Qinglan was still a little worried, "Ma'am, that's the fifth princess. It's not good if Ma'am doesn't go?"

Dong Yue said, "It's okay, our status is too humble, the person invited by the fifth princess must be of high status, and I, a village woman who came out of the mountain valley, would only be ashamed if I went."

The Spring Leaf Tea House is gone, and some people are in a bad mood. The fifth princess is holding a banquet at this time, which is just adding trouble.

Originally, the banquet was also two days later, but I didn't have the mood to hold a banquet at that time.

With Qinglan's interruption, Dong Yue's mood improved a lot.

After the meal, Dong Yue asked Qinglan to clean up the table, and she picked up the needle and thread next to her and started doing cross-stitch.

Cross-stitch is simple. Dong Yue used to repair this thing, so there must be a base map.

Now it is a piece of white cloth, and it takes a little effort to make it.

After Dong Yue sorted out the embroidery thread, she marked it on the cloth.

When Zuo Qing came back and saw such a lady, he panicked and told the news he had heard.

"Madam, Ma Qiang is also considered unlucky. He just stole other people's money and was found. When he was running away." After making a rough idea, Zuo Qing also sent a portrait to Dong Yue, "Madam, this is the portrait of Wang Qiang." .”

Dong Yue stared at the portrait, always feeling that Wang Qiang's arrest was strange.

The other party should have done it on purpose.

Was he intentionally caught to avoid something, or was it a cover-up?

Thinking of what Wu Niang said, Ma Qiang should have high martial arts skills, and Ma Qiang should have noticed when he went to the backyard.

If these are true, what Ma Qiang said is not just for Wu Niang.

Later, Wu Niang became like that, and was humiliated by others, which shows that

Dong Yue was startled by the thoughts in her heart.

He stood up quickly and walked back and forth in the room.

"Ma'am?" Zuo Qing said.

Dong Yue looked at Zuo Qing, "Go and watch Wu Niang to see what's going on."

"Yes." Zuo Qing left.

From what Wu Niang said, it is obvious that Ma Qiang really has feelings for her, so he will not hesitate to use himself as a bait.

Could it be that something happened after leaving that would lead to such a situation?

The arrested Ma Qiang and Dong Yue are definitely fake at this time.

Looking at the portrait carefully, the captured Ma Qiang should be somewhat similar to the real Ma Qiang.

At this time, Dong Yue didn't realize that someone behind her had been pulling Dong Yue's thoughts, seeming to deliberately lead her to another unknown direction.

Dong Yue didn't wait for Liu Sanqiang to come.

Still missing the next day.

When Dong Yue was in trouble, Lin Dazhuang, the old village head on the back cover, sent a message that something big happened in the field.

Dong Yue hurried over with two servant girls.

She knew that someone might have set up a trap. Seeing that the harvest is about to be harvested, can't there be any accidents?

The carriage ran wildly all the way to the fief, where Dong Yue saw groups of frogs appearing in the fief.

A vision from heaven can be auspicious or a disaster.

Dong Yue saw groups of frogs, tens of thousands at least, and this season passed the place where frogs breed.

There are no canals nearby, let alone supposed to be there.

What's going on?

Dong Yue dealt with the current situation and didn't have the mind to pay attention to the follow-up development of Wu Niang and Ma Qiang's matter.

"Ma'am, do you see this?" Lin Dazhuang was very worried.

This matter will spread out sooner or later, I don't know what they will experience.

If Dong Yue's land is gone, they will lose their money.

In the past few months, with Dong Yue, everyone's life has been better, and they don't want to go back to the original without food and clothing.

Dong Yue thought that frogs like to live in a dark and humid environment with water and land.

Is there a water source nearby?

Dong Yue thought about it, but she didn't have much experience in this area.

An idea flashed through my mind.

"Village chief, let's find someone to dig a well!" I hope that there will be a source of water, so that I can explain the situation and keep my fiefdom.

"Ma'am, what do you mean?"

"Frogs like places that are humid and not far from the water source. They appear here to tell us that there is a water source nearby." Dong Yue looked around, trying to convince everyone present and herself.

Looking around, he was also full of hope.

"We can drill wells here. The wheat irrigation will be timely next year, and the wheat production will increase. By then." Dong Yue has high hopes for the future.

In Dong Yue's view, having land means having security.

No matter what time it is, only when you are full can you have hope.

Dong Yue looked at the land in front of her, and she had a new plan.

She will save some of the food produced in the future, and when the harvest is not ideal, she can bring these people in front of her to solve food and clothing.

Where the food is stored, Dong Yue can put it directly in the space, and she will also find a granary, which is a kind of blindfold.

Lin Dazhuang was moved by Dong Yue, and hurried to find the well digger.

Dong Yue knew that digging a well is an old way, not a matter of a day or two, so Dong Yue took the opportunity to bring everyone out of potatoes.

In two more days, the harvest will be even better, Dong Yue has her own ideas.

For a day, everyone was busy in the field. Dong Yue asked Steward Li to bring rice noodles, and sent these things to the village chief's house, so that the village chief's wife and daughter-in-law could find some capable people to cook for them.

The last time sweet potatoes were sold, it was delivered by Liu Zhai, who also bought some ready-made ones.

This time is different. Too many people know that there are so many frogs here, and they don't know what will happen in the future.

In this way, Dong Yue led everyone to harvest all the potatoes in five days.

In five days, she successfully missed the banquet of the fifth princess, and she also minimized the risk before the spectacle appeared.

In the past few days, things on Liu Sanqiang's side have been going very smoothly.

The matter of Chunye Tea House was found out, and it was said that the shop waiter did it, but Wu Niang didn't know about it.

At this time, another major event happened in the capital.

The Spring Crane Tower was burned down, and many people died.

This matter is so important that it covers up the matter of Chunye Tea House.

When Dong Yue heard the news, she knew that it was due to Liu Sanqiang that Chunhe Tower could be what it is today.

The matter of Chunye Tea House is also related to me.

Dong Yue didn't believe the statement about the dead body in Chunye Tea House, and it was a miracle that Wu Niang was still alive.

Tongyue didn't pay much attention to this when she heard it, and all her thoughts were on this frog.

If the matter is handled well, it will be a turning point, and if it is not handled well, it will be a cliff-like disconnection.

Dong Yue understands her situation and handles things in a reasonable way.

Some potatoes were left for each household, and wages were paid to them, and the double harvest was also distributed in advance.

There are rewards for the ladies who help in everything, and the children have favorite candies and pastries.

We have dealt with it here, the problem of potato storage.

They were all brought back to the Liu residence, and Dong Yue put them in the space again while others were not paying attention.

Dong Yue, who had been tired for a few days, could finally take a breath. Merchant Ma came and knew what this man meant.

Merchant Ma was also very happy to see Dong Yue, "Miss Dong, I heard that you planted a lot of potatoes, can you sell them all to me?"

Dong Yue saw that Merchant Ma didn't have body odor on his body, and he lost weight again, and he became more confident when speaking.

"Madam Dong thinks the price is cheap?" Dong Yue didn't speak, and the horse merchant was anxious.

"No." Dong Yue said.

Merchant Ma said, "Miss Dong, don't worry, the price I give is absolutely fair, and I will never lose Miss Dong."

Dong Yue has dealt with the horse merchant before, he is an authentic person, and she also intends to sell the potatoes, just when the horse merchant came, it was also very convenient.

Dong Yue still left some food for herself and sent some to Han Lei.

It's not something precious, it's also my own mind.

Dong Yue has another meaning.

I hope that the relationship between Han Lei and the Han family will not be too rigid, at least they should not break up because of themselves.

Dong Yue handled these matters well, and the matter of the frog did not spread as if it had been sealed off by someone.

At this time, the village head brought good news.

Water came out of the well.

When Dong Yue heard the news, she went crazy with joy.


Kind people will always receive favor from God!

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