This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 151: Shikoku Rebellion

The King of Fire Leaf Kingdom was stunned on the spot.

A second ago, he was still lamenting the rarity of legendary people, as well as the national fortune and luck of his Fire Leaf Kingdom.

As a result, in the next second, information was sent, telling himself that there were three legendary people directly from the Green Shade Nation, and they were also in strife and dead!

The King of Fire Leaf Kingdom was dumbfounded.

This, what the **** is this doing?

Could it be that Luyin Nation thinks that there are too many legendary people in its own country, so they want to reduce the number?

do not!

Waste, waste!

Their Fire Leaf Country is willing to accept all the legendary people who are unwilling to stay in the Green Shade Country!

Just kidding, what kind of combat power are the legendary people, each of them is a super weapon, with absolute deterrent power.

This kind of existence, no matter how many you have in your hands, it is not too much.

"I've always felt that the king of the Green Shade Kingdom is out of his mind, and now it seems that my intuition is not wrong."

When he came back to his senses, the King of Fire Leaf Kingdom had a strange smile on his mouth.

If it is said that the Green Shadow Country did not make this incident, but kept quiet and took all the three legendary people for their own use.

Then, the current King of the Fire Leaf Kingdom will only be so frightened that his face is pale, his face is battered with anxiety, and his hair is falling out.

Because the deterrent power of the three legendary people is too terrifying.

This is not as simple as one plus one, but the existence of three real super weapons.

This fighting force can already destroy the normal operation of a big country. Ruthless, dispatching soldiers to cooperate with three legendary people to attack other big countries together is a direct disaster.

On the other side of Luyin Country, they actually got rid of themselves!

This is simply to euthanize the King of Huo Ye Kingdom.

Originally a super terrifying threat, it just disappeared without a trace.

And the remaining legendary person, with the means of the Green Shadow Country, may not be able to win over.


The King of Fire Leaf Kingdom couldn't help but smile.

Originally, he knew that there were also legends in Luyin Kingdom, but he was a little bit discouraged.

Now, the King of Fire Leaf Kingdom feels that the previous plan can be continued.

But before that, he needs to understand what happened to Green Shade and what is happening in other countries.

After all, three legendary people suddenly appeared in Luyin Nation, and there was also a legendary person and a powerhouse at the peak of the purple rank.

It all happened so suddenly, it was obvious that something was wrong.

Legendary people are hard to hide.

That formidable strength, as long as you show a little bit of limelight, you will be noticed.

The unique purple light effect is even more eye-catching.

Sure enough, at the urging of the King of Fire Leaf Kingdom, his subordinates soon went to inquire again, and two days later, there was a result.

In addition to Luyin Abroad, in the three kingdoms of Dadi Kingdom, Liushui Kingdom, and Jinguang Kingdom, there are indeed signs of legends haunting them.

It's just that it doesn't look like something is wrong. It's just that there are a lot of rumors, and the news is blocked.

The King of Huoye wanted to inquire again, but couldn't find anything.

"It seems that they all hid the legendary people. Judging from the visions of the other great kingdoms, there are still quite a few people in hiding."

"In this way, the weakest is... the Green Country!"

When the King of Fire Leaf Kingdom thought of this, his thoughts became clear.

"Go, call Mo Guoshi, and I want to discuss with him about the important matter of Luyin Kingdom."


The men retreated, and after a while, Fang Yi came to the palace.

"I have seen the king."

Fang Yi waved his hand.

The King of Huo Ye Kingdom said that he gave Fang Yi the position of a national teacher, but in fact, the two were in a cooperative relationship and were on an equal footing.

Fang Yi didn't have to give him a big gift at all.

"Mo, Master Mo?! You, your hand?!"

Fang Yi's expression was indifferent, but the King of Huo Ye Kingdom widened his eyes in shock.

I saw Fang Yi's right hand, the second half was still connected to the body, and the first half was completely invisible to the naked eye, as if it had been cut in half by something.

