This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 99: Fail to fool

Seeing that this silly girl suddenly became smart, William had to sigh quietly and gave up his plan to extract information from her.

Gee! I had already been flickering and lame before, why did I suddenly react? I had known that when she called me dad just now, she said yes, or she would have told me when she was stunned.

While secretly regretting that he didn't get off the donkey just now, William stretched out his finger to point at the tip of the dagger, pushing the two daggers with a disgusting aura away, and asked the girl with a flat face:

"Charm? What charm? What are you talking about?"

Although she has reacted to it, it is impossible to admit it. It is impossible for me to admit it in my life. As long as my question marks are posted faster than my teammates, other people, including herself, will think that it is not my problem.

The round-faced girl was indeed coaxed by William's calm attitude. Looking at the man in front of her with Gu Jing Bubo's demeanor, she began to drum up in her heart, wondering if she had misunderstood something.

Seeing the hesitant look on her Xiao Yuan's face, William resolutely started to pursue the victory, and began to ask questions three times with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't we have a good chat just now? Are you feeling sick?"


The round-faced girl put away her dagger embarrassingly, her face flushed with shame.

She checked her state, and her mental power was still running smoothly. It didn't look like she had been stimulated by charm or something. Could it be that she had misunderstood him?

She raised her little face and looked at William's innocent face. The more she looked at that honest and reliable face, the more she felt that she had misunderstood.

When ordinary people do bad things and get caught on the spot, they must be so embarrassed that they want to dig a hole in the ground to get in, how can they look at themselves so confidently?

She stared at William's serious and paralyzed face in a trance, and the more she looked, the more she felt that this uncle was very kind.

On the contrary, there is something wrong with me. It is very impolite not to answer the question, but I still draw a sword at others. What happened to me? Why did such an outrageous thing happen?

The round-faced girl felt more ashamed the more she thought about it, and hurriedly bowed to William with a blushing face.

"Uncle...Uncle, I'm sorry I misunderstood."

William nodded slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a friendly smile.

"It doesn't matter, but I'm really curious about saints. I've been with Her Majesty the Queen for a while, but I haven't found out that she's a follower of the Church of Eros, so how did the term saint come from? You? Can you talk to me?"

The round-faced girl hesitated for a moment, and the intimacy welling up in her heart told her: Let's talk, there's nothing that can't be said, the man in front of him is not a bad person, so what if I tell him?

But Uncle Berry's earnest face reappeared.

' must must not reveal it...absolutely! ……Very important! ’

I seem to... What I say will have serious and serious consequences, shouldn't I say it?

The round-faced girl shook her head, trying to shake this weird feeling out, but she finally gritted her teeth, overcame the hazy intimacy, and rejected William's gentle question.

"Uncle... I can't say it. This matter is very important. Uncle Berry and Dad didn't let me talk about it!"

She glanced at William timidly, saw a look of disappointment on the face of this very young uncle, and couldn't help but feel a burst of guilt in her heart.

He was really too much. He drew his sword to face such a gentle and kind uncle. He was not angry at all, he just asked a question, but he didn't even answer a question.

The round-faced girl lowered her head guiltily, not daring to look up at her uncle's kind face, and said tentatively:

"Or... After I go back, I'll ask my father, tell him that there is an uncle who wants to know about the saints, and ask him if he can tell... eh?... By the way, what's your name, uncle?"

Yes...what is the name of this handsome uncle?

Because she lowered her head, the girl who temporarily escaped the influence of [Assassin's Appearance] was stunned for a moment, feeling an inexplicable chill welling up in her heart.

I actually recognized a person who didn't even remember his name as an uncle? He didn't even resist touching my head, and he even wanted to tell him about the saint? !


The words are divided into two parts. William on the other side is trying to trick the ignorant girl, and Avril on the side is sitting upright on the chair, ready to listen to the women's clothing boss about his intentions.

When William was stopped by the round-faced girl, she also worried whether the people from the Church of Eros were not good people, but thinking about the record of this person in front of him "killing" Gilbert, she still chose to believe him once.

After all, there is nothing she can do. She doesn't want to trust this priest of unknown origin. The problem is that she can't beat her.

The middle-aged beauty did not come up with a lot of harsh conditions as Avril thought, but pulled some loose hair behind her ears, and said to her solemnly:

"Your Majesty, what I'm about to say next is very important, and you may find it unbelievable, but I can swear to my God that everything I say is true.

Also, if you have any, please try not to interrupt me. After all is said, I can answer all your questions one by one. "

Avril nodded in surprise when she saw the serious look of the women's clothing boss. She originally thought that the Church of Eros wanted to discuss the benefits of cooperation, but it seemed that it was really serious?

Belle nodded in relief, and spit out a shocking thunder.

"Your Majesty, you are not a pure human being. You have the blood of a demon in you."


Avril kicked down the chair suddenly and stood up, her charming face full of uncontrollable anger.

"Impossible! If you're here to make fun of me, even if you're a fourth-level professional who is backed by the Church of the True God, I'll..."

The woman's clothing boss had such an expression on his face as expected, his white wrists twirled slightly, and his palms with floral aroma pressed down, signaling Avril to calm down and listen to himself first.

He explained sincerely: "Your Majesty, what I said is true, and it's not just you, including the Seven Duchy of France, all the direct lineages of the dukes are not pure human beings, they are mixed with corresponding Demon blood."

How can it be!

Avril's pretty face turned cold. Just when she was about to refute this almost nonsense remark, she seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and her whole body froze in place.

"Seven... seven deadly sins?"

Berry nodded solemnly, and said with satisfaction: "As expected of a saint of Lord Eros, even if you haven't studied the scriptures of the Church of Eros, you still guessed part of the truth in an instant."

Avril smiled bitterly, feeling that her understanding of the entire Flange completely collapsed at this moment.

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