Lin Chuan's understanding plan with "Nice to meet you" has been almost discussed, and all he has to do now is wait for Thursday. There is also preparation for the implementation of the first part of the plan.

Since he was still on vacation, Lin Chuan's fat maintenance plan did not fall behind at all. After all, the good days are not long, and you have to cherish them.

It just so happens that the weather is not bad today, and I am tired of eating delicacies from the mountains and seas these days, so it is more interesting to make home-cooked food by yourself.

The main thing is that there is nothing to do during this time, and Lin Chuan feels that he is going to get moldy. It's a good time to take the opportunity to bask in the sun.

Thinking like this, Lin Chuan grabbed his mobile phone and walked out. But I never thought that I would meet unexpected people.

Wang Xie didn't expect to meet Lin Chuan, after all, he hadn't completely relieved himself about the fact that he was missing a sworn enemy some time ago.

In fact, at that time, he didn't believe that a guy like Lin Chuan could fall to his death after being shot, even if it was a dozen stories high. But perhaps it was too familiar, so he was worried about his death.

When he guessed that Lin Chuan died, he had already looked for all the nearby clinics near the building, but no one had recognized Lin Chuan. I also tried to go over to find his body.

But the result was a few drops of unknown blood on the ground. There are no other limbs. Even the blood was just a few drops. The kind of weight that isn't even enough to take for a test.

For a while, Wang Xie didn't understand what his specific mood was, but he didn't have much joy.

Maybe it's just that I didn't react for a while because I was missing a trouble. But the last time he saw Lin Chuan, he realized that Lin Chuan had played himself.

At this time, Wang Xie was passing around the corner and raised his eyes to see Lin Chuan, who he couldn't find a trace. The smoke in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Why aren't you dead bastard!" Wang Xie roared loudly in a fit of rage. Then he slammed his fist on the wall, waking up Lin Chuan, who was swaying and humming.

Lin Chuan squinted, and immediately took a step back after seeing the person who came. It's Wang Xie, and he's done with the calf.

Wang Xie's face was flushed, and he couldn't speak. "Well, I'm. The system said lightly.

"Shut up. Lin Chuan whispered back in his heart, thinking about how to get out.

Lin Chuan understood that this matter was very difficult for Wang Xie to accept. After all, who wouldn't be happy if the rival had a cool ball. The last time I dangled in front of him, I ran away. Now suddenly playing with the corpse.,Isn't this just biting someone and running away and coming back to see if the person is there?。。

Lin Chuan smiled well-behaved, and immediately took two steps back before Wang Xie came over.

Looking at Wang Xie's red hand. "Tsk, I really feel sorry for that wall. Lin Chuan whispered, retreating back, but Wang Xie didn't let him go so easily.

Since he wasn't on a mission right now, he didn't carry the gun with him. After all, who would want to go out and meet a sworn enemy who cheats corpses.

Wang Xie staggered, took two big steps forward, and suddenly narrowed the distance between him and Lin Chuan, seeing that his hand was about to attack him when he met and clenched into a fist. Lin Chuan instigated and retreated sharply.

Before Wang Xie could react, he immediately turned around and ran away, Wang Xie was not a vegetarian. When he saw someone running, he immediately stepped forward to chase him. Keep a few meters away before the person runs away.

Wang Xie was surprised in his heart, even if Lin Chuan didn't die in that fall, he would be half disabled, although he looked a lot better when he met last time.

But now that I'm running so fast, I can't catch up with him at all. He was really shot and still found a stand-in.

It is impossible for a stand-in, a person who can leave the scene so calmly has only seen Lin Chuan in his life.

Lin Chuan saw that he was about to run home, and realized that there was no end for you chasing me in this way, but it was possible to reveal his address. This is a big disadvantage for him.

Seeing Wang Xie chasing after him, Lin Chuan ran hard, and his shirt was almost soaked with sweat. We must find a way to get rid of Wang Xie. Otherwise, let alone cooking and buying vegetables, the daylily will be cold by the time the physical strength is over.

Lin Chuan glanced back at Wang Xie dangerously, and seeing that the other party did not slacken, he gritted his teeth and got into a dead end. The two kept a distance of six or seven meters.

Seeing Lin Chuan getting into a dead end, Wang Xie chuckled and immediately chased after him. But deep in the alley, there is only one wall left in front of you. Wang Xie was surprised. He clearly saw Lin Chuan running to this place.

Could it be that he ran over the wall? Wang Xie turned around and looked, empty and unpopular. There are no dog holes in the ground either. On the contrary, the dust on the wall has the appearance of footprints.

It looked very hurried, Wang Xie breathed two sighs of relief, Lin Chuan, this kid is still as stupid as ever. Wang Xie took two steps back, jumped up and stepped on the wall after running. Pick at the gaps in the stone bricks with both hands. A jerk jumped over the alley.

After Wang Xie climbed over the wall, he began to look for Lin Chuan, and at this moment, Lin Chuan crawled out of the corner. There was a hole here that hadn't had time to be repaired.

It was the hole left by the fire hydrant leakage after it was dismantled some time ago, and no one came to repair it, but I didn't expect to pick up a big bargain for Lin Chuan. The alley was deep, and he ran very fast after entering the alley. Kick the wall hard.

In order to make Wang Xie think that he had climbed over the wall. Then he turned and hid in the hole, and silently filled the hole in the wall with the bricks in the corner.

Lin Chuan stayed inside for two minutes, and after confirming that there was indeed no sound outside, he gently took down a brick. Look through the cracks to see what's going on outside.

Due to the limited range of sight, Lin Chuan could only see clearly that there was no one in front of him. The gamble pushed away the freshly brewed wall. There was no one outside the wall, and the king had fallen for him.

He grinned and slowly came out of the hole. After getting up, he patted the dust off his body. Wang Xie is still as easy to deceive as ever.

Lin Chuan thought like this, and Jiao Erlang should take small steps to the market. Thinking about what to eat tonight. Now that I was bumped into by Wang Xie, "Nice to meet you" should also be on the agenda.

Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone and thought for a while to edit the information for those subordinates.

It was announced that the strange thief Lin Chuan would start on Thursday with the upcoming jewelry "Nice to Meet You" from the Leon designer, so that they could prepare in advance. "

Lin Chuan's subordinates have a wide network of contacts and connections, and the transmission of news can soon reach Leon, so let out some rumors first for Leon's people to prepare. Now is the first step in the implementation of the plan. Then just wait until Thursday to start the second step.

After getting a positive reply from the other party, Lin Chuan put away his mobile phone, and it seemed that it was not long before the end of the good holiday. Lin Chuan sighed.

Lin Chuan nodded cautiously. His lowered eyelashes fluttered slightly with the wind, and his serious expression looked like he had made some important decision.

"Well, let's eat braised crucian carp with tofu soup tonight. "

At the same time, this very important thing is happening on the other side.

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