This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 8: party storm

Find two pieces of [thin flint] at home, rub them against each other, a mass of flames in the air, appear out of thin air, and continue to burn for a while before gradually dissipating.

The green blood bars under the two [thin flint] pieces also dropped a little.

This thing can.

Fang Yi secretly thought that if he took a sip of white wine and sprayed it out, he could directly become a member of the FFF group.

Burned the diary, and then searched around the house.

Fang Yi didn't see anything as high as baijiu, not even wine.

After all, he is only a sixteen-year-old boy, and he is not interested in wine at all.

Moreover, the characters have to save money, and it is estimated that the money is rarely used for personal enjoyment.

This can be seen in the humble furniture...

No, it doesn't seem to be so simple.

Fang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the lower right corner of the desk. The text that looked like a pattern was actually a line of words written in a twist.

"Dear Xiaofu, happy birthday! Always support your Luna."

Judging from the age of the desk, it has been five or six years at least, so this birthday is definitely not this year.

Looking at the other furniture, most of them were made by Luna, and only a small number of very old furniture did not leave a label. It is estimated that they were bought when they first moved in.

There is a sister and a house, and both parents are dead.

This opening...except that it is not rich and handsome, it is perfect.

And although it is impossible to become a rich second generation, with the character's current abilities, it is not a problem to become a rich generation.

If you don't have the idea of ​​revenge, you can directly turn into a winner in life.

After checking the inside and outside of the house, he only took dry food and a shovel and put them in the inventory except for two pieces of [thin flint].

After the wood is emptied, the inventory is still quite empty, and the size of the inventory mainly depends on the small bag around the waist.

Buying a better **** pack would definitely increase the size of the inventory.

In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the independent space.

But the independent space has points in the early stage and winning points in the later stage, and it can continue to expand.

And things like pockets will definitely be affected by the material and the craftsmanship of the producer, and there will be deviations, and there will be problems with the ceiling.

Of course, thinking about this now doesn't make much sense.

The **** pack is small, but it can fit in now.

Fang Yi still thought about taking the money out and carrying it with him, and then raising the lumberjack level to level 35 to see what it means to change jobs before making a decision.

The combat profession must be transferred, and one of the clearance conditions is to become a demon king or a hero.

If one could directly change from a lumberjack to a hero or a demon king, then the demon king would be everywhere, and the hero would not be as good as a dog.

By the time Fang Yi finished all this, the sky outside had already darkened.

The people in the village have already packed up the storefront and walked towards Lu's furniture store.

As the second largest merchant in Zhidi Village.

The storefront of Lu's Furniture is not small, and the house is very large.

And Luna, an apprentice in this store, is also the daughter of the owner of Lu's Furniture Store.

By the standards of Zhidi Village, this is Bai Fumei.

So many people don't understand why Fang Yi gave up such a girl and chose to switch to a fighting profession, fight with monsters, and wander between life and death every day.

Changing careers is not as simple as changing careers.

First of all, the original occupation level will be cleared, and everything will start from zero.

At the same time, the unique skills of the occupation will be deleted and disappear, such as the logging technique of the lumberjack, and the sewing technique of the tailor.

However, axe proficiency and strong physique can only be retained, but there is no similar occupation bonus, and the upgrade speed will become very slow.

Tailors can retain dexterous hands and needle proficient, and are more inclined to agile combat occupations.

From a life occupation to a combat occupation.

One is to solidify the foundation and pave the way for a stronger follow-up career change.

One is the situation of Fang Yi, who is simply from a commoner background and has no money to change jobs.

This information was inquired by Fang Yi from the side after entering the furniture store and attending the farewell party.

At the beginning, Luna also arrived with Fang Yi, excited and ruddy, showing off her beautiful dress.

But after discovering that Fang Yi was only politely complimenting, and was hanging out with other people, Luna's expression suddenly darkened.

The farewell party that I had been looking forward to for a long time suddenly became dull.

For a country-level party, there are not many things to prepare, except for the sumptuous food, that is, a bard is invited to add to the fun.

Although the bard was low-level, he had a good voice. After singing a few verse-like songs, the atmosphere of the scene became hot.

"Beautiful Miss Luna, may I ask you to dance?"

Hearing the voice ringing in her ear, Luna didn't even bother to lift her eyelids.

"Little fat man, how many times have I said that I'm not interested in you, so give up."

The little fat man is not fat.

It's just that his father [Director of Zhidi Timber Factory] was a fat man, so he was given this nickname.

That's right, the one who invited Luna to dance now was the son of the [Director of Zhidi Timber Factory], the boy who was tortured by other children's children.

Among the shops in the entire Zhidi Village, the number one is [Lu's Furniture Store].

And the second one is the [Director of Zhidi Timber Factory].

Now, the heirs of the two giants have interacted, which naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.

Except the bard's singing continued, everyone else looked at the two, even Fang Yi was no exception.

The little fat man was rejected by Luna on the spot, his movements froze in place, his face flushed red.

"Sister Na, please, just once, my dad is watching today..."

Although she pleaded softly, Luna didn't pay any attention.

Instead, he glanced at Fang Yi, and suddenly took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of decision in his heart, he pushed the little fat man away from him.


The little fat man fell to the his mind was blinded all of a sudden.

When he looked up again, he saw the puzzled eyes of everyone, the disappointed expression of his father, and... Luna was inviting Fang Yi to dance.

Asking others to dance is usually initiated by men.

The woman is responsible for accepting or rejecting, and it is rare for a woman to initiate an invitation.

but now…

The little fat man felt the heat on his face, and everyone's eyes were so dazzling.

The expressions on everyone's faces seemed to be mocking.

The bright light of the fire brightened the scene, but the little fat man felt so dark and dark!

"Ask me to dance? Yes, but I'm not very good at dancing."

Hearing Fang Yi's surprised answer, the little fat man suddenly grasped the soil with his index fingers, leaving ten lines of traces on the ground.

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