This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 163: final rectification

Water King Palace.


In the splendid palace, all the servants hurriedly walked in and out with all kinds of clothes in their hands.


Sweat dripped from their foreheads, but they didn't dare to slack off.


The busy palace now has to start from a few days ago.


A few days ago, the new king, who was the legendary person who seized the throne some time ago, suddenly issued an order that the whole country should enshrine various styles of clothing for her to choose.


The people below also don't know what the madness of this legendary man has gone, obviously there is no pursuit of clothes or anything before.


As a result, a letter a few days ago made her change her mind directly. Even the poisonous flower and poisonous weed, which has been tinkering with, has not been to supervise the progress for several days.


This is hard for the servants like them. Every day, they are busy delivering a lot of clothes to the legendary people. After picking and commenting, they are likely to be thrown into the warehouse again, and they are busy for nothing. .


Fortunately, after this clothing contest, the legendary man was still satisfied with more than a dozen sets of clothes, and he changed his clothes every day, dressed beautifully, and seemed to be waiting for someone to come.


People thought that this kind of waiting would last for a long time, but they didn't expect that news suddenly came from outside today.


Special envoy, here we come.


Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


They are not stupid, of course they know what the legendary person is waiting for.


Looking at the person sitting on the throne, who clearly has the highest power in the entire Liushui Nation and can do whatever he wants, but at this moment, he is like a little woman who is squeamish and uneasy, and they can't help but be full of curiosity about the upcoming special mission.


With the order of the legendary person, the servants who have been busy can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and finally don't have to send clothes over every day.


This made them even more grateful for the upcoming special mission.


The people all withdrew, leaving only the elites who had been selected long ago, and stayed in the palace, waiting for the arrival of the special envoy.


After half an hour.


Hundreds of mighty people walked into the palace of Liushui Kingdom.


This group of people felt a little unreal in their hearts when they looked at the enthusiastic Liushui Kingdom royal family and guards.


Although their relationship between the Fire Leaf Country and the Flowing Water Country is not so bad that it is incompatible, they are indeed one of the enemy countries. I don't know how many battles they fought and how much blood they shed in the early years.


It's not just the two countries, it can be said that the five major countries are basically in a state of feud, and they are all in a state of independent hostility.


As a result, since the legendary people of various countries took over the power, the five countries are called harmony and politeness, and the relationship is harmonious.


It was incredible for the captains of the Fire Leaf Kingdom to be able to directly mobilize the elite troops into the team in the Green Shade Kingdom.


Now that I come to the Land of Flowing Water, I still have this kind of welcome treatment of the highest standard.


This, this is really completely beyond their expectations, breaking their inherent concept.


When the current king of Liushui Kingdom, a beautifully dressed and charming woman, hurriedly approached him, they finally decided one thing.


"The relationship between the legendary person and the legendary person is far closer than the outside world thinks!"


The legendary people in the past were more or less for the golden dice, and seldom intervened in national affairs.


Occasionally, there is a group of legendary people who care a lot about power and will take over the country.


But the legendary person in that situation will not change the hostile relationship between the great powers.


The current group of legendary people has completely changed the world pattern. The five major countries can be said to be closely united together, forming an existence that, although not explicitly stated, is actually a big alliance.


The unification of the five kingdoms... This concept that only existed in the mind before has really made people feel it for the first time.


"Could it be that peace is really coming?"


Seeing that the three legendary people have completed their contact and chatted together enthusiastically, this idea could not help but pop into everyone's mind.


After all, except for the legendary people who are wanted by the five major countries, the other five legendary people control the five countries respectively, and their relationship seems to be very close. Isn't this a sign of peace.


If the five nations unite and deal with the mysterious and terrifying fog of destruction, then everything will be perfect.


Thinking of this, they only felt that the burden on them was a little heavier.


"Perhaps, we are walking in the process of history!"


Fang Yi didn't know that the group of people under his command had made up so much brains, and it was also related to the peace of the whole world.


To be honest, he didn't even plan to return to Ye Guo this time, let alone the future of the dungeon world.


After arriving at the palace, Xian Sanbu's enthusiasm was somewhat beyond Fang Yi's expectations.


However, in terms of dungeon time, they have indeed been separated for a while, and it is normal to be more enthusiastic after the reunion.


By the time Fang Yi entered the palace and sat down, Xian Sanbu was already chattering about the general situation of the entire Liushui Kingdom.


Compared with the information that Wuyan provided when he came to Huoye Nation, Xian Sanbu was obviously much more detailed.


There are many details that Wu Yan can't explain clearly, and Xian San Bu can answer them fluently. Obviously, he has done his homework.


Of course, the main thing is that Silent is relatively simple, he does not pursue power very much, and he does not like to be in charge, so it is reasonable to have less in-depth understanding of these trivial matters.


For Xian Sanbu, she needs to manage the entire country and arrange for people to plant the flowers and plants she needs. Naturally, she needs to deeply understand the operation mode of Liushuiguo, and intervene and change.


In this way, you will naturally know more information.


"Boss, I, Liushui Nation, have already made sufficient arrangements, the harvest and things have been brought, and the manpower has been arranged properly, and I can go to the Mist of Destruction with you at any time!"


In a sense Among the four teammates, Xian Sanbu is so reassuring that he can rank first.


Look at this business ability!


Look at this arrangement!


If Xiao Wen did this, I'm afraid he would just deal with it in a messy way, and he wouldn't have the patience to handle things in an orderly manner.


Fang Yi first praised the immortal three steps, and was about to think about whether to take people directly to the Fog of Destruction in the next step, or to stay in the Land of Flowing Water to collect talents and train for a or two to increase the success rate of this trip to the Fog of Destruction. .


Then he saw Xian Sanbu walking around in the hall, walking back and forth.


He waved his sleeves a few times without trying. Although his eyes weren't looking directly at him, the corners of his eyes kept locked on him, as if he was full of expectations.


"Uh... your clothes are very pretty."


"The boss likes it too?!"


Xian Sanbu immediately reacted and said happily: "Then I will buy a set online and wear it at home!"




Fang Yi can't say anything. He can't always say that he is a straight male aesthetic. This kind of clothing similar to Hanfu, he can hardly see the difference, it is all carved out of the same mold.


On the other hand, Wuyan, who was beside him, moved his ears suddenly and looked at Xian Sanbu's clothes, looking thoughtful.


: . :

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