This Omega is Fierce and Wild

Chapter 123: Doomsday Extra Story (1)

After a fierce battle, there was a mess everywhere.

Qiu Yu randomly tore a fairly clean cloth from a corpse, wiped off the blood-stained long knife in his hand, and walked around the field again, recovering all the arrows that had just been shot.

"Captain," a boy who looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old trotted over, "the number of people has been counted, 62 corpses, 24 of them belonged to Zhu Dashi's gang, 19 were killed by us, and the other 5 were in the He was killed when attacking this settlement...It's a pity that he ran away three or four times, but Zhu Dashi's confidant was not caught."

"Hmm." Qiu Yu remained expressionless, "Are there any survivors?"

"I haven't found it yet." The young man tutted, "Zhu Dashi's gang is notoriously ruthless, let alone men, even women and children..."

Unexpectedly, halfway through his words, he was interrupted by another voice not far away: "Captain! There is a survivor here! The injury is a bit serious, come and take a look!"

When Qiu Yu heard it, he immediately turned around and trotted over. While running, he had already taken out the first aid kit from his arms.

The survivor was a boy, about eleven or twelve years old, his figure was not considered weak, but there were scars all over his body, the heaviest one was a knife wound from his left shoulder to his right abdomen, his ribs were visible, he was almost killed The child was disembowelled.

The first aid items at hand were limited, so Qiu Yu could only simply stop the child's bleeding first, then use the materials at the scene to tie up a stretcher, put the seriously injured child on it, and let two members of the team carry it back to the temporary station— There was an accompanying military doctor in the temporary garrison, and with her there, the child's chances of survival would be much higher.

After Qiu Yu led the team to clean up the battlefield, transported back the supplies there in batches, and buried the innocent residents of the settlement who were killed by the gang of thugs, he returned to the station.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped into the camp, he was hurriedly dragged away by an assistant next to the military doctor.

"That child is very dangerous, and now he needs type O blood." The assistant said as he walked, "Zhou Xiaoluo has given him a transfusion once, it's not enough, so I can only look for you!"

Recently, this place is not peaceful. Qiu Yu was ordered by the regular army of Luo City to bring people to encircle and suppress the armed gangs who committed crimes of burning, killing and looting nearby, and also cleaned up the mutated herds wandering around. In the ten or so days since the team set off, they have already fought seven or eight battles, large and small.

In a war, someone is bound to get hurt. With today's medical equipment, it is impossible to carry blood bags during the march. When soldiers are seriously injured and need blood transfusions, they can only give blood directly person-to-person. Qiu Yu had given blood transfusions to the wounded two days ago, and logically speaking, he couldn't afford another blood transfusion.

But the situation was urgent, and other blood-type matching people in the team had donated blood to their teammates in the past few days. As the captain, he is naturally obliged.

Soon, Qiu Yu arrived at the temporary medical tent.

Now there are three seriously wounded people lying here, two of them are their comrades-in-arms, and the other is the boy he just rescued from the battlefield.

The boy was lying flat on the ground covered with white sheets. The long wound in front of him had been stitched up and applied with medicine, but his face looked very pale, and his fingertips even showed a little corpse-like bluish white. Obviously the blood in the body is very insufficient.

Qiu Yu didn't speak, walked straight to the young man, sat on a raised wooden shelf, rolled up his sleeves, and handed his arm to the military doctor.

The military doctor didn't say anything, and quickly wiped and disinfected Qiu Yu's arm. He inserted a needle into a blood vessel without hesitation, then smoothed the soft rubber infusion tube, and then stuck the needle at the other end into the seriously injured boy.

Bright red blood gurgled along the tube, connecting a lifeline between the two.

The exhaustion after the battle gradually came up with the loss of blood. Qiu Yu leaned on the supply bag behind the wooden frame and began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

After an unknown period of time, he was slapped awake mercilessly by the military doctor.

The military doctor pinched the needle hole on his arm, and raised his chin at him: "Press it yourself. Just now Lin Qi came over and said that they hunted a young buck that didn't mutate, and left you a bowl of deer blood. You don't look very good Okay, remember to drink when you go back."

These days, resources are scarce, and there is no good food to replenish blood. A bowl of deer blood is a rare nutrient.

Qiu Yu nodded. Seeing that the fingertips of the young man lying on the ground were no longer as pale as a corpse, he guessed that he might have recovered, so he got up and left the medical tent.

In the next few days, Qiu Yu led the team out to wipe out two mutant beast lairs, and finally cleared up all the threats detected by the scouts a few days ago.

After returning to the temporary camp, the assistant of the military doctor came to tell him that the boy finally had a fever and woke up.

Qiu Yu gave orders to prepare for the camp, and then immediately went to the medical tent—not to visit the boy, but to ask some questions.

Mu Feibai never thought that when he woke up again, he would still be stuck in this inexplicable world.

Last time he woke up in a daze in his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of purgatory on earth.

He didn't know where he was, he just thought that he had a very real nightmare. In the dream, the small settlement he was in was attacked by bandits, and he was surrounded and had to take up weapons. In order to survive Go down and work hard.

At that moment, when the enemy's knife fell on him, he thought he would wake up in fright—then he could pretend to be scared, put his arms around his wife and kiss him coquettishly.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes again, he was still trapped in this young body, lying in an extremely simple medical tent.

