This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 8: Stimulus (8/10)

Consciousness, traveling through the endless darkness.

Fang Yi was already familiar with this phenomenon and could no longer be familiar with it. He just waited quietly.

When there was light ahead, he raised his spirits.


The light completely enveloped the whole body.

He slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him, it was dark and very blurry.

This kind of blurring feels very weird. It's not like an ordinary blur, but a temporary discomfort.

Body, wet, dry mouth.

There is a feeling of dampness in a cold environment.

And trying to control the body, there is a sense of blockage, as if the connection between the body and the spirit has not been established, and I cannot move.

Try to open your mouth...


Fangyi: …

? ? ?

What the hell!

This, what the **** is this sound?

It sounds like the larvae of some wild beast.

Try to look down.

Fang Yi was stunned for a moment.

What caught his eyes were two claws.

Very, very soft, soft little paws with some kind of transparent mucus.

It seems that as long as you squeeze it lightly, you can directly connect the claws with the bones and flatten them together.

This, what kind of animal's paw is this?


Am I a dog now? A puppy with a bark?

There was a strange tingling sensation at the end of the spine, and the connection between the body and the spirit gradually became connected.

Fang Yi tried to move the end of his lower spine. A short, arrow-shaped tail appeared in his eyes.

What's the tail of this thing?

What dog's tail is shaped like this?

As he swayed slightly, the short tail also threw the transparent liquid that stuck to it, and stuck to something.

Because of the darkness around him, Fang Yi didn't know what it was.

Looking further down, Fang Yi saw the short legs.

There is a preconceived idea of ​​having a small tail, and Fang Yi is not surprised at all about the short legs.

The eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, the hazy blurry feeling faded, and the line of sight gradually became clearer.

This is not as simple as the night vision ability bonus of Eyesight Six Road, but his current body seems to have special night vision ability.

As the eyes got used to it, the entire dark environment seemed to be lit like a lamp, clear and bright.

Around it, there was a circle of dark, hard objects covered with transparent mucus.

And he himself, surrounded by these hard objects, was completely closed, and not even a trace of light could shine in.


Do not…

Fang Yi imagined carefully, isn't this just an eggshell!

He is now the larvae of some kind of creature, or the kind of larvae that has just been born and has not yet broken out of its shell!

Then these things around must be eggshells.

Aren't all dogs born viviparous? How come there is still the operation of hatching eggs?

The copy of the fairy tale is really unreasonable.

No... Maybe I'm not a dog!

Leopards, lions, unicorns, etc., are also possible.

Although I always feel that the tail can't match these creatures.

Try to call out the attribute list and find that it is temporarily in a gray state.

While depressed, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

"The system prompts: Please [East Gate Drunk] listen carefully to the [Dungeon Background Introduction]."

This feeling is good.

Fang Yi quickly collected his thoughts and listened carefully.

"Dungeon World [Background Introduction]."


"The sin of greed."

"The dwarves are guilty of greed."

"I was exiled from the [Sanctuary], exiled to the [Time Cage], and tortured."

"A thousand years, ten thousand years, a hundred million years."

"Finally, there is a turning point."

"Among the dwarves, a king was born."

"The king prayed to the 'God', but met the test of God - a powerful, terrifying, invincible foul dragon!"

"The dirty dragon flew out of the sanctuary, swept across the sky, and destroyed the dwarf's wisdom crystals over and over again."

"The king of dwarves, who could not bear the suffering of his clan, sacrificed himself, severely wounded the foul dragon, and left a prophecy."

"[One day, the dwarf lieutenant will give birth to a 'wise man', lead the [Dragon Slayer Squad], kill the dirty dragon, complete the test of God, and obtain eternal redemption! 】"

"The vicissitudes of life, thousands of years have passed in a hurry."

"The age of prophecy has finally arrived!"

"The wise man, the dragon slayer team, the rebirth of the dirty dragon..."

"All phenomena, on this day, show signs at the same time..."

fairy tales? ?

What a fantastic and epic story background!

Fang Yi was about to complain when the system prompt rang.

"The system prompts: Players [East Gate Drunk], and listen carefully to [Character Introduction]."

"The filthy dragon that has sealed itself for ten thousand years."

"You, finally woke up again!"

"Destroy it! Roar it! Complete the mission given to you by God - destroy the world!"

Fang Yi: ? ? ?


You've won the grand prize.

Feelings, I am the ultimate boss in the prophecy, filthy dragon!


Fang Yi looked at his current physical quality, this young body.

It seems... it can't be matched with the extinction of the world, right?

Not to mention the extinction of the world, any human child can strangle himself to death.

The World Destroyer Filthy Dragon has a very loud name, but what about its strength? strength?

Most importantly, the wings!

A dragon has no wings.

I deserve to be misunderstood as a dog!

Fang Yi was muttering in his heart, and the copy announcement suddenly sounded.

"Dungeon Announcement: In the current dungeon there are two players who used the [match card] before the start of the dungeon. The effect of the [match card] is activated."

"Dungeon Announcement: Black Team Captain [Swimming First], status [Tall Wise Man], current location [Wangyang Village]."

"Dungeon Announcement: Captain White [East Gate Drunk], status [Dragon of Destruction], current location [Sanctuary]."

A copy of the announcement falls.

At this moment, in the minds of all players in the dungeon, the positions of these two people appeared, and they were precisely locked.

Although there will be no such prompts in the future.

But just based on this prompt, the risks of these two people will rise straight.

Fang Yi groaned in his heart.

I feel bad.

He doesn't know what's going on on the [Swimming First] side, anyway, his current strength is very poor and weak.

If you encounter other players, there may really be an accident.


At this moment, the attribute list burst into a cloud of color, and it was ready to be opened.

"Duplicate identity: The world-destroying dirty dragon."

"Special identity skill: Devour the world!"

"Special Status Skill: Dragon's Potential!"

"Devouring Heaven and Earth: Devouring foreign objects to increase strength."

"Feature 1: According to the phagocytosis, it takes time to digest, and the ability to digest is related to its own strength."

"Feature 2: When digested, it will fall into a deep sleep state."

"Character 3: Sleeping time, associated with digested substances"

"Remarks: Exclusive skills for foodies!"

...As expected of a dragon, eat it and you're done.

After eating, go to sleep, and when you wake up, your strength will skyrocket.

A life like a pig is simply invincible.

Continue to look at another skill.

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