"what to do? What should we do now? The damn Germans are serious this time. If we resist again, they will really raise their butcher knife and kill us!"

"How could we be opponents of the Third Reich? If the Third Reich really launched a bloody suppression against us. Then we will pay a huge price! By then, I don’t know how many people will die!"

"snort! The Germans were just bluffing. They think they can scare us in this way, which is simply delusional. This time we are ready and determined. For the independence of Tianzhu, countless of us people are willing to give up everything, even our lives!"

"That's right, if you want national independence, how can you do it without bloodshed and sacrifice? It is impossible to truly achieve independence by praying for charity from the enemy. As long as we can be independent, we will not hesitate to pay no matter how high the price is!"

In the National Congress Party, there are obviously two completely different opinions.

Some people are frightened and want to give up. Others think that they cannot just give up and that all their previous efforts cannot be wasted.

This makes Nihelu The party leader was also very worried.

So Nihelu visited Gandi again to seek his support.

"Teacher, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. The situation is already very unfavorable. The damn Germans are determined to break their original promise and prevent us from gaining independence. Now, they have officially issued an ultimatum to us and the Tianfang Sect Alliance, requiring us to obey the orders of the Governor-General and give up any attempts to resist. Otherwise, they will suppress us, ban us, and declare us an illegal organization. Moreover, the German army, their servant army, and the Tianzhu army have all begun to mobilize. From the eastern region of Tianzhu, they are dispatched to other regions. Obviously, the Germans are preparing to suppress us!"Ni Helu couldn't help but have a hint of worry on his face.

Although he had made up his mind before, when things came to a close, he hesitated a little. In other words, because of the tough attitude of the Third Reich, he was a little scared.

"Nihelu, are you timid? asked Gandy

"No, teacher, I am not timid! Ni Helu quickly denied it. However, there was still a trace of unnaturalness on his face, and a trace of shame and anger flashed in his eyes. There was an embarrassing feeling of being seen through.

"Since you are not timid, why do you hesitate?"Gandy then asked

"Teacher, I'm just worried that too many compatriots will be killed or injured this time. The attitude of the Germans is much tougher than we imagined. They even gave up their war plan against the Eastern Empire and instead mobilized their troops to deal with us. This is undoubtedly very dangerous for us! Ni Helu was still afraid. He knew very well that the Third Reich was powerful enough to crush the entire Tianzhu. Even though Tianzhu had a much larger population than the Third Reich, it didn't matter at all. usefulness

"The tough attitude of the Germans was not what I expected. Since the outbreak of this world war, the Germans have defeated their opponents one after another with their powerful military power, and have gradually become the world's hegemon. Under such circumstances, it is simply delusional to try to make them surrender. Only by using force to defeat the Germans or making them pay a heavy price will they give up their plan to enslave us and allow us to become independent. If we compromise this time, the Germans will become even tougher in the future. When the time comes, what should we do? Our country and nation may never have a chance to gain independence again!"Gandy said.

Nihelu nodded repeatedly. He also recognized Gandy's point of view.

However, the fear of the Third Reich in his heart did not dissipate because of this. It was just suppressed temporarily.

"Teacher, I know what to do. For the sake of our country and nation, we have no retreat and can only go to the dark side! Nihelu said.

Gandi nodded:"There are 400 million Tianzhu people supporting us." Even if the Third Reich is the most powerful country in the world, the final victory will definitely belong to us! Our country and nation will eventually be able to gain final independence!"

"Yes, teacher. Victory will definitely belong to us!"Ni Helu's eyes became firm again.

Later, Ni Helu once again met with Jinnah, the head of the Tianfang Religion Alliance. Jinnah and many senior officials of the Tianfang Religion Alliance were actually equally frightened.

However, After the National Congress Party has expressed its attitude of continuing to fight, the Tianfang Sect Alliance has also chosen to continue to cooperate with the National Congress Party. They also know very well that if they cannot seize this opportunity, they will do their best to strive for independence. If they win independence, they will never have a chance again.

Therefore, they can only fight to the death.

If they win, Tianzhu will gain independence. If they fail, Tianzhu will completely become a colony of the Third Reich. Four hundred million The people of Tianzhu will be enslaved by the Third Reich. At the end of September 1944 AD, Nihru and Jinnah called on all the people of Tianzhu to unite and fight for the independence of Tianzhu. They said that the nation of the people of Tianzhu Consciousness has awakened, and they will no longer be colonized by Western powers. They want to overthrow the colonists above them and make Tianzhu a truly independent country.

With the mobilization of the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance , a large number of Tianzhu people were mobilized. They burst out with great enthusiasm, chanted slogans to overthrow colonial rule, and began to capture cities one by one, expelling or even directly killing officials sent to various places by the Governor-General's Office. Even In order to capture the local administrative agencies, etc., large-scale riots have broken out throughout Tianzhu.

Especially in big cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Calcutta, the riots are even more serious.

Countless Tianzhu natives have been incited, The indigenous people on the entire Tianzhu Peninsula seemed to have suddenly become enthusiastic about their national awakening. It was as if they could really drive away the Third Reich and achieve their national independence. In this process, there were also many Westerners, Pro-Western rich people were taken advantage of to be killed, or their wealth was robbed, etc.

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