But in the half-section that was exposed, the blood vessels, flesh and blood were clearly visible as if they were still connected to something.

"Oh? Well, I've been doing some research recently, and I've only gained a little."

Fang Yi smiled slightly and sat next to the king at will, holding up the hot tea with a half-empty hand.

The hot tea seemed to be lifted up out of thin air by some invisible superpower, something that stood up by the power of thought, and was steadily fed into Fang Yi's mouth.

"This... this... Could it be, could it be that the national teacher... has a Destroyer Beast in your hand?"

Putting down the teacup, Fang Yi looked at the King of Huoye Kingdom and touched his chin with a half-smile.

"It may or may not be, it depends on you, King."

"I understand, I understand!"

The King of Fire Leaf Kingdom immediately became excited, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

The two basic abilities of Destroyer Beast: [Transformation of Reality and Reality], [Invisibility].

These two abilities, no matter which one is obtained and popularized, can make the Fire Leaf Nation's combat power soar rapidly!

The King of Huo Ye Kingdom has been greedy for the ability to destroy beasts for a long time, but none of his subordinates use it. It is difficult to even survive in front of destroy beasts, let alone kill or live birds.

Now, the legendary person seems to have done this, and it seems that he still has the Destroyer Beast in his hands!

How could this not make the King of Fire Leaf Kingdom excited?

Excited, the King of Huo Ye Kingdom, who had already given up most of his resources, immediately negotiated to give up more profits, and gave most of the exile devices to Fang Yi.

Of course, Fang Yi did not accept it in its entirety. For example, those long-term benefits such as tax returns within a few years were directly rejected by Fang Yi and replaced with short-term benefits that could be directly realized.

No one can tell what's going on in the back, but the gains that can be controlled by oneself are the real gains.

Watching the King of Huo Ye Kingdom give him a steady stream of resources, the smile on Fang Yi's mouth became more and more prosperous.

In fact, Fang Yi has already conducted a systematic study on the Destroyer Beast.

He has already made some achievements, but if he wants to go further, it will take too much time and resources.

It's better to leave it to a big country like Huo Ye Nation, and let them use the power of the whole country to conduct research, but it is much more convenient and quicker.

The most important thing is that Fang Yi can also get the final product.

This is very comfortable, it is equivalent to being helped to work for you, and you can get a lot of benefits in exchange.

After doing this, Fang Yi almost removed most of the treasury resources of Huoye Nation, and even the incomplete map of Huoye Nation that recorded the [Golden Dice] had already been handed over to Fang Yi.

There are only five countries in the entire grid world, and the abundance of resources can be imagined.

Fang Yi's looting has yielded a lot, perhaps even more than killing five Black Team players in a row.

Welfare Bureau!

After negotiating the terms, Fang Yi began to count the income, and at the same time, he also helped the king of the Fire Leaf Kingdom to carry out some research on destroying beasts.

Mainly to teach Fang Yi's current research results to the technical backbone of the Fire Leaf Kingdom.

When Fang Yi's explanation was almost the same, it was already a month later.

On this day, Cai and Fang Yi, the king of Huoye Kingdom, once again mentioned the matter of the trip to the Luyin Kingdom.

"No problem, I'll go now!"

"Refreshing! I wish the national teacher a smooth journey!"

A lot has happened in the past month.

The legendary people hidden in the other four countries have all surfaced.

There are 3 people in Luyin Kingdom, 2 people have been confirmed dead, and only 1 person is left.

2 people from the Earth Kingdom.

2 people from the Land of Flowing Water.

1 Jin Guangguo.

Not to mention Huo Yeguo, Fang Yi is only one person on the bright side, but Ye Shengyue is actually one person, which is equal to two people.

In other words, only the Green Shadow Kingdom and the Jinguang Kingdom are different.

This anomaly is both a risk and an opportunity.

With three people and one country, the competition is more intense and the benefits are greater.

One person, one country, there is no competition, but the resources of the entire country are their own, which is more convenient to control.

The other two people and one country are just basic operations.

