"General Marshall, how many troops do we need to commit to defeat the Mexicans?" Governor Franklin asked

"Your Excellency, the Moxi people only have an army of 200,000 people. Even if they begin to mobilize, they will not be able to significantly increase their military strength in a short period of time. If we invest 200,000 troops, we can easily defeat them. However, after all, Moxi Brother has a territory of nearly two million square kilometers. To fully occupy Moxi Ge, a large number of troops would also need to be invested. It is expected that at least 500,000 people will be invested. If we want to take over the entire Moxi and build a defense line to resist the Third Reich's attack, we will need to invest more troops. It is estimated that at least one million people will be needed."Admiral Marshall said

"Millions of people?"The Franklin administration couldn't help but frowned.

Although the Eagle Country is frantically expanding its army, they plan to expand the army to more than 10 million people.

But if millions of people need to be invested in Moxi, this is also not a A small amount

"Yes, Your Excellency. Millions of people is still a very conservative number. After all, once the Third Reich lands in Moxi and launches a massive attack on us, we will need to assemble a very large army to be able to withstand the Third Reich's attack. Otherwise, once the Third Reich invades our homeland through Moxi, the consequences will be very serious."General George Marshall replied.

President Franklin nodded:"In this case, then implement it according to your plan. In the shortest possible time, first invest a group of troops to defeat the Moxi people. Then, more troops will be invested to occupy Moxi Ge. Brother Moxi has become a loophole in our defense plan. We must close this loophole!"

"Yes, Your Excellency. Within the last week, we will launch an attack on Brother Moxi."Admiral George Marshall replied.

In his opinion, it is not too difficult to mobilize 200,000 people to attack Moxi. After all, in order to prepare for the attack of the Eastern Empire, the Eagle Kingdom has assembled on the west coast. Heavy troops.

Two hundred thousand or even more troops can be mobilized at will.

What's more, the Eagle Country is still frantically mobilizing, and a large number of young people are recruiting into the army, making the number of troops in the Eagle Country increasing. During the rapid expansion,

Yingjiang Country began to mobilize troops to the border. Naturally, they could not hide it from the Moxi brothers. After joining the Iron Alliance, Moxi Brother strengthened the monitoring of Yingjiang Country.

It was learned that Yingjiang Country had begun to mobilize troops. After that, the Moxi brothers immediately realized that the Yingjiang Kingdom was going to attack them. On the one hand, Zhang had the right Moxi brother to order a large-scale mobilization. On the other hand, he immediately asked for help from the Third Reich, hoping that the Third Reich would launch an attack. The Three Empires can reinforce them as soon as possible.

The Moxi people know very well that in terms of their strength, it is simply impossible to rely on their own strength to resist the attack of the Yingjiang Kingdom.

Even Moxi Brother The top management has been prepared, and his country will fall in large areas.

For this reason, Camacho even asked Maldes to lead the government agencies to move to the south.

Mexico's territory is very narrow and long, from From south to north, it spans thousands of kilometers. If they hide in the southern mountains and survive, the Eagle Country will not be able to defeat them in a short time. In this case, they will be able to persist until the Third Reich starts a war against the Eagle Country. , and even persisted until the Third Reich arrived.

By then, Brother Moxi would be able to reverse the situation, regain the territory, and even invade the mainland of Yingjiang Country and regain the territories lost in history.

Brother Moxi was originally only twenty Ten thousand troops, but after joining the Iron Alliance, Moxi Brother has launched a secret mobilization, planning to mobilize the army to 500,000 people.

When the Yingjiang Kingdom began to blatantly gather troops at the border, it seemed that it was going to invade Moxi Brother After that, Moxi immediately began to publicly announce a general mobilization to increase the number of the army to one million people. He even planned to expand the army to two million people in the shortest possible time. However, for those with backward industries, As far as Moxi is concerned, it is not that easy to mobilize so many troops. Apart from anything else, it is not that easy just to arm these troops.

Even if the Third Reich has transported tens of thousands of troops to Moxi in the shortest possible time. An infantry division has the equipment, but it is only enough for Brother Moxi to arm more than 100,000 people. If Brother Moxi wants to provide enough equipment for the huge army he mobilizes, it is even further out of reach. Even if

Brother Moxi announces The huge mobilization plan cannot scare the Eagle Sauce Country.

In other words, after the Eagle Sauce Nation has made up its mind to deal with the immediate threat of Brother Moxi before starting a war with the Third Reich, the war has already begun. It was inevitable.

On September 6, 1942, the Eagle Kingdom launched a brazen attack on Moxige on the grounds of a border conflict. The

Eagle Kingdom dispatched ten infantry divisions and two light armored divisions, with about 200,000 soldiers The Chinese troops were divided into east and west groups, crossed the border, and invaded the territory of Moxige.

The border guards of Moxige were not only sparse in strength, but also had backward equipment, lax training, and a very weak will to fight.

Facing the invasion of Yingjiang Country, they almost collapsed at the first touch.

In fact, a large number of Moxi's troops surrendered to Yingjiang Country without firing a single shot.

The Eagle Sauce Country has been the overlord for a long time in the Americas.

The Moxi people have a natural fear when facing the Eagle Country. As a result, many Moxi brothers simply did not dare to be enemies with Yingjiang Country.

It is understandable that the frontline troops will be defeated easily.

After breaking through the border defense line of the Moxi people, the Yingjiang Kingdom's army began a large-scale attack.

At this time, the biggest problem for the Yingjiang Kingdom was not the resistance of the Moxi people, but the poor transportation that hindered the army's progress.

In particular, the armored troops of the Yingjiang Kingdom marched on simple roads, causing serious mechanical failure and damage.

Fortunately, Moxi does not have powerful armored forces or is equipped with a large number of anti-tank weapons. Otherwise, it would be enough for Yingjiang Country to drink a pot.

But even so, the Yingjiang Kingdom is winning every step of the way in Moxi.

In a very short period of time, a large area of ​​territory in the northern part of Moxigo fell into the hands of the Yingjiang Kingdom. And the entire Moxi Brother country is also in a state of turmoil. Many people in Moxi believe that they may have reached the final moment of national subjugation. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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