This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 247: negotiate

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Everyone looked at Fang Yi in horror.

Just now, when they saw the Ye Family Patriarch took two steps forward, they suddenly disappeared. The next moment, they appeared directly in front of Fang Yi, and they were separated by a wave of Fang Yi!

This, what kind of ability is this!

The crowd panicked and chaotic.

But Fang Yi's massacre had just begun.

One by one, people suddenly appeared in front of Fang Yi, like pigs and sheep sent to the slaughterhouse, Fang Yi waved them casually, and their heads fell to the ground.

This pipeline-like process is so smooth.

That deadly butcher's knife, like a tight machine, will kill one person when it falls.

The people were afraid, afraid, and fled in all directions.

This time, Fang Yi didn't chase after him. He just killed a few spiritual masters who had been marked with some space-related abilities in his heart, marked them, grabbed them, killed them, and subdued the ghosts.

After doing all this, the elite troops of the Hundreds of Families Alliance have completely dissipated.

Fang Yi shook his head and continued to follow the route he had originally planned, preparing to completely sweep the valuable families in the Hundred Clan Alliance.

Hundreds of Alliance conference rooms.

A group of people gathered together in dismay.

The original leader of the Ye family has died, and the new owner has not yet come up, so the second-ranked Yu family presides.

In fact, there is nothing to host. After seeing Fang Yi's strange and terrifying abilities, no one wants to fight that kind of monster.

"How about... let's evacuate Blue Ear City?"

"... Evacuate? I'm simply saying, we've been working here for so many years, and now we're running everything from scratch? I can't accept the result."

"Then leave it to die? I can understand it. That guy is basically around Blue Ear City, patrolling all the way from the outer to the inner circle. According to this route, it won't be long before disaster strikes us in the front row of the family. On the head. No one will be able to run by then!"


Another suffocating silence.

At this moment, someone suddenly said, "How about... Let's ask Lord Han to take action?"

Mr. Han…

The faces of the people were a little ugly.

Master Han is the great spiritual master that their Hundred Families Alliance has been supporting, and it is also their last trump card, but if you ask Master Han to make a move, that price...

"There is no other way but to ask him to take action."

"All right…"


"Hey, I agree."

"But... what if Lord Han is not the guy's opponent?"

As soon as these words came out, the meeting room was dead silent again. After a while, someone sighed: "Then we really have to evacuate."

After a while of preparation, Mr. Han was soon persuaded by the huge interests.

In other words, he was forced to leave the mountain because of his oath.

Everyone came to the high place, looking forward to Lord Han showing off his might, defeating Fang Yi, and bringing peace to Laner City.


Five minutes later, Master Han died.

Even the ashes were taken away.

Everyone was stunned.

The strength of Lord Han has been declining in recent years. They know this, but in the end they still have the level of a great spiritual master. At most, the outbreak period is a bit shorter.

But in fact, in this battle, Master Han only had the advantage in the first ten seconds of the outbreak, and then he was beaten all the time.

"It turns out that this is the strength of the Great Spiritualist... It seems that in normal form, I am only a little stronger than the Great Spiritualist."

After confirming the position of strength, Fang Yi continued his sweeping road. This time, no one really stopped him.

Everyone panicked and wanted to escape this blue-ear city. However, all those who want to go out of the city find that...

The moment they stepped out of the city gate, with a flash in front of their eyes, they returned to the central area of ​​Blue Ear.

They're... trapped in Blue Ear City!

That space ability is exactly the same as Fang Yi's previous method of massacred a hundred-person team, but the scope is terrifying!


Fangyi compression seal release rate.

Under normal conditions, he does not have such a large range at all, and he needs to liberate the seal release rate.

The main reason is not to let go of those spiritual masters. Ordinary people want to escape, but he doesn't care.

Hit, but can't hit.

Escape, can't escape.

The Hundred Alliances gathered again, but no one spoke.

They lowered their heads decadently, and only one person spoke after a long time.



They looked at the speaker, the head of the Duan family.

"Surrender, I've been in contact with Su Jiu, he's not the kind of irrational person."

So... surrender?

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and there was really no other better way.

Soon, they recruited a group of eloquent negotiators, and asked the head of the Duan family, who has some friendship with Fang Yi, to take the lead to negotiate terms.

When the head of the Duan family brought the negotiating team and saw Fang Yi again, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In just a few hours, their Blue Ear City experienced ups and downs, the forces were reshuffled, and they were almost on the verge of extinction.

And the source of all this is because of the lady in front of her.

A few hours ago, he would never have believed that this little Zhengtai would bring such an earth-shaking change to Laner City.

But now, he even wanted to kneel in front of this Zhengtai and be a cow and a horse for him.

Too strong... unreasonably strong!

All the great spiritual masters died in Fang Yi's hands, and the lives and deaths of everyone in Lan'er City were within Fang Yi's thoughts.

Such a terrifying person, I actually said before that the toad wants to eat swan meat, it's just... I don't know how high the sky is!

The head of the Duan family knew very well that if Fang Yi hadn't looked at Duan Hong's friendship and opened up, the first extinct family in Lan'er City would be the Duan family!

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the ups and downs in his heart, he shouted respectfully, "Master Su Jiu! I represent the Hundred Schools Alliance of Lan'er City, and I have something important to talk to you about."

Fang Yi glanced at Patriarch Duan, and with one step, someone suddenly appeared in front of Patriarch Duan, causing Patriarch Duan to tremble and almost kneel.

"What are they going to talk about?"

Fang Yi's tone was calm. After a few hours of searching, he subdued most of the space-type spiritual masters in Blue Ear City. After searching for a he was going to another adjacent city, Hong Kong. Ershi, went to collect the power bank.

"They're going to… make peace."

"Talk about peace?"

Fang Yi was slightly surprised: "If you want to surrender, you can."

Fang Yi's purpose is to charge the treasure, never to massacre the city.

"I want them to hand over some spiritual masters, and then let these spiritual masters break the contract and let the ghosts revive."



Fang Yi wrote the list and gave it to him.


The head of the Duan family took the list and continued to wait, but after waiting for a while, he saw that Fang Yi did not mention any other conditions besides this condition.

He was stunned.

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