Judging from the fact that Huoye Nation can easily obtain the information of the other four major countries, it should not be difficult for the other four major countries to obtain the information of Huoye Nation.

Combined with the time when Fang Yi killed Ye Shengyue, most of the others have already guessed what happened to them in the Huo Ye Kingdom.

Both the white team and the black team should already exist, not to mention Fang Yi had actively used the caged bird before, revealing his position.

At present, only Liushui Kingdom and Konoha Kingdom have sent special envoys to talk about alliance cooperation.

The King of Huoye Kingdom didn't follow up at all, and Fang Yi only knew about it at this time, and he did not forcefully change the meaning of the King of Huoye Kingdom.

Just judging from this move, Fang Yi has roughly guessed the distribution of players in the other four countries.

I'm afraid... the two countries other than myself are from the same team!

In other words, the two legendary people in the flowing water country that stretched out the olive branch should be their own people.

Then one's Jin Guangguo should also be one's own.

And in the rest of the land country, there are two black team enemies.

Although it's just speculation, Fang Yi feels that he should be inseparable.

With this idea in mind, the next day, Fang Yi left the Fire Leaf Country with a large army.

Green country.


The long-haired beautiful boy sitting on the throne suddenly stared tactically and suddenly stood up with a look of astonishment on his face. The wine glass in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and he covered his neck with his hands.

"You... you actually poisoned my wine!"

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect it, legendary man! Forgive you with the purple-order magic seal all over your body, your strength is extraordinary, and you can't resist this peerless poison! Give me death!"

The long-haired boy's hair fell slowly, covering half of his handsome face, and he slowly knelt on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood with a dignified expression of pain.

"Okay, good calculation... such a deep calculation! I have to admit that you successfully deceived my eyes!"

wait wait wait!

Spitting up blood?

The King of Luyin Kingdom, who was toasting poisonous wine below, was immediately stunned.

This peerless poison doesn't have the effect of vomiting blood, it just melts into all flesh and blood from the inside out, even the blood and water will dissolve without a trace, leaving only the skin sac in the human body.

But, judging from the reaction of this legendary person, it seems that he was indeed poisoned.

Could it be that the previous records were not detailed enough?

But that's right, there are only eight kinds of such peerless poisons in the world.

There are only these eight kinds of poisons that can make legendary people attack.

As for other common poisons, there is absolutely no way to harm the legendary person.

Thinking of this, the King of Green Shadow Kingdom felt relieved.

"Legend, you may not know, I have endured you for a long time! From your arrogant attitude on the first day, to stepping up my rights step by step, and teaming up with two other legendary people to make my country of green shade Chickens and dogs jump."

"Actually, if you three legendary people joined forces, I may really have no way to solve you."

"But you took the initiative to break this situation!"

"Since you killed the other two legendary people, you have been digging your own grave!"

"Even if I calculate it step by step, I still don't have the slightest self-knowledge."

"Legends, after all, are just trash with no strength and no brains."

"Now if you still want to live, just obey me obediently and let me dictate, otherwise within an hour, you will surely die!"

The King of the Green Shadow Kingdom sneered and walked towards the legendary man who was half-kneeling on the ground.

I saw the latter stubbornly looking up at the roof forty-five degrees.

"It turns out... your real purpose is to use my strength to make me work for you!"

"if not?"

Although the King of the Green Shadow Kingdom is very strange, why does the legendary man act like a fool when he talks to him, looking up at the starry sky at a forty-five degree angle, not even looking at himself.

But he still touched his chin and said word by word proudly.

"It is indeed extremely difficult to control the three legendary people, and it is difficult to operate, but you solved the other two legendary people a month ago, and if you are the only dice caster left, I still have the confidence to touch it!"

"To be honest, before I started, I accepted that I had to gamble, but obviously, I won in the end!"

"Now, legendary man, make your choice! Surrender to me, or die!"

