This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 31: Prison Break (2/4)

"Hey! Brother, if you go on like this, you will really be tortured to death by that rabbit elf. The news of [Underground Village], how can your own life be important?"

The straw youth who pretended to be asleep was stuck next to the iron pillar again, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You don't understand... If you are also a member of [Underground Village], you will never betray [Underground Village]."

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

This is clearly a brainwashing pyramid scheme, how can any organization be more important than one's own life.

Seeing that the fingernails of the snakeskin's ten fingers have been stripped off, and his hands are bloody, he can still refuse to cooperate with stubbornness, swearing to death, he is really convinced.

Anyway, it's definitely not possible to replace him.

NPCs are NPCs, dead brains.

"Can you still move? Help me, I'll make a hole, and we can escape from prison together."

Snakeskin hesitated for a while, but still stood up with the injury.

"...Okay! I'll help you! But you can just escape from prison alone. In my current state, walking with you will only be a hindrance."

"What are you talking about, let's go together."


"There's nothing wrong with me. The only way I can escape from prison is the cooperation of two people. Without your help, I can't escape. I'm not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges. If we want to go, we will go together!"

Snakeskin stared blankly at the young straw man, with anger and warmth in his heart.

"what's your name?"


"Mir, if we can escape, you will be my brother from now on!"

Mir smiled, and lowered his voice to talk about his escape method and the place where snakeskin was needed.

ten minutes later.

woo woo woo woo!

Patrol Bureau, a harsh whistle sounded.

"Boss, in a Class A cell, two prisoners escaped and escaped!"


The five-meter black rabbit slapped the table heavily, and the wooden table shattered on the spot.

"Has the fugitive information been confirmed?"

"Confirmed... One is an important person from the [Underground Village] captured by Captain Bertha last night, Snakeskin. The other is a Class A prisoner: Mir!"

Crack clap!

The five-meter black rabbit's fist clenched gradually.

"Snakeskin, Mir, Bertha is in Bertha for me!"


Several people looked at each other.

"Captain Bertha of the 18th Division, went out on patrol before the fugitive escaped from prison."

"At this time?"

The five-meter black rabbit glared over in anger, and the person who reported it was so frightened that it broke down in cold sweat.

"Forget it, I will personally lead the team out to hunt them down. If they have their whereabouts, report them to me as soon as possible."


The five-meter black rabbit led the team out to check the whereabouts of the fugitive.

The entire patrol bureau was busy.

At this moment, Captain Bertha, who is leading the team, followed the code and followed him all the way.

Different from the others in the patrol bureau, Captain Bertha had a clear goal, and clenched the two fleeing.

Further ahead of Captain Bertha's squad.

Mir supported the snakeskin and fled all the way.

But when the snakeskin is not paying attention, it will leave some specific secret codes.

Snakeskin's imprisonment was a turning point for Mir.

Before seeing Snakeskin, he had already talked to Captain Bertha.

Curse the snakeskin, build friendships, and finally help escape the prison.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner as planned.

Now, just one last step.

That is to let the snake belt head, find the entrance of the [Underground Village], and say the secret code in person.

Then... he can backstab the snake skin and keep the secret to himself.

Finally, based on the conditions of the entrance to the [Underground Village] and the [Code], I discussed the conditions with Captain Bertha.

Rarely escaped and regained freedom.

He didn't want to take credit, so he was put back in the cell again.

Through the mouth of the snakeskin, he already understood that the Rabbit Elf is the general trend of this dungeon.

Then... the pardon in the hands of Captain Bertha must be obtained.

"Here, here, this is the entrance to the [Underground Village]! I'll call people out with a secret code, Brother Mill, you help me out."

"Come on, you're too weak and need a break. You teach me how to do it, and I'll do it."

"That's okay too."

They were in a vacant house.

Three bedrooms and one living room, suitable for a family of three.

The location where the two were located was the baby room.

Under Snakeskin's guidance, Mir began to fumble for the location.

The anchor point was quickly found—an unremarkable tile.

Take careful note of the snakeskin's cipher details.

He began to tap rhythmically.

"After knocking the code, someone will come out to answer it soon. Remember, don't make a mistake, or the entry point will be invalid immediately. I'll squint for a while, and I was tortured so hard in the afternoon that I can't bear it anymore. ."

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

The underground village has been able to rage in the city for so long without being picked up by the pot, relying on strict confidentiality measures.

Out of reassurance for Mir.

After the snakeskin finished speaking, the heavy eyelids began to slowly merge.

However... the knocking sound he expected was instead a shadow, slowly approaching him.



The severe pain made Snakeskin suddenly open his eyes.

And a sharp dagger had been inserted into his head.

The man holding the dagger is the brother he just recognized, Mir!

With the movement of Mill's wrist.

The inside of his brain was directly smashed by the his eyes turned white, the snakeskin trembled and fell slowly.

But his blood-stained right hand gripped Mir's trousers tightly.


"I'm sorry, I want to be a rabbit."

Looking out the window, Bertha's team below was already approaching. Mir turned on the light and sat in the living room like a master, waiting quietly.

Ground floor, first floor.

"You want me to be the vice-captain?"

Fang Yi pointed at himself in surprise.

In front of him was Xiao Yingzi, who had just become the leader of the team.

"Well, senior Momeng is very powerful. It is my honor to stay in the team. How can I make you feel wronged?"

I couldn't see it before, it turns out that this guy can talk very well.

To gather people's hearts, there is a set.

But it is also because Fang Yi has a weak foundation and no support.

Otherwise, even if Xiao Yingzi took the initiative to invite, Fang Yi would not join.

Now, naturally, I will hold this thin leg first, get through the stable period of the underground village, and then consider the matter of changing jobs after understanding the situation of the underground village.

"Since you look down on me so much, it's not right for me to shirk the old man. Good! I promise you to be the vice-captain of the squad, but it's up to you, Xiao Yingzi. Only when you're not in the team, I will Only take over and command."

Fang Yi has seen so many strong winds and waves. As an outsider and the second-in-command of the airborne team, he still knows how to speak.

Of course, it's one thing to say.

Doing it is another matter.

Anyway, it's better to say it than to sing, so that's fine.

If there is a chance to seize power and it is in his own interests, Fang Yi promises to stab Xiao Yingzi to death as soon as possible.


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