This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 22: Cracked Sky (4/4)

The air suddenly solidified.

The atmosphere is very embarrassing.

five minutes later.

"Dungeon Announcement: Black Team Captain [Winning First in Swimming] Killed White Team Player [No Heart and No Love] to get three kills!"

"Triple Kill!"

"Dungeon Announcement: Captain of the Black Team [Winning First in Swimming] is making a big kill!"

This internal farce, accompanied by four tragic killings, finally came to an end.

At this point, the black team and the white team, with only their respective captains remaining, are still in the dungeon.

Just for comparison.

Ding Li felt that his situation was relatively unfavorable.

Originally, there were other wise men, and this place could blossom in many ways, allowing the four cities to develop together.

Now that several teammates are dead, only his Scientology remains.

The technology of other cities will fall into a technological blockade at the moment when the few wise men die, unable to advance half an inch.

After all, according to Ding Li's observation, the current generation of linemen themselves do not have the ability to deduce technology.

As for the past, why the technology can be deduced to the level of a flintlock is unknown.

Possibly, it is the technology and technology left over from the past, and it is still remaining, and it is more likely to be related to the relics.

Ruins are a very important resource in the linemen power.

Many technologies, even if there are wise men, are deduced very slowly, but the technologies hidden in the ruins can quickly be deduced by wise men and promoted.

The death of other wise men caused Ding Li to deviate from his original plan.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

It just turned the original multi-faceted situation into a single deduction.

As long as the height is high enough, there is no problem with a single technology.

Four months later.

In the major renovation of infrastructure, the four cities, surrounded by four black mirrors, are connected into a ring and become a whole.

The origin of a new generation of linemen and the inheritance of knowledge have enabled the modern industry to start in advance.

The City of the Wise, renamed the Ring of the Wise.

Now, the entire Ring of Wise Men already has roads, and modern cars travel back and forth on the road.

Even the scale of the ring is still expanding.

Ding Li found that it is not entirely without benefits to integrate the lines left by other wise men.

By integrating the lines left by other wise men, they belong to their own.

The new generation of linemen actually have stronger physical speed, higher mental power, and more lines!

More lines, fill in the details of the line people, and no longer look like a single stickman.

Instead, he has a round belly, long cylindrical arms, the same small circles, and five fingers of different sizes.

More details, subdivided into arms, fingers, thighs, toes and other limbs.

Ding Li estimated that if the lineman is iterated to the extreme, maybe everyone is a wise man, so in appearance, it is no different from the human in the ordinary copy.

At present, it is still the image of the line man, at most version 2.0 or an upgraded version of the original version.

This discovery made Ding Li think a lot.

It's a pity that the other wise men have died, and they want to experiment and operate, but they have no foundation, so they put it down temporarily.

Compared to this, Ding Li is more concerned about another thing.

That was when the mysterious wise man was still alive a few months ago, the relic team mentioned, finally came back on this day.

They also brought back a relic.

When Ding Li saw this, even he was stunned.

Because, the relic products brought back by this team are not the previous technical drawings or technology, but... a mirror!

Yes, it is a mirror.

If it was just an ordinary mirror, Ding Li would not be so good.

The problem is that the material of this mirror is actually the same as the four mirror surfaces of the [Sanctuary Barrier]!

What the mirror shows is all black.

"In that ruin, apart from this mirror, are there any documents or drawings?"

"Yes, here it is."

Relic drawings, documents, and lines are incomprehensible to people.

Only the wise can understand, understand and grasp.

This is also why in the prophecy, a wise man is needed to lead the linemen to rise, resist the dirty dragon, and save the world.

Received the documents handed over by his subordinates.

Ding Li thought about it carefully.

Seven days later.

"I didn't expect this thing to have such a function."

Ding Li slowly opened his eyes, burned the document directly, and stood in front of the black mirror.

Biting his finger, he drew a pattern with blood on the black mirror surface with a certain pattern.

The blood seemed to be absorbed by the black mirror, and there was no sign of slipping down, and it remained still in its original state.

After about ten seconds, Ding Li drew the pattern and took two steps back.

Immediately, a strange scene appeared.

The red blood light suddenly lit up!

The blood pattern that was integrated into one body slowly sank into the black mirror.


The sound like the burst of bubbles suddenly came out of the mirror.

With the sound, the black surface of the mirror peeled off layer by layer, revealing the mirror surface like an ordinary mirror.

Inside, Ding Li's figure was reflected.

Vaguely, Ding Li felt that he had formed some kind of connection with this mirror.


He gave a low drink.


A crack, from top to bottom, split from the middle of the mirror.

As if to split the whole mirror in half.

However, in the crack, Ding Li saw an incredible picture.

That is, from a top-down perspective.

It was as if he had become the sky.

Looking Below is a modern city.

It's not the world of simple strokes, but a real, 3D modern city!

The entire city has a relatively high level of modernization.

Helicopters, drones, big river bridges, high-speed rail cars, everything that a modern city should have, basically have it.

And some drones are also bundled with weapons such as bombs and machine guns. It seems that the armed forces of the city have been replaced by machine AI, and humans do not need to take risks themselves.

As the cracks get bigger and bigger.

Ding Li noticed that the people on the ground who looked like ants raised their heads in horror and looked at the sky in shock.


A large number of drones are used in this direction.

It was densely packed, like a black cloud pressing down on the city, making people unable to breathe.

It is foreseeable that under this kind of firepower, the linemen army on his side is almost vulnerable!

Here is... where?

Ding Li frowned.

Soon, there is an answer.


God, it's cracked!

A crack opened!

In the gap, a human face was mapped.

An ordinary middle-aged face, placed in any corner of the sanctuary, should be an ordinary existence.

But it suddenly appeared in the crack, but it was creepy.

No one knows what happened.

Chaos, screaming, gradually spread.

People were desperately running home.

The prophecy is approaching.

The Dirty Dragon is here.

The end has come.

More and more abnormal things appear, which makes people afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

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