Every time the King of Green Shade said a word, his voice became louder. When he spoke the last sentence, he seemed to be questioning the beautiful long-haired boy, forcing the beautiful long-haired boy to make his final choice.

The forty-five-degree long-haired beautiful boy finally tilted his head slowly, squinting at the King of Green Shadow Kingdom.

"I've been poisoned?"

"Now I can only surrender? Or...die?"

"No no no..."

"You shouldn't ask me this question, but I should ask you..."

"When did you have the illusion that I was poisoned?"

What? !

The King of Green Shadow Kingdom was stunned for a moment.

Well, what does this mean? !

Could it be that he...? !

The King of Luyin Kingdom was wondering when he suddenly widened his eyes in shock!

Seeing the beautiful long-haired boy kneeling on the ground, his right hand suddenly became a little greasy, he slowly covered half of his face with his right hand, and slowly brushed his long hair up!

The next moment, the drooping long hair, as if it had been smeared with hairspray, was smeared directly to the back and turned into an adult appearance.

With a long tuft of long hair on his forehead, hanging in front of his eyes, the melancholy temperament of the whole person is directly on the watch, combined with the supreme appearance, it is so handsome that it looks like a different person.

At the same time, the long-haired and beautiful boy had slowly stood up, facing off against the King of Luyin Kingdom. With his absolute height advantage, he looked down at the latter condescendingly, his eyes contemptuous and indifferent.

"My stupid stinky brother, I'm very happy that you have grown up."

The King of Green Shade: ? ! !

"You, you, you, you, you are not poisoned? How is it possible! I clearly saw you drinking poison!"

Seemingly thinking of something, the King of Luyin Kingdom turned hideous, and while retreating violently, he shouted: "What if you are not poisoned? As the King of Luyin, with a single order, the whole country will hunt you down. To the ends of the earth! Today if you surrender, you must surrender, and if you do not surrender, you must surrender!"

The long-haired beautiful boy stretched out his right index finger and swayed gently.

"I advise you not to be too bluff, it will only highlight your weakness."

"Weak? I think you're bluffing! Someone! Someone!"

There was a loud roar from outside the door of the Luyin Kingdom Kingdom, but no one rushed in outside.

In the huge palace, there are only the long-haired beautiful boy and the king of the Green Shade Kingdom.

As the beautiful young man gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, he approached the King of Luyin Kingdom step by step, while the latter stepped back, his face pale.

"You, what do you want to do? Don't come here! I'm the king, the lord of the Green Shade Kingdom! You dare to touch me? Do you still have the law in your eyes!"

When the beautiful young man heard the words, he suddenly stopped.

The expression is like a smile but not a smile.

"King, let me teach you one thing. The so-called rules are for those who cannot survive without rules. From today, I will stand in the sky and become the rules!"


Clap twice.


The originally closed door was suddenly knocked open.

Guard team, patrol team, elite team…

All the armed organizations that were supposed to guard the king rushed in at this moment.

The King of the Green Shadow Kingdom was excitedly trying to let them protect him, when he saw this group of people come to the long-haired beautiful young man one after another, knelt down on one knee, their movements neat and consistent.

As for the latter, he had already slowly walked back to the throne, resting his cheek with one hand, and said lightly, "Take him down and find someone to deal with."


Looking at the commander-in-chief of the guard group who was most trusted in the past, he led the way, and the eyes of the King of Green Shadow Kingdom were protruding!

You know, just ten minutes ago, he got the peerless poison from the commander-in-chief of the guard team.

In the end, this guy turned out to be a legendary person!

This this!

The King of the Green Shade Kingdom was so angry that he almost couldn't kick in one breath.

When, when did he take my rights to such an extent?

I didn't even notice it!

The King of the Green Shade Kingdom was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

At present, all his actions are under the eyes of the other party.

Everything I did before was just useless.

But he still couldn't understand, since the ending was already doomed from the beginning, why did the legendary man have to play a show with him?

If the king of the Green Shade Kingdom really asked the question at this moment, the long-haired handsome boy would definitely tell him the answer.

