This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 62: Peninsula No. 13! A fleeting light!

Evil aside.

The Chambord Archipelago is definitely the most prosperous island in this sea, maybe not even one of them.

Peninsula 44.

This peninsula, with its unique sightseeing scenery and special bubble products as its main selling points, is more prosperous than the central towns of some large islands!

Cui Ze, Smog, and Vergo came all the way from Peninsula 69, and the Sequence 40 Island that arrived first was this one.

Glancing at the time, Cui Ze offered to suggest.

"Let's have lunch first! Only when you're full will you have the strength to play."

Vergo nodded hurriedly, and he was already hungry.


Practice domineering.

Are they all energy-intensive?

Smog wanted to buy some cigars first, but the minority obeyed the majority and were forcibly taken to a nearby restaurant.

into the restaurant.

Neither Smog nor Vergo were polite to Cui Ze, and it was a frenzy to pick up the menu.

Cui Ze didn't care, but took the initiative to join them.

Anyway, no matter how much these two goods are ordered, there is no Cui Ze who can eat them together.

Said to be "invitation to dinner".

In fact, Smoker and Vergo are two of the most notable additions.

Even if I add another war peach pill—


That guy Zhan Taomaru is really edible!

A lot of food was brought up by the restaurant waiter.

The "three brothers of the sea soldiers" suddenly ate and drank nonsense.

After two minutes, Smoker withdrew from the fight;

Five minutes later, Vergo withdrew from the fight;

And the ruthless Cui Dry Rice Machine Ze continued to eat wildly.

After obtaining the entry [Big Stomach King], Cui Ze's ability to dry rice directly increased by almost one-third.

After eating all the food on the table, Cui Ze was barely full.

"already ate?"

Smokey, who was addicted to smoking, shook his thighs, looking urgent.

"Go out quickly when you're full, this restaurant doesn't allow smoking indoors!"

"You can smoke if you want!"

Cui Ze touched his stomach and waved at the smoker.

"I want to eat a little more, but I'm not enjoying it."

Looking at the messy table full of empty plates piled up like a mountain.

Smoker: …

Vergo: …

"That's it!" Smoker stood up, "I'll go outside for a cigarette first, and I'll be right back."

Cui Ze shook his hands without raising his head, and quickly ordered another table of food.

Just when Cui Ze was enjoying the "small snacks after dinner".

Suddenly there was a loud chatter on the table next to him.

"Hey, have you heard of it? Today there is a very big auction on Peninsula 13. It is said that many slaves who escaped from Mary Joa before have been recaptured and plan to open it again. auction!"

"Don't Mary Joa's slaves belong to the Dragon people? Why would anyone openly auction those slaves?"

"Who knows? Who might be behind the slave auction on Peninsula 13?"

"Just slaves? No other famous knives or devil fruits?"

Cui Ze's ears moved suddenly, keenly grasping the key point.

Unfortunately, one of his ideas quickly fell through.

Just listen to the rough voice who spoke at first.

"As far as I know, this auction on Peninsula 13 is really only slaves, but the quality of slaves is very high! Anyone who is interested can go and see!"

You are afraid of being a nurse!

Cui Ze pouted.

He wouldn't care if there was no Devil Fruit auction—

and many more!

Peninsula 13! ?

Isn't that the peninsula where Xia Qi's rip-off bar is located?

There are also sub-level youkai who are as famous as MR3, such as Hades, Sirbaz Reilly!

"Rayleigh", "Xia Qi", "Slave Auction"...

These words flashed through Cui Ze's mind one after another. He always felt that there was a certain event connected with these words, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Virgo noticed Cui Ze's strangeness, and he glanced in the direction of the conversation, "Are you interested in the slave auction they said?"

"Not at all."

Cui Ze shook his head, throwing irrelevant things out of his mind.

He didn't really need to pay attention to old Rayleigh's actions at the moment.

Old Rayleigh is not the MR3 in his prime, he is just an old pirate who has retired for many years.

Cui Ze explained: "I'm only curious about the devil fruit."

Cui Ze, a marine soldier with great potential, is very interested in Devil Fruits...

Virgo took this information in his heart and planned to report it to the young master Dover later.

But then again.

Since the end of the original encounter, the young master said that he was entangled by Lieutenant General Crane, and then he had no time to communicate...

Can't the young master solve an aging mother-in-law lieutenant general?

Vergo was puzzled.

After all, in his eyes, the young master is a natural king who wants to wrestle with the emperor of the sea!

How could Tianyasha be afraid of Lieutenant General? !

Virgo suppressed the doubts in his heart and responded to the topic Cui Ze had just said.

"Devil fruits are very rare. Even large auctions may not always offer auctions of devil fruits, especially those top-notch ones!"

"I see."

Cui Ze nodded and looked at Vergo very sincerely.

In fact, your Don Quixote family can always provide some super top devil fruits.

The fruit of surgery, the fruit of gold gold, the fruit of burning fire, etc...

There will be opportunities in the future for us to do business!

When you guys are ready, I'll get the Devil Fruits!

That's what everyone does anyway.

Just when Cui Ze was about to open his mouth to talk about Vergo's hometown in the North Sea and his views on the famous big pirate in the North Sea.

There was another chatter from the next table.

This time, Cui Ze couldn't ignore it.

It was the voice of the man who was suspected to be the nurse of the auction house.

"In this slave auction, there are many kings of the World Government countries! Among them are the Goya Kingdom in the East China Sea, the...

A guest who was aroused curiously asked: "What are these big men doing here? Are they taking slaves from the Tianlong people?"

"I think they may want to take pictures of and then turn their heads and dedicate them to the Tianlong people, so as to gain the favor of the Tianlong people. For example, what kind of duck is that small country in the East China Sea, hahaha!"

(Dragonians did visit Goa Kingdom, and by the way, they also sank Sabo's boat)

Cui Ze didn't pay much attention to the gossip of several guests, he just caught the specific term "Bruchoa Kingdom".


Cui Ze, whose face suddenly became "heavy", suddenly stood up.

"I have something to do first."

Vergo didn't know why, but he saw Cui Ze's ugly face and nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, you go, I'll explain to Smoker later."

Cui Ze, who had a "heavy expression", didn't even have time to say goodbye to Vergo, so he rushed out of the restaurant door and flew towards the No. 13 peninsula.

Vergo was left alone in the dining room.

A few minutes later, Smoker walked in from the outside with a happy face full of smoke. He looked around and couldn't see Cui Ze's figure, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Vergo, where's Cui Ze?"

Vergo explained: "Cui Ze just heard the conversation of the guests at the nearby table, and then said that he had something to go out, and he hasn't come back yet."

Smoker nodded, suddenly aware that something was wrong.

"You said... Cui Ze left?"

Virgo said, "Yes."

Smoker immediately asked, "Did Cui Ze say when he'll be back?"


Smog glanced at the shocking number of plates on the table and swallowed subconsciously.

"Cui Ze, has he settled the bill?"

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