This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 101: door of the dead

Thinking of the ninth-rank powerhouse who was almost instantly killed, Avril had completely given up the idea of ​​resistance. Although I still don't know what the people who love the Church of God are up to, but in the face of absolute strength, all struggles are powerless.

She calmed down and asked, "What is the gate of the dead country? Why does he open it every five hundred years? Why do the blood descendants of us evil... demons exist?"

When the middle-aged beauty saw that Avril had calmed down, she smiled and explained: "The gate of the dead country is the only passage between the Austrian continent and the land of death, and your existence is to seal it and avoid those from the Styx River. The detached dead poured into the land of the living.

As for the place full of death, I think you may be more familiar with another name for it - the underworld. "


Avril pursed her lips lightly and said in surprise, "Isn't that where people's souls go after they die?"

"Yes, but not quite."

Berry replied softly: "The soul of a person after death is under the control of Lord Death, and he is merciful to allow the souls of all living beings after death to drift along the River Styx until they flow into the land of the end to be reborn.

The place where the River Styx flows is the underworld, but not all souls enter the end smoothly, and there are often a large number of souls that leave in the middle.

Some are because of strong obsessions, some are because the intensity of the soul itself is very high, and most of them 'go ashore' because of some accidents. These souls did not leave with the Styx, but retained a certain consciousness. The land of the dead has become a new 'life', they are the undead of the underworld.

The low-level undead are just ignorant, wandering in the underworld all day long, and will not return to the Styx until they have completely exhausted their spirituality and strength. However, not all undead are like this. Those who have awakened their wisdom even retained the part of their lives. The undead of memory misses this land all the time..."

It was the first time that Her Majesty the Queen had heard of these things. The secrets from Berry's mouth seemed to bring ancient myths from books to reality, and placed them in front of her one by one.

She listened to the middle-aged beauty's narration in a trance, as if she had seen countless figures of wanderers in the underworld, and countless souls yearning for sunshine and warmth.

For some unknown reason, she seemed to experience the never-ending regret and loneliness, as if she had been one of them. After being silent for a while, she sighed softly.

"They... are also very pitiful. The more souls who love life, the more unwilling they will be in their hearts. Perhaps for them, the more memories they have left behind, the deeper the pain will be. Maybe they will wash away everything. The Styx is their best home."


If William heard this, he would definitely complain about her in his heart.

Your old man said something nice, but you didn't do this in your previous life.

After Her Majesty the Queen was stabbed to death by Peter in the last life, when that unique soul floated in the River Styx, it was very conspicuous.

No matter how bright other souls are, it is a desk lamp. Avril's soul is like a xenon headlight, and she is disturbed by resentment, so she doesn't have a strong sense of existence.

After being discovered by a passing gangster and brought ashore, Her Majesty the Queen did not say a word, lay directly on the bank of the Styx River and poured the power of death on her body, and reincarnated into a vengeful banshee on the spot. Talent, in a few years, became the king of banshees.

Not only did he lead the army of the undead to wash Flange with blood, he even built a kingdom belonging to the undead, and he issued decrees every day to repair facilities, making the ruined capital even more majestic than before. In addition, her queen is better than 99% of the kings of the Ofa continent.

When he was alive, he failed to fulfill his wish to pacify Flange. After death, he was really addicted. As for what Styx is the best destination? To that revenge banshee Avril, it's just a piece of bullshit, I love you, my mother is much happier than when she was alive,


Berry naturally didn't know that Avril would be so "inconsistent in words and deeds". At this time, he looked at Avril with a sympathetic face and admired inwardly. He never thought that Her Majesty the Queen had such a noble character.

As expected of the saint chosen by the God of Eros, when others heard that the undead wanted to return to the Austrian continent, their expressions were either fearful or fearful, or at the very least nervous, but she actually sympathized with the pain of the undead.

On the solemn and serious face of the middle-aged beauty, there was a smile from the heart, Lord Saint is actually such a gentle person, perhaps this is the best result.

He squatted down slowly, knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his heart, and performed the highest courtesy of a clergyman to Avril.

"Sir Saint, your kindness is touching."

He said regretfully: "You are simply the most perfect agent for Lord Eros. If you had joined the Eros Church, you would have at least become a priest, and maybe even a great pastor."

Avril gave a perfunctory smile after hearing the compliment. Quan should be a compliment, and did not take this statement to Simu is an alias for a bishop, second only to cardinals, popes and saints. under the woman.

Even in the Church of True God, there are not many such big figures. They are basically held by professionals above the sixth rank. In the Holy See, which rules an entire country, even the seventh-rank professional is required to serve.

Although the name of Flange is Empire, it is actually only the size of a province of the Holy Empire. Even the fourth-tier professionals are pitiful, let alone the sixth- and seventh-tier powerhouses.

At this moment, she seemed to think of something and asked, "Your Excellency Berry, who built the gate of the dead country, and why did it open in Flange?"

The middle-aged beauty smiled gently and corrected Avril Lavigne's words.

"Master Saint, it's not that the gate of the dead country opens in Flange, but the whole of Flange exists because of the gate of the dead country. Moreover, this gate itself was not built for the undead to pass through.

It is said that in the mythical age when the gods still lived in the world, Lord Death, in order to facilitate the inspection of the Stygian River, specially built this gate that can travel between the Aofa Continent and the Underworld.

After all the gods raised the kingdom of God and completely left the Aofa continent, Lord Death directly moved to the end of the Styx and never left again, and this door was abandoned by him.

After the endless years passed, some of the strongest among the undead discovered this door, and a large number of undead eager to return to the world poured into the Austrian continent, and even indirectly led to the collapse of the elf dynasty that ruled the entire continent.

For some reason, the gods at that time could no longer come directly. After paying a great price, all the races on the Austrian continent joined forces to drive the undead back to the underworld.

However, the real trouble has only just begun. "

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