Because, this is more interesting!

Watching the King of Green Shadow Country being taken away, Xiaowen sent the others away, and stayed alone in the empty palace.

"It seems that there is no more fun in the country of Luyin. Brother Hei should be right in the country of Huoye. There are only two people left in the black team."

"Then where are you going to play next?"

"No no no, Sister Xu Ya's competition is about to start, so let's finish this dungeon quickly."

When entering the dungeon this time, Xiaowen's goal is relatively clear, that is, to quickly end the dungeon and watch the game.

So as soon as I entered the dungeon, I started to do things.

Coincidentally, there are actually two black team players in the green country where he is located, and they also like to play the type of power.

While working silently, he also emptied the king's rights, and his subordinates were all looking for legendary people to rely on, and the infighting was very serious.

Originally, the two of the black team had already controlled most of the internal rights of Luyin Nation. As a result, Xiaowen was born and solved both of them.

As soon as the two players of the black team died, the vacant position was directly replaced by Xiaowen.

As for the king who was long overdue, no one recognized him at all.

Under the operation of the black team, these powerful officials have long since become the concept of the supremacy of strength, obeying the words of the legendary people, thinking that only the legendary people can protect their lives and lead them to survive in this 'chaotic world'.

Saying it was a troubled world, in fact, it was just ten players, ten legendary people, who suddenly appeared.

However, the appearance of these 10 people was indeed abrupt and sudden. In addition, there were various chaos in the Fire Leaf Country and several other countries, which led to some basis for this statement.

In any case, after Xiaowen killed two black team players, he directly took over the forces organized by the two.

Originally, the king was honest, and Xiaowen didn't bother to pay attention to him, but he wanted to die.

"Forget it, keep the incomplete map of [Golden Dice] for Brother Hei, and I will go to other countries by myself."

After thinking about it, Xiaowen left an order for others and ran away.

About three days after Xiaowen left the Green Country.

The team led by Fang Yi came to the Green Country.

Fang Yi's initial plan was to stay in the Green Country as a diplomat, and then implement his own plan to plunder the Green Country's resources by helping the Fire Leaf Country to gain the world's reputation.

Later, after learning that Luyinguo was Xiaowen's site, he naturally changed his mind and worked directly together.

However, when Fang Yi really arrived in the Green Country, he found that Xiaowen had already brought a group of main forces and left the Green Country.

"Earth country? Your teacher of the Green Shade country really went to the earth country?"

"Master Hui, it's absolutely true!"

The commander-in-chief of the guard team of Green Shadow Country nodded respectfully.

After Xiaowen left, the power of Luyin Kingdom temporarily fell on him.

It was a middle-aged man with a sloppy beard, with a short head and a bit of a fierce feeling.

But at this moment, he is respectful to the other party.

Because Xiaowen really only temporarily delegated power to him when he left Green Shadow Country.

In fact, it is said that as long as the legendary person of the Fire Leaf Kingdom comes, he will be established as the national teacher, and the entire Luyin Kingdom will be handed over to the national teacher.

When the king has died and there is no successor, the national teacher is the highest representative of the whole country.

In other words, Xiaowen gave Fang Yi the entire Green Country!

"It's a good mix."

Fang Yi was slightly surprised, and took the incomplete map of the 'Golden Dice' handed over by the captain.

After comparing, it is indeed a complete base map, torn into five pieces.

Incomplete map (2/5).

The trip to the Shady Country successfully left Fang Yi somewhat idle.

After thinking about it, he first completely took over the entire Green Country.

After spending a few days to understand the general situation of Luyin Nation, he began to frantically search for resources.

However, since Xiaowen has already searched once, there are not many things left, mainly those resources that can be continuously mined, and you can get a bunch of them immediately after staying for an extra day.

While Fang Yi enjoyed the abundant harvest of resources, he did not forget to continue to inquire about the situation in other countries.

Since Xiaowen had focused on inquiring about this information when he was in power before, Fang Yi collected it again, and it was easy to get the information he wanted.

