This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 19: Undercover (2/4)

Runaway pet people?

Hearing this news, the man in the black suit shifted his position slightly.

From this perspective, you can see a shop called "Wandering Food Pet Shop".

Not long ago, Captain Bertha of the patrol had been in and out of this pet shop.

At that time, he thought that he was going to get in touch with this uncle Rabbit during the day.

As a result, the uncle Rabbit entered the pet shop in a blink of an eye. He didn't know what to say to the manager of the white rabbit, and quickly left the pet shop respectfully.

The fleeing pet people are most likely to be players.

I just don't know whether Captain Bertha has gone to every pet store to inquire, or only this one.

If it is the latter, it means that the pet person went out from this store, the scope will be much narrowed, and information can be collected on the appearance characteristics.

Taking the gum out of his pocket and chewing it in his mouth, the man in the suit pondered the next question.

"I'm undercover... do you want to leave my post without permission and secretly run to investigate the pet person's news?"

After thinking about this question, he quickly rejected it.

The status of humans in the rabbit elves society is too low. A human being alone, without the company of a rabbit owner, will be very conspicuous.

This is not good for hiding oneself.

When it's quiet tonight, let's go and investigate secretly.


There was a vibrating sound in the pocket, and the man in the suit was slightly taken aback, and quickly took out a glowing bead.

"Hello? Captain Bertha?"

"No. 0085, we will act tonight, the connection location: the intersection of Linsha Street. Password: liquidation!"


The sound disappeared, the beads dimmed, and with a click, they broke into several pieces and were automatically destroyed.

According to character memory, this is a common occurrence.

Wait for the connection at night, and a new one will be given.

Maintaining a prostrate position for a long time made the blood flow of the man in the suit somewhat blocked.

Standing up and moving his muscles, he silently began to shift positions.

"The investigation pet shop is temporarily out of time tonight. We can only make room after the undercover connection is done."

In fact, this is quite a waste of time, but there are also advantages - the main quest of your character is a start.

as an undercover.

On, to connect with the Rabbit Elf.

Next, to mingle with humans.

The main task of the character is to connect with his superior, Captain Bertha of the patrol team, lead the wolf into the room, lead the rabbits of the patrol team, enter the [Underground Village], and finally destroy the entire [Underground Village].

This is the role of Erwuzi.

Regarding this quest, the character comes with only two pieces of information, the first is an entrance location of the underground village, and the second is an informant of the underground village.

The location of this entrance was learned from the informant.

It's not clear if it's true or not. He doesn't have any news about other underground villages. He can only follow the quest line and try it out.

As an undercover agent, at the midpoint between human power and rabbit elves, he has a great information advantage innately.

Just restricting is also cumbersome.

He has the poison fed by the bunny spirit on him.

How long has he lived without the antidote regularly given by Captain Bertha of the patrol to suppress the poison.

Want to show off in the copy.

The first is to complete the main task of the character, collect rewards, and quickly accumulate your own strength.

The second is to find a way to remove his own poison, otherwise he will only make wedding dresses for others in the end.

"Duplicate Identity: Undercover."

"Identity skills: the conscience of Erwuzi."

"The conscience of Erwuzi: When you face a target with an absolute frontal face, you can activate this skill, instantly move behind the target, and launch a righteous backstab!"

"Feature 1: The distance between the caster and the target must be within one meter. Friendly reminder, please establish a friendly and intimate relationship with the target!"

"Feature 2: The sight of the target must be triggered with an absolutely neat (180-degree) head-up view, and the angle cannot be shifted in any way. Friendly reminder, please look at the mirror more, practice the proper angle by yourself, or adjust the position yourself."

"Remarks: Brothers are like siblings... I'm sorry, I want to be a good person!"

Glancing at the identity of the copy again, the man in the suit resisted the urge to make a substantial transformation of the suit on his body.

"Renaissance... Don't be in a hurry! We are five blacks at the top of the village, and we will definitely win the dungeon!"

Pingqing City, southwest corner, abandoned factory.

There is an uninvited guest in an area that is usually only uninhabited.

Throwing the large and small bags on the ground.

Fang Yi checked around the small factory.

Apart from the long-abandoned household **** and rusted steel slag, there is nothing worth caring about.

Climb carefully to the top of the factory and look around.

The number of rabbits around is relatively rare, and they basically do not go to abandoned factories.

Because from the abandoned factory, a little further ahead is a large garbage dump.

Judging from the cleanliness of the interior and surrounding areas of the garbage dump, it is estimated that every once in a while, special personnel will come to conduct sanitation and garbage incineration.

On weekdays, it is estimated that the garbage is thrown into the garbage dump, or near the dump Obviously, this abandoned factory is a relatively safe hiding spot.

Rabbit elves have a social system.

When there was a rabbit killing incident, people would inevitably be sent to investigate and search. On the way before, Fang Yi had also seen news reports and heard discussions from passersby.

Fortunately, his portrait was not registered, but if he really wanted to, he doubted that ordinary rabbit elves might not be able to recognize it.

Anyway, just like humans look at rabbits, rabbits look at humans, but they are also very face-blind.

Of course, these are all secondary.

The important thing is... that Fang Yi's vote seemed to be taken as the act of the [Underground Village], and he took the blame for himself all of a sudden.

It seems that what [Underground Village] does on weekdays is probably similar to his own.

The most obvious feature is that it is estimated that the meat of the rabbit elves is used as waste.

Back at the factory, I found a small room and used rags to block all the gaps around.

Find some rotten wood fragments and pile them up into a ball. Fang Yi ignites them, uses a thin rusted metal rod, skewers the rabbit meat, and starts roasting it.

The smoke rose, but because the room was closed, it failed to float out, and the entire ceiling was smoked black.

Fang Yi held his breath as much as possible, waiting for the rabbit meat to be cooked, then turned off the fire, opened the door quickly, closed the door quickly, and left the room with the meat, leaving the room full of smoke lingering inside.

Look closely at the rabbit meat.

Hmm... It's no different from ordinary roasted rabbit, at most it's a little blackened, that's because Fang Yi deliberately wanted to roast it a little more.

No cumin, no MSG, and Fang Yi doesn't count on taste.

Bite off a small piece, chew it and swallow it in your mouth.

Emmmm...completely tasteless.


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