Mu Feibai finally panicked.

He simply couldn't understand, could it be that such a thing as "time travel" really existed? If he time-traveled, what would happen to his body in reality? Will you die? Or will it disappear?

Then if he died and disappeared... What would Qiu Yu do? !

Just when Mu Feibai was flustered, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy walked towards him with the sunshine pouring in.

"How do you feel?" The boy squatted down in front of him, put his hand over his forehead to check his temperature, and asked again, "Can you talk? How many things do you remember? Oh yes, what's your name?"

As he said that, the young man took out a small palm-sized book with pink cartoon patterns printed on it from his pocket behind him, and took out a short pencil tip, as if preparing to record.

Mu Feibai opened his mouth, and only said one sentence: "I want to go home."

Qiu Yu's pen tip trembled, and for a moment, he sighed softly.

"I can't go back." He said mercilessly, "Your settlement has been slaughtered, and you are the only survivor. If you can think of any relatives and friends in other places, we will find a way to send you there. If not, you can stay with me."

Mu Feibai hasn't figured out what the world is like yet, and he doesn't have the memory of his original body, so he shouldn't speak casually. He just silently looked at the young man in front of him, trying to figure out who this person is.

Just then, another person entered the medical tent with a bowl of something in his hand.

"Qiu Yu!" the man said, "You don't eat well! You have received blood transfusions three times in ten days, do you really think you are made of iron?!"

Hearing this voice, Qiu Yu supported his forehead speechlessly.

So he didn't realize that at this moment, the boy lying in front of him suddenly opened his eyes wide with shock on his face.

"Insect egg soup again?" Qiu Yu frowned, "This insect smells..."

"It's amazing, Qiu Yu, you're still a picky eater!" The man angrily stuffed the bowl into Qiu Yu's hands, "What kind of decent high-protein protein do you think you can find in this **** place? Not bad! How about drinking deer blood every day?"

Qiu Yu was helpless, took the soup bowl and drank it down, and smiled perfunctorily at the visitor: "Thank you Brother Seven!"

Lin Qi took the empty bowl and gave Qiu Yu a blank look: "Okay, I won't disturb your business anymore."

He is the logistics and communications officer of this team. Because he lost half of his arm in a certain battle in the early years, it was inconvenient to go to the front line to charge and kill, so he took over the tasks of liaising with communications, coordinating supplies, cooking and cleaning for the vanguard. class work. He and Qiu Yu grew up in the army together, and they have a good relationship. As long as Qiu Yu leads a team on a mission, he will definitely come with him.

Of course, if he had to go to the battlefield, Lin Qi's marksmanship would not hold him back. A few days ago, the little buck that provided Qiu Yu with a bowl of blood was hunted back by him with two young soldiers in their early teens.

In this world, as long as you are not disabled enough to take care of yourself, people always have to do what they can. The same goes for children, starting from being able to hold a knife and gun and understand orders, they are considered soldiers.

When Lin Qi left the medical tent, Qiu Yu turned around and looked at the young man in front of him.

This time, before he could open his mouth, the boy asked first, "What... is your name?"

"Me?" Qiu Yu laughed, "My name is Qiu Yu. What about you?"

The boy didn't answer, but asked again, "Which two words?"

Qiu Yu raised his eyebrows, turned the small book in his hand to the title page, showed it to the young man, and asked curiously, "Are you literate?"

Nowadays, except for a few big forces and the regular army under their rule, there are very few settlements capable of educating children to read and write. The young man in front of him came from a small family-based settlement hiding in the forest. It was really not easy to be able to read.

It's a pity that the other residents in that settlement have been slaughtered by the thugs, and even if there may be someone who is good enough to be the first teacher of young children, it doesn't make any sense.

Mu Feibai stared at the two very familiar words in front of him. For a moment, he closed his eyes, opened them again, and stared deeply at the young man in front of him.

Then he said in a hoarse voice: "My name is... Mu Feibai. I'm envious of you, I'm so dry... Feibai."

This time, Qiu Yu was stunned: "Huh? The pen is empty?"

Mu Feibai stared at the strange face of the young man in front of him, and recalled the somewhat familiar smile that the young man showed to that "seventh brother" just now, and finally his eyes fell on the field uniform worn by the young man.

He actually had some impressions of this military uniform, but the clothes were stained with too many stains and blood, and the patches were everywhere, so he didn't notice it at the first time—this was clearly the result of winning the Covenant Cup that year. After that, Qiu Yu submitted to the official champion design!

It's him…

It's really Qiu Yu!

Mu Feibai's heart trembled, and his eyes fell on the young man's face again, but unfortunately, he couldn't see any surprise of reunion in a foreign land.

He...don't know him anymore.

After being silent for a long time, Mu Feibai raised his hand and gently squeezed the small notebook in Qiu Yu's hand.

Qiu Yu immediately understood and handed over the notebook and pen.

The young man opened the title page and wrote three words side by side under his name—Mu Feibai.

"Oh, this 'Feibai'." Qiu Yu smiled.

"I..." Mu Fei paused and said, "Can I stay by your side?"

"Do you want to be a soldier?" Qiu Yu asked.

"Yes." Mu Feibai said without hesitation, "I want to be your soldier."

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