In the country of flowing water, all citizens are currently farming.

Yes, it is farming.

The people who let them farm the land are the two national teachers of the flowing water country, that is, the two legendary people.

Based on the plants they planted, Fang Yi probably knew who was staying in the Land of Flowing Water.

"It's all poison... After Xian Sanbu got the resources, he still didn't forget his old work."

As a school of poison art, Xian Sanbu carries a lot of poisonous weeds and poisons, but there are also some poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers, which only have seeds.

Only strict and harsh channels can grow the desired poisonous plants.

Obviously, Xian Sanbu was using this high-level copy status to conduct a large-scale trial and error.

Especially when there are no foreign enemies, he is even more unscrupulous, and he is not afraid of being recognized as a player.

Or, she is releasing this kind of information.

Anyway, Fang Yi and Xiaowen have already taken action, and they know the situation of Xian Sanbu. People who grow poisonous plants on a large area should be able to guess her identity.

As for going with Xian Sanbu, it should be silent.

Wuyan doesn't seem to be in demand, but there are rumors that Liushui Nation has suddenly purchased various rare iron ore on a large scale recently. I am afraid that Wuyan is preparing for the next strengthening of the special-shaped knife.

Unlike Fang Yi, who is prepared to ask for better weapons in the dungeon, Wu Yan is preparing to use the special-shaped knife all the time, so the demand for minerals is still quite large.

A mineral that can strengthen special-shaped knives, which greatly improves Wuyan's own strength.

Since Liushui Nation is his own people, and he is quietly working hard to improve his strength, Fang Yi has no need to disturb him.

It stands to reason that if it continues to develop like this, it should be beneficial to everyone. It can improve the strength in this dungeon. It is a very good welfare bureau.

Welfare Bureau is a concept widely circulated among players.

But there is no official approval.

It is generally said that it is a game that can develop comfortably and has abundant resources that can greatly improve itself.

It's just that this kind of comfortable game is hard to come across and is a rare phenomenon.

This time, the ranking is said to be the welfare bureau, and it is only for the terrain and dungeon layout.

If it weren't for the fact that the black team was weak and could not put pressure on their own team, it would not have been possible to have such a comfortable development space, let alone control a country's comfortable farming and development.

Of course, this phenomenon will not go on forever.

As far as Fang Yi knows, the most obvious hidden danger at present is the fog of destruction.

Compared to when Fang Yi chased Ye Shengyue a month ago.

The scope of the Mist of Destruction has become wider and wider, and the speed of spread is much faster than I imagined.

At that time, Fang Yi just chased Ye Shengyue back to the original entry point, and found that the fog of destruction had spread in a circle.

Now that one month has passed, the fog of destruction has enveloped a large area of ​​the Fire Leaf Country.

If it wasn't for the fact that they hadn't completely approached Huo Ye City, I'm afraid there would have been turmoil in Huo Ye Nation.

Even so, people in the Fire Leaf Country are already panicking, and it is obvious that some people are beginning to have the will to flee, and the demand for leaping devices has suddenly increased a lot.

In fact, it is not only the Fire Leaf Kingdom, but also the Mist of Destruction. In essence, it is the materialization of the concept of Grid's death.

The whole world, the actual mountains, are dying.

The scope of the fog of destruction will only get bigger and wider, and eventually it will spread to everyone.

It's just now that it only appears in a few big countries, and it hasn't endangered ordinary people, so it doesn't have such a big reaction. But the suppressed sense of crisis still makes many people vigilant.

As for the high-level officials of various countries, it is even more important.

Otherwise, the Fire Leaf Kingdom will not send people to investigate and research.

Compared with the research progress of the Fire Leaf Nation, the information about the fog of destruction retained by the Green Shadow Nation is obviously less, and it is in a very hazy stage.

This may be related to the reason why the Green Shade Kingdom is not as strong as the Fire Leaf Kingdom, and it may also be related to the fact that the Green Shadow Country's fog of destruction is not as serious as the Fire Leaf Kingdom.

