This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 997: 1 step early, 1 step late

Although I vaguely feel that this is a bit inappropriate, as a strong person in the entire Austrian continent, the Millennium Saint is still very confident in her own strength, so she did not raise any objection to the Pope's plan to pull people again. .

After all, apart from the female Pope who was seriously injured and hard to recover, the remaining three high-level professionals were the first Pope of the Church of Knowledge, the Millennium Saint of the Church of Eros, and the current strongest Pope of the Holy See of Light. , there is no good stubble at all.

Especially the bright-faced Pope, who holds the Holy Light, he is the nemesis of all the undead, even if William is really daring to go deep into the underworld and bring in some high-level undead, it doesn't matter, the first few are very special. In addition to the undead, most of the underworld creatures are absolutely impossible to be his opponents.

And what really needs to worry about... Maybe it's himself, the Pope's opinion of William... It doesn't seem to be very good...

Looking at the Pope of Light, who had gotten rid of the state of trees, and was floating in the sky with his eyes closed without saying a word, he recalled that when he flew over a few days ago, he angrily asked about William's whereabouts, the Millennium Saintess couldn't help but I was sweating for someone in my heart.

Strange, William, he has never been to the Holy City of the Holy See, right? How did he provoke the strongest pope?

"Your Majesty, I have already finished preparations on my side, and it is time for you to provide the artifact."

After hearing the polite reminder from the "bare-ass old man", the Millennium Saint, who was still pondering the "grievances and grievances" between William and the strongest Pope, came back to her senses, smeared **** the back of her left hand, and directly removed two pieces of it. The strings come out.

"It's already quite a few!"

After seeing the frown of the Pope, the Holy Maiden of Love first said:

"In the body of the saint, there is enough divine power to allow the 12th-order Eros to complete a single descent. The speed at which these two strings pass through the soul and absorb the divine power is already far beyond the average tenth-order professional. .

And that Destiny Sequence Professional has not yet reached the ninth order, increasing the number will not improve the speed, and it will also damage the vitality of the saint too much, so only two strings are enough! "

"Okay, let's do this first. If the fate magic can't be activated for a long time, we will increase the number at that time."

Relying on a little understanding of the Fate Sequence, after roughly estimating the corresponding consumption, the Pope nodded in approval of this statement, and then gave a threatening look to a hard-working old tool man.


Alas... It's really terrible, not only do I have to "work" at night, but I also have to work during the day. If there is a next life, I will definitely be single to death!

With two sharp pains coming from his back, after feeling the pure divine power flowing through the strings, the old man Cameron, who was grinning in pain, hurriedly closed his eyes, clasped his hands tremblingly, and said a prayer on his chest. posture.

That kid named William is very troublesome. For those who have had deep contact with him, the entire trajectory will be covered up. Even people and dogs can't see clearly, but fortunately this time, there is no need to look at the fate of those people. , just need to find the targets that have been in contact with him, and then pull them all back.

Hmm... Let's see, from the time I entered the gate of the dead country to now, I have had some indirect contact with him, and there are a total of goals that are still alive...

More than ten thousand?

After roughly estimating the number of fate trajectories, the old man Cameron with his eyes closed couldn't help frowning forcefully. There were only a few thousand people in the entire Qing Suppression Corps, and most of the more than 10,000 targets were probably undead.

Hmm... I can't help it. Not only can't I tell the difference now, but even if I can tell it, I don't have the strength to pull one by one, so it's more important to get Karina back.

Anyway, what that kid can contact, it is estimated that they are all low-level undead, and it is impossible to be an opponent of so many Pope and Saintess, just pull them all back!

Followers of fate?

Feeling the force of destiny that was constantly trying to extend to him, but was crushed by the priesthood of death again and again, the **** of death who was looking for the fishing rod frowned, raised his hand and prepared to pull this arrogant human over and let him advance. end your own life.

However, relying on the power of the priesthood of death, after checking the strength of the opponent's vitality a little, the idle **** of death pondered, and in the end he didn't do anything, but just wiped out the power of destiny of a certain golden giant connected to the door.

Forget it, this person is not far from his [destined death]. Sooner or later, he will step into the Styx by himself. Killing him now is equivalent to providing strength to his sister who masters [death without end] in vain.

Moreover, the endless abyss has been fighting everywhere for two years, and I can hardly hold her back. Sooner or later, she will take back the control of her body. It is a day to be able to spend more time outside.

Hmm... Well, those humans are walking too slowly, right? It is a bit hard to cross the space from the underworld to return to the Austrian continent, or else I would not have opened the door deliberately at the beginning, but how long has it been since then, why did the kid come to the end alone?

Also, since he has already come to an end, why doesn't he just get out of here? What is the cat doing in the space rift?

If William at this time could hear the question of the **** of death, he would definitely tell him with tears in his eyes, it's not that I don't want to get out of the way, the main reason is that the location where your passage is opened is a little bit of a hole. If I dare to go out now, I guess I will immediately I have to go back down the Styx to chat with you.

Across the last layer of transparent space barrier, after seeing the gloomy face of a middle-aged and handsome man looking up at the sky, William wisely gave up the plan to open the crack and rush out, and instead silently opened the [King's Man], ready to go. Find a king who is as far away as possible to be the coordinates, and then slip away from the gate of the dead country first.

However, even though I am planning to run away from someone, it does not mean that I am afraid of Melanie's grandfather, but because I have all living beings in the Austrian continent in my heart.

After all, if the current highest combat power ascends to heaven, the demons who have coveted the Austrian continent for a long time will definitely try to launch a war of aggression immediately, and the under-prepared Austrian continent will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

So in order to avoid a tragic situation where life is ruined, I clearly have the strength to defeat the Pope of Light head-on, but I can only choose to endure the humiliation and bear the burden and forcibly hold back... eh? What is shaking me?

After reaching out and blocking it in discomfort, William, whose eyes were dazzled by something shiny, frowned, but UU Reading saw his face buried in the chest of his round-faced niece, shaking violently. Her Majesty the Queen.

And a shiny coin quietly emerged from her pocket halfway, twisting desperately as if her **** was on fire, trying to control the tiny spot of light, swiping across his face from bottom to top again and again.

Swing from the bottom to the top... What does pulling the crotch goddess mean? Is it to remind me to look up?

After frowning a little puzzled, William followed the hint of the goddess of pulling the crotch, raised his head and looked up in confusion, and then opened his mouth in confusion.

"Fuck! You guys are drying your hair!!"


No pigeon, but the second chapter is estimated to be more than 12.40.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


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