Things from Another World

Chapter 1388: Weak and strong Aimura

At the wedding scene, those who were left here all looked at each other and looked at each other very awkwardly.

The powerful men followed the Pope and they flew out, and these guys who could not fly could only stay here and stand silly.

——What else can you do without being stupid?

Although Queen Olina is still sitting there, although the protagonist of the wedding is still standing there, but the other protagonist of the wedding is gone!

Normally, as the husband of the queen in the legal sense, when Tang En was convicted, it was necessary to take Queen Olina as the main body. That is to say, in the legal sense, the wedding was actually performed by Her Majesty the Queen. Concubine Don Enna for her husband.

However, the problem is that Tang En's achievements are too dazzling, and Olinna herself is a relatively weak character and it is difficult to provoke the beam. Being a queen is just a display. The true ruler of this country is Tang En So, even at such a moment, Olena is just a mascot on the table, the real core is Tang En.

These people who are present now suddenly find out that the "Her Majesty Tang En" at the wedding scene turned out to be just a stand-in, and he himself did not know when he had fled the wedding scene. This is a great pleasure!

Without the presence of big men who can calm down the scene, the princes and aristocrats began to whisper, and nothing more than the reason why Tang En fled the wedding.

——Because no matter how you look at it, no matter how you look at it from any angle, whether it's body, appearance, character, or origin, as a wedding object, Bi Cunai is a very good woman! Even if you don't like it at all, it's great to have such a princess.

Obviously, it is an extremely seductive big beautiful woman who actively posted, as a man, there is no reason to refuse!

But reality is that Tang En somehow escaped marriage ...

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

Not only these princes and nobles could not figure it out, Olina couldn't figure it out either.

She knows more about Tang En than these people, so she understands that Tang En's nature is actually a very boring person. If there is a beautiful woman who is willing to repost, he will definitely not refuse, just like him Can't refuse the same as Alleria ...

—The thought of something between Down and Aurelia made Olina feel her head hurt more.

In that case, how could he escape marriage?

... Maybe there is something else hidden inside?

Olina's gaze fell on the solitary Bimura Ai. What happened just now completely covered up her protagonist's halo, making her a humble supporting role. Now, Although Fiona and Ilulli chased them out, after losing the support of Testero and Imil, they stood alone and withdrew the eyes of those guests who were full of doubts and "sarcasm" and "sneer". It seemed that she was more pathetic and helpless.

——Although those people don't actually have the idea of ​​irony and ridicule, people's hearts will imply hypnosis when they are helpless, and then they will feel that their eyes are getting scarier.

What an unlucky girl ...

Olina sighed. Today's great day would have been the happiest, most noticeable, and most memorable day of the girl's life, but because of these emergencies, she completely lost her protagonist's charm.

However, she is also a strong girl.

Olina has discovered that Bi Cunai has been insisting on it. She tried not to let her tears flow, and insisted on using a smile to face the guests who were present-even if she was now a neglected supporting role.

No one cares how she feels.

She is just a lucky symbol that has been pushed out. This character does not have any specific meaning. It can be her or someone else.

But standing here now is the road she chose, even if she is despised by everyone, even if she is crying, she must stand to the end.

She wants to tell everyone her strength with her smile.

The embarrassing atmosphere has continued to spread, and this situation has permeated from the wedding scene to the webcast room.

Losing the host and all the protagonists who have something to look at, only Queen Olina and the non-existent heroine are left. What's so nice about this live broadcast?

"We seem to have forgotten that this wedding was originally a wedding of Bi Cun Ai and Tang En?"

"Now Tang En escaped from marriage, Aimura ... Oh my god, everyone has forgotten her, right?"

"It's really pathetic than Aimura ... It's a precious wedding once in a lifetime, but now it has become a farce ..."

"Don't blame Don! Did that human king look down on us orcs !? Why did he flee?"

"Yes! Although not as pretty as Aimura (to the orcs), she represents the honor of our Rain Empire! What does it mean to escape at the last minute? Does it look down on our Rain Empire !? "

"You seem to say that, it really seems excessive ..."