Judging from this progress, within a few months, the issue of the fog of destruction will become a major issue that all five major powers need to consider.

If there is no player's intervention, it is unknown whether the five major countries will go to war or cooperate.

Now... Fang Yi suspects that when the fog of destruction reaches that point, he will be able to unify the five kingdoms and even find the golden dice.

Xiaowen is now going to the land of the earth, and he should be going to find the remaining two players of the black team to do something.

And the country of flowing water is immortal three steps and silent.

The rest of the matchmaking is Jinguangguo.

As Jin Guangguo, the country with the most powerful national power and the most serious fog of destruction, Fang Yi, from the information he has inquired about, has clearly seen some abnormal phenomena there recently.

For example, many people disappeared suddenly, and some people collectively did some weird actions, as if they were being controlled and directed.

These actions should all be done by matchmaking.

It seems that she uses the entire Jinguang Kingdom as an experimental site for her assimilation skills, and cultivates the assimilation in the way she has suggested.

At present, except for Xiaowen, who is a little impulsive and seems to be eager to end this dungeon, the rest of the people are following this dungeon, rapidly improving their strength, or plundering resources.

Taking Fang Yi as an example, after harvesting this wave, his income is much greater than that of previous copies.

And this is not the end, as long as Xiaowen doesn't end too soon, he can completely delay the problem of the Mist of Destruction and can't solve the problem. After maximizing the profit, he will solve the last black team.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi asked the people from the Land of Greenery to go to the Land of Earth, the Land of Flowing Water, and the Land of Golden Light.

The reason for people to go to Dadiguo is to let Xiaowen not be too impulsive. He can kill a black team player, but it is best not to kill all of them, and to buy more time for the development of the team.

When it arrives at the right time, Fang Yi will go to meet with Xiaowen to take down their incomplete map.

Sending people to Liushui Kingdom is to show their identities to Xian Sanbu and the others, to ask them to come over for a round, or to send over the incomplete map of the golden dice.

As for Jin Guangguo, the same is true.

After everything was properly dealt with, and then the resource issue was allocated, Fang Yi took the large army back to the Fire Leaf Country.

The country of flowing water.

Xian Sanbu lay lazily on the azure throne, looking at the latest letter sent by his subordinates.

Casting her eyes on the letter, her beautiful eyes gradually lit up and became radiant.

"It's really the boss! The boss asked me to send me the incomplete map? Hee hee! He really knew that I was in the Land of Flowing Water!"

Xian Sanbu secretly rejoiced in his heart, looked at the handwriting on the letter repeatedly, and secretly said in his heart: The handwriting is very beautiful, it should be written... Be careful!

Thinking of Fang Yi lying in front of the desk, writing a letter to her, Xian Sanbu felt a little happy.

"Sister Sanbu, why are you so happy?"

At this moment, a young girl with a single ponytail and a long knife hanging from her waist walked in from outside the palace.

Her lovely big eyes are full of simplicity and curiosity.

"The boss has written a letter. He knows that we are in the Land of Flowing Water."


Wu Yan paused slightly, looking at the dragon-patterned pillar next to him, playing with his buns on both sides with his fingers, and said nervously: "Captain, what did the captain say? He he he he, he has mentioned that ?"

"That? What? The letter didn't say anything, just to confirm our identities, and then let us grow well in the Land of Flowing Water, and let us meet when it's almost time, and take the incomplete map with us."

"Remnant, incomplete map?!"

Wu Yan's voice suddenly raised a tone, like a child who has done bad things, his eyes are a little dodgy.

"That's it, that's it?"

"Yes, yes, what about the incomplete map I asked you to keep? I am going to let you send the map to the boss first, and I will stay here to develop more."

Since being compared again and again by Xiaowen, Xian Sanbu also means to work hard.

However, her lower and upper limits of strength depend not on anything else, but on poison.

Although it has been collected before, it is still relatively difficult to harvest high-quality poisons on a large scale.

