Their Commission Pay is Not Right

Their entrusted rewards are wrong Chapter 510

"No problem." But when Chen Luo was going to find a reason to explain the motive of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Otto agreed quite decisively.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner. Although I am not sure why the Herrscher of Consciousness came into being, but seeing the other party want to beat me up so much, it shows that I have indeed done some things that are not human affairs. If it is so, it is also worth paying the price." As it should be. Aren’t you the one who wants to beat me up? Go ahead.” Otto said quite generously.

"...Did you know? You and Danzhu have the same problem."

"Danzhu?" Otto frowned.

The name Otto remembers...

"Ahem, that's not the point. The point is that the Herrscher of Knowledge will be responsible for treating your injuries after beating you up, and then delete the other party's memory, so don't worry about affecting history." Chen Luo said.

"No problem, I'm not worried about this." Otto said decisively.

"...Shit, I'm worried."


One or two really don't care about their past self at all.

Do you really think that it's over anyway, and it's your former self who was beaten, so you don't take it to heart at all.

One Danzhu, 50,000 years apart, two Danzhus hurt each other.

An Otto, 500 years apart, is indifferent to the impending harm of the other party.

All are talents.

"Then what should I do now, or what can I do?" Otto looked at Karen.

"What you need to do now is to leave this damn prison as soon as possible, and then go do whatever you want. I have been using the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge to influence this prison for a while, otherwise the guards would have come early."

"Does that mean I can't be with Karen?" Otto glanced at Karen.

"Even if it's just to stay by the side and witness the other party." Then Otto said.

"It's not impossible." Chen Luo touched his chin and said.

Anyway, people 500 years ago, if you don’t count Kevin and Hua’s nonsense, from the perspective of the Valkyrie from a modern perspective, they are all a group of chickens, so if it’s just to prevent others from discovering Otto, there is still no problem .

Just like the current Chen Luo, the current Chen Luo is not in a state of stealth, otherwise he would not be able to influence real people, and naturally he would not be able to use the ability of the Law of Consciousness to influence the entire prison population. The current Chen Luo is only It was just using the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge to make Karen ignore herself.

Kallen was indeed the strongest Valkyrie 500 years ago, but only 500 years ago.

The real world is not something like the older a skill is, the more powerful it is.

Honkai gradually becomes stronger as the civilization technology tree rises. Although Kallen does have the blood of the ancestor Kevin, Kallen has not awakened the power of Tianyuan like Ulandal.

Kallen is now "only" a girl with [weird power], and at the same time has an abnormally high resistance to Houkai.

Well, just...

How did you introduce Kallen's achievements? It is said that she sealed more than 1,000 Honkai beasts by herself.

This number is indeed terrifying enough in the time when the technological