was still very reluctant to open the cell, the five Pope decrees were placed on his head, and the fossil giant had to kneel on his knees reluctantly, almost melting into two crystals. Arms exerted force from left to right, forcibly tore a hole in the center of the crystal barrier.

After walking in through this one-person-high small opening, looking at Melanie who was nailed to the cross in front of her, the old woman walked over quickly and checked her condition with a distressed face.

"That **** Cassidy! It's so hard to strike!"

On Melanie's body, she found more than a dozen sword wounds with transparent front and back. After the most dangerous one was only a few millimeters away from the heart, the old woman said with anger:

"I told him all about it! You must not have done this! When you were arrested, you were a little lighter, as long as you brought people back, that **** didn't keep his hands at all! He almost killed you directly. It's gone!"

After hearing some familiar voices, Melanie, whose lips were white due to excessive blood loss, raised her head, and after recognizing it through the faint light, she said in a trance:

"Marlene... Auntie?"

"Son, it's me."

She stretched out her hand with a distressed face, and after pressing twice on Melanie's wound, the sullen old woman hurriedly rolled up her sleeves, made a blood cut on her wrist, and handed it to Melanie with tears in her eyes. in front of Ni.

"You're suffering... Come on, take a breath and relieve your injuries first."

After smelling the fragrant blood in front of her, Melanie's face flushed slightly, her lips instinctively moved twice, but she didn't bite it, but shook her head weakly and said:

"Aunt Marlene... I didn't do it... I really didn't kill him. When I was sent there, Lucas was already dead in the hall... I didn't..."

"Well, I know it must not be done by you, but... ugh!"

After interrupting Melanie's explanation, the old woman sighed helplessly, and then said in a low voice:

"Although I hate Cassidy for hurting you, I hope you don't blame him. He and Lucas have been friends for hundreds of years. He didn't kill you on the spot when he was emotional. He should have tried to control it. The result is, if it weren't for me really can't live without it... ah! Forget it, let's not talk about this for now!"

She stretched out her hand distressedly, and pulled Melanie's loose braids behind her ears. The old woman drew the blood a little deeper, and insisted on handing over her **** wrist.

"Come on! Child, take a breath, it's too painful for you."

"No... no need... I don't want to touch this anymore..."

Pressing her lips, she shook her head After avoiding the wrist that was handed to her mouth, Melanie looked at the woman in front of her and asked with a hopeful expression:

"Aunt Marlene, since you also think that it must not be done by me, then... is it possible for me to go out?"

"Let's talk about that kind of thing later, just like countless times in the past, the Pope will definitely not give up on you."

After interrupting Melanie's words again, the old woman handed her wrist forward with a check, but this time, the movement was a little rough, and she even pushed Melanie's lips away.


"Good boy, don't make trouble. The most important thing for you right now is to use my blood to restore your body first."

As the old woman spoke, she pressed her wrist hard, and the wound with the flesh rolled up against her teeth. While it stained Melanie's teeth, a strong **** smell spread in her mouth instantly. Come on.

She stretched out her other hand and squeezed Melanie's cheek. In her extremely frightened expression, the old woman rubbed her wrist against Melanie's teeth with force, while rubbing the wound to the point where it was bloody. At the same time, a large amount of blood was successfully squeezed into her mouth little by little.

"Fine, that's it."

Unlike the increasingly violent movements of her hands, the old woman's voice was gentle and kind, with a strange and calming magic.

While frantically scraping her arm, ignoring the increasingly shocking wound on her wrist, and forcibly squeezed a large amount of blood in, the red-eyed old woman pressed close to Melanie's ear, The voice of strange power coaxed softly:

"Good boy...just a little have to heal your wounds early, the Pope is waiting for you!" (To be continued)

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