The Third Reich, Bavaria, Mu Nihei.

The imperial ruler Hess arrived here from Bolin on a special train with only one purpose, which was to inspect the black technology of the Third Reich here.

Hess's first stop was the aircraft design institute.

At this moment, in a confidential hangar of the aircraft design institute, there is an aircraft with a very sci-fi shape parked. The plane had no tail and no propellers, just like a giant bat.

Standing in front of the plane, Hess couldn't help but sigh.

The Third Reich was indeed the Third Reich and could even build stealth aircraft.

That's right, what Hess is looking at is the world's first tailless aircraft and also the first stealth aircraft, a stealth bomber code-named HO-29.

In another time and space, the Third Reich successfully developed this aircraft when the empire was about to be destroyed. But before it could be mass-produced, the Third Reich collapsed.

The army of the Eagle Kingdom occupied the factory and seized the prototype of the HO-229 stealth bomber and a complete set of information. In another time and space, the Eagle Country's stealth bomber was actually developed based on the HO229 stealth bomber of the Third Reich.

But in this time and space, everything is different. It was only 1942, and scientists of the Third Reich had already developed the HO-229 stealth bomber at the request of Hess. Moreover, at this time, the Third Reich was not only in no danger of collapse, but was becoming stronger and stronger. These stealth bombers manufactured with the empire's black technology will naturally not fall into the hands of the enemy. Instead, they will become a killer weapon in the hands of the Third Reich and contribute to the prosperity of the Third Reich.

"Your Excellency, we have already tested the HO-229 stealth bomber. Can effectively avoid radar detection"HO-said Rima Horton, the designer of the 229 stealth bomber.

He also has a younger brother named Walter Horton, who is also one of the designers of the HO229 stealth bomber.

The two have amazing talents in the design of flying-wing aircraft.

Hess sent people to find two people and asked them to take charge of the project. And spent huge sums of money on this project. Only now has this project finally seen results.

"If it launches an attack on an enemy radar station, can the HO-229 stealth bomber be detected?"Hess asked.

What he is most concerned about is undoubtedly that the next target of this empire will be the Eagle Sauce Country. In order to prepare for a sudden attack, the Eagle Sauce Nation has built a large number of densely packed buildings on the entire east coast, including the east coast of the Maple Leaf Kingdom. Radar stations.

Under the detection of these air search radars, the Third Reich's fighter planes will be detected when they enter the airspace of more than 200 to 300 kilometers on the east coast of the Eagle Country.

This naturally makes the Third Reich The Empire's raid could not succeed.

If it were to launch an attack on the Eagle Kingdom, it would undoubtedly become a cruel war of attrition. The Third Reich Navy had to use its precious carrier-based aircraft pilots to fight against the Eagle Army Air Force. A war of attrition. Even if the carrier-based pilots of the Third Reich were of higher quality, had better flying skills, and the performance of their fighter planes was better. But facing the more than 20,000 fighters of the Eagle Army Air Force, they would probably only be defeated. After all

, although the Third Reich Navy is now equipped with 27 aircraft carriers, the total number of carrier-based aircraft is only about 2,000. Compared with the huge fighter force of the Eagle Army Air Force, this is simply Trivial.

If stealth bombers can be dispatched to bomb the radar stations of the Eagle Country and destroy these radar stations, then the Third Reich can dispatch carrier-based aircraft groups to launch sneak attacks on the airports on the east coast of the Eagle Country.

Destroy the Eagle Country at once. Dozens of airports on the east coast of the country would be enough to cause heavy losses to the Army Air Force of the Eagle Kingdom.

After several such battles, it would be enough to destroy all the airports on the east coast of the Eagle Army. This would allow the Naval Aviation of the Third Reich to gain Air supremacy on the east coast.

Create favorable opportunities for the Imperial Army to land on the east coast of the Eagle Kingdom, and even for the Air Force to station on the east coast of the Third Reich.

"Your Excellency, the HO-229 stealth bomber can effectively reduce radar reflection through its unique shape design. At the same time, the aircraft's extensive use of plywood can also reduce radar reflection, thereby achieving the effect of being invisible to radar. At present, our HO-229 stealth bomber must be at least within 100 kilometers of the air search radar before it can be detected. However, the HO-229 stealth bomber uses a jet engine, allowing the maximum speed of this stealth bomber to reach 997 kilometers per hour. A distance of one hundred kilometers can be reached in a few minutes. In this case, the radar station may not be able to respond."Walter Horton said.

Hess couldn't help but frowned. This alone may not be safe, and naturally it would not satisfy him.

Suddenly, Hess had a flash of inspiration, and a kind of future life flashed in his mind. A tactic often used by pilots to effectively avoid being detected by radar

"Can the pilot be allowed to fly the HO-229 stealth bomber to fly over the sea, using the clutter on the sea surface to cover up the aircraft's reflected radar waves? In this case, the aircraft can get very close to the air search radar before being discovered." Hess said.

Brothers Rima Horton and Walter Horton's eyes suddenly lit up.

Originally, they considered the HO-229 stealth bomber to use its speed advantage to force a breakthrough after it was detected by radar. tactics. Then, Hess's suggestion undoubtedly allowed them to see another more effective tactic.

"Your Excellency, this is entirely possible. If the HO-29 stealth bomber flies across the sea and lowers its flight altitude to a hundred meters or even tens of meters above the sea level, it will definitely be able to extremely effectively avoid detection by air search radars. After that, it will jump again when it is dozens of kilometers away from the target, or even twenty or thirty kilometers away. In this case, the target can be attacked in just one or two minutes. In such a short period of time, the enemy's air search radar was unable to respond correctly. Our raid will most likely be successful."Rima Horton said excitedly

"Yes, Your Excellency. In this case, the HO-229 stealth bomber can become a true stealth bomber!"Walter Horton also said.

The Horton brothers were completely shocked by the tactics conceived by Hess. This is undoubtedly beneficial to the performance of the HO-22, 9 stealth bomber to the extreme!

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