That's why she deliberately and meaningfully buys some poisonous seeds and the like in the game square.

In order to be able to plant poisons unscrupulously under such conditions, and make a large-scale harvest.

There is no doubt that if this wave of poisonous seeds can be planted and sprouted, his combat power will immediately increase several times!

If it was another dungeon, although Xian Sanbu had so many seeds on his body, it was not so easy to plant poison.

But this copy of the lattice world is different.

In this dungeon world, each grid is a different soil environment, and some rare and difficult to cultivate poisonous seeds can be selected according to the conditions.

This is very comfortable.

It can be said that if it weren't for external factors and the limitation of the number of seeds, she would even be willing to stay in this dungeon for a year or two to cultivate and harvest more poisons.

Compared to going through a few more dungeons, this kind of good environment is the most suitable place for the development of her poison art school, and the benefits are also higher.

It's a pity that the fog of destruction and the ever-decreasing black team players, as well as the lack of her own poisonous seed reserves, the low industrialization of the whole world, and the low yield rate, make her only stay here for one or two more months at most, and then she will In a situation where there are fears of good fields, but no seeds to plant.

Therefore, Xian Sanbu planned to let Wu Yan go to join Fang Yi first, and he would spend more time here to improve his strength.

And Wu Yan and his own situation are different.

Xian Sanbu knew about Wuyan's situation, she just needed minerals.

And the required minerals, not all of them, is to select the minerals that can match the phase and the special-shaped knife.

This makes it even more difficult to find. Although it is a dungeon grid world where each grid has different materials, Wu Yan wants to find suitable minerals. Have.

So it doesn't really make sense for Wuyan to sit in the running water and wait for the result.

Might as well let her join Fang Yi first and become Fang Yi's help.

Xian Sanbu thought so, Wu Yan naturally agreed.

It's just that the silent expression seemed a little unnatural.

Xian Sanbu didn't think too much.

After a little preparation, three days later, a team of exile devices armed to the teeth, under the leadership of Silent, went to the Green Shade Country.

Sitting in the exile device, Silent, touched the alien knife in his hand, and was full of worry.

"Dao Dao... Can we have a discussion, please spit out the incomplete map first, otherwise I will see the captain later, how should I explain to him..."

The amethyst on the blade of the special-shaped knife that Wu Yan was stroking slightly shone, flashed and dimmed, seemed to be responding to Wu Yan, and seemed to have no response at all.

There was only a long, speechless sigh, full of worries about going to the Green Country next.

Before, after Wuyan and Xian Sanbu controlled the entire Liushui Kingdom together, they were taken to the treasury by Xian Sanbu.

At that time, Wu Yan felt that the alien knife seemed to resonate with something in the treasury.

After Wu Yan followed the induction and found something, he found that it was a broken base map.

At that time, Wuyan and Xian Sanbu had no idea about the incomplete map, so Wuyan took it.

As a result, that night, Wu Yan saw that the alien knife was actually out of his control, chopped the incomplete map into countless fragments of powder level, and inhaled it into the blade.

At that time, Wu Yan was shocked, and went to Xian Sanbu, but Xian Sanbu told her That map is one of the incomplete maps that recorded the location of [Golden Dice]. custody.

This made Wu Yan a little speechless. His own knife destroyed the map and even ate the map.

Now that things have been exhausted, even Fang Yi has come to ask for a broken map, and Wu Yan's worries are getting heavier and heavier.

"Still refuse to bulge out... Then, when I see the captain, I must confess to him! I can't hide it any longer..."

Wuyan shrunk somewhat autistically to the corner of the exile device.

"No matter what you do, the number one bad thing..."

"When will I be able to be useful to everyone..."

In the silent self-isolation, this diplomatic team has crossed the border and came to the border of the Green Shade Nation.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before reaching the core area of ​​Green Country.

When the situation of the other major powers was changing, Jin Guangguo also experienced some changes.

Pei Pei looked at the dozen or so corpses in front of him and took out the sweet bones.

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