This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 3: 1 cycle (three/ten)

Hot-blooded revenge cannot be brought out.

However, the advanced basic swordsmanship, and the martial arts that Fang Yi had learned in Kangtangmen, all appeared in the exchange list without landing.

Even some martial arts of Cangtianmen appeared in the exchange list.

However, apart from the free exchange of advanced basic swordsmanship, Fang Yi did not exchange any of these martial arts.

Because he has better goals.

The Sword of Lonely Life!

That's right, it is the special martial arts of the Cangtianmen that can only be practiced and performed at the cost of reducing life expectancy.

Guming Sword Code does not separate martial arts such as Guming Sword Technique, Guming Mind Technique, Guming Foot Technique, etc., but directly exchange them as a whole.

Therefore, the price is also very high.

"Other skills: Sword of Lonely Life, converted into personal skills, requires 10,000 points and 50 LPs."

No, just exchange it directly!

"Successfully exchanged for [Sword of Lonely Life]!"

"Win point: 80."

"Personal points: 2000."

With the Guming Sword Manual, other mental techniques, footwork, and martial arts can all be eliminated.

Because this set of martial arts is really a high-end product that surpasses the existing martial arts by several grades.

To put it simply, that's a dozen or so!

The only shortcoming is that you have to use your life to practice the sword, and the sword is prone to problems. If you are not careful, you will become a short-lived ghost. If you encounter those who like to shrink, they are very likely to be consumed to death.

No matter what, the Sword of Guming is still very fond of Fang Yi.

The drunken system, combined with the martial arts system, can make a good match.

The ghost on the supernatural side is possessed, and the door to the virtual world can be used as a hole card.

In this way, the combat power has increased a lot at once, only the equipment is still a little short.

In addition, next time, if you enter the dungeon again, those eliminated martial arts skills will not need to be included in the bp value, but will take up points.

With the skill set, Fang Yi looked at the inventory.

Since his personal points were too low, he first harvested the copies and emptied them all.

Only a few extremely valuable martial arts cheats are left, which can be sold to players at a stall outside.

Even so, Fang Yi's personal points skyrocketed in a flash.

With the exception of a few, Kang Tangmen's savings were basically squandered by Fang Yi, so there were very few that could be sold as personal points.

The main source of points is the Cangtianmen that was attacked. The first door of the righteous way, although it has declined, there are still a lot of good things hidden in it.

After selling it to the system, Fang Yi immediately earned a lot of points.

"Personal points: 25,000."

The sect is the sect of the sect. After eating it in one bite, it is so comfortable!

Focusing on the last two swords.

"Name: Heavenly Sword."

"Sharpness value: thirteen points."

"Special effects: War addicted, broken point."

"Explanation: Divine Weapon, Cangtianmen Town School Sword!"

"Remarks: For the common people in the world - draw your sword!"

"Warfare: With the battle, the strength of the host will continue to increase. After the war, it will return to normal."

"Breaking point: Hitting the vulnerable points of other weapons can gradually increase the sharpness of the Sky Sword, and there is a chance to directly destroy the target weapon. The upper limit of the increased sharpness is five points. It will return to the normal value after the battle."

After a lot of hard work in Cangtianmen, Cangtianjian has successfully recognized the master.

Judging from the data, the three words "unidentified master" are just missing.

But in fact, the improvement effect is very obvious.

Because there is no other force opposing him, he can fully exert the power of the Heavenly Sword. From the sensory point of view, the power has been increased by at least 30%.

"Name: Cang Magnetic Sword."

"Sharpness value: fifteen points."

"Special effect: bipolar magnetism."

"Explanation: Divine Weapon, Cangtianmen Town School Sword!"

"Remarks: This is a magic weapon that can be disguised as a 'celestial sword'!"

"Bipolar magnetism: the blade has both attractive force and repulsive force. The attractive force attracts the metal object, and the repulsive force repels the metal object away. Attack and defense are integrated!"

Ling's Cang Magnetic Sword has also been recognized as the master and belongs to Fang Yi.

Otherwise, it is not certain whether it will appear in the exchange list or not.

That is to say, unless you have long known the process of identifying the masters of Cangtianmen, even if you get these two magical soldiers by accident, you must destroy the Heavenly Sect, or negotiate the conditions, and get the method of recognizing the masters, in order to truly get these two take a sword.

The sharpness values ​​of the two swords are 13-18 and 15 points respectively.

The former increases its power according to the combat duration, while the latter has a stable sharpness value, but the special effects are difficult to operate.

Fang Yi suspected that the Cang Sect Master was frantically learning how to control the Cang Magnetic Sword when he didn't practice the Guming Sword Manual very much.

Don't look at when Cang Sect used this sword before, he was majestic and powerful, like a sword cultivator, controlling more than a dozen iron swords to defend against the enemy.

In fact, the operation is very cumbersome, and it is necessary to divide the internal force into two parts, infuse the sword body, and control the attraction and repulsion respectively.

Both of them can exert force at the same time, or they can exert force crosswise, without exception, they all require close operation.

If you want to be the same as Cang Sect, let each sword assist in the attack, and have different attack trajectories, or even force the gravitational force and the repulsive force at the same time, the control of the internal force and the proficiency in the use of the Cang Magnetic Sword are very high. .

Fang Yi had just accepted Wang Jian to attack the mountain shortly after he recognized the master, so for the time being, all his internal forces will only be converted into repulsion, or into gravitation, and more detailed operations have not been practiced yet.

But don't worry about it, anyway, the sword is in hand, everything else is just a matter of Cangtian Sword: It needs 10,000 points and 30 LP to convert it into personal items. "

"Cang Magnetic Sword: Converting it into personal items requires 10,000 points and 30 LPs."

The price of the two swords is the same.

It can be said that it is about the same level as the Sword of Lonely Life.

Fang Yi naturally won't let go of such divine soldiers.

I am not afraid of too many weapons, but I am afraid that there are not enough weapons.

I really feel like it's a waste. It's a big deal. Since the two swords flowed away, it's not that I haven't played it before.

"The exchange for [Sky Sword] was successful!"

"The exchange for [Cang Magnetic Sword] was successful!"

"Win points: 20."

"Personal points: 5000."

Win points and points come and go quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it changed back to the mode of being poor and white.

Get it all done.

Fang Yi just closed the settlement list.

Looking around, the others seem to have gained less, and they have all left the [God's Summit], leaving me alone.

Exit [God's Summit].

When I opened my eyes again, it was already a familiar pink space.

Thinking that there are still several cheat books in hand that can be sold for money, Fang Yi rarely swelled.

Ordered an oversized cup of Fat House Happy Water, hugged Fat House Happy Potato Chips, and clicked on the friend list.

Surprisingly, Xian Sanbu actually took the time to go online and left a message for himself.

"Dongmen Zui, everything is going well! The people have set off, see you tonight!"

Fang Yi: ? ? ?

Didn't you say it would take about three days to get it done?

Could it be... no deposit, just check out? Rich woman works.

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: . . Mobile version reading website: m.

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