"Hey, I'm too confident, right? What qualifications do you have for the Rennes Empire? Our Illus Empire has made rapid progress with the help of His Majesty Tang En. Now it can represent the most advanced civilization of Prandall. Now, what about you? After you left us, you did n’t even have enough food. Do you think we need to use this kind of thing to deliberately insult your face? "

"Yes! That's bad, you don't even have the qualifications to make us despise!"

"Abominable human! Who gave you this courage !?"

"Of course it is Tang En's Majesty you!"

Unconsciously, the live broadcast room that had just calmed down again quarreled again. The orc netizens and human netizens were clamoring in the barrage of the live broadcast room and in the real-time communication area. Some people even quarreled and asked for an offer. .

At this time, the Mo Neng Network Monitoring Center was not busy for a long time and was busy again.

The monitors were mad to filter keywords, update filters, look for those speeches, then block those speeches, delete them, and then in the process ...

"Reporting Officer, we found something unusual!"

A monitor found the director of the monitoring center and reported what they found: "We found that some of these conflict-prone people have appeared before, and their information in the background shows that they are actually humans. ... that is, these humans pretend to be orcs, and then provoked conflicts between orcs and humans! Their purpose is still unknown, and we suspect that they may be the extreme separatists left by Solant or Grace ... "

The director of the monitoring center suddenly became serious: "Extremist separatists use the magic energy network to take advantage of this opportunity to create a national division ... Huh, forget, this kind of thing need not be reported upwards, what Tang En has left before The contingency plan was forwarded directly to Van Cleef, the agent of Ghost Agents, and they were very professional in dealing with these people. "

"I see, then the contradiction on the Internet ..."

"For the time being, do n’t startle those extreme separatists, do a good job of positioning, and wait for the ghost agents to come directly to them. After these people are arrested, things will naturally calm down ... Now we need to worry that these people will cause thunder The resurgence of extreme racism over the U.N. Empire ... Let ’s go on with your mission, stir up this pool of water, do n’t let the extreme racism continue to brew, and try to drag them to complete the task. "


The quarrel between live broadcasts is constantly escalating. Few people care about the wedding scene. All the netizens' attention is attracted by those quarrels. This is also the commonality of all creatures.

At this time, Olina had begun to exert her effect as a queen. She called Bi Cunai beside her and comforted her very gently.

"Xiao Ai, should I call you like this, right? Although Bi Cun Ai is a good name, I still like to call you Xiao Ai, this is what Tang En told me."


Bi Cun loved for a moment, it seems that he does not quite believe that Tang En will talk to others about himself.

"Don't be sad, don't you know what kind of person he is?"

Olina patted the back of her hand gently: "He is definitely not such a ruthless person. The reason why he is not here right now, we should believe that he must have some emergency, and he has a reason why he cannot escape."

Speaking of this, Olina said earnestly: "Since you are going to marry him, you have to learn to trust him and support him, instead of having doubts in your heart because of a little thing, just make a joke, understand?"

Bicun Ai nodded dumbly, of course she knew that Olina was right, but now that those people looked at with that kind of compassion, she just felt very panicked, very uncomfortable, very ... want cry.

She managed to hold on to it without crying.

But now being comforted by Olina, she wanted to cry out loud.

"You are a strong girl. I heard Tang En said that at first you were just an ordinary **** a ranch in the village, but after hard study, you can already manage the Chamber of Commerce of New Burkeso alone. This shows that you are very powerful. You are such an excellent girl who is willing to marry him. Tang En will not reject you, he will certainly be ecstatic. "

Orina said with a smile: "Now, all you have to do is keep a personable smile and welcome him with your happiest smile."

Bimura love looked at the smile on Orina's face and listened to her encouragement, her eyes were sour.

She seemed to find the warmth of her mother in Olina.


Bi Cun Ai wiped the corners of her eyes, revealing her most beautiful smile.

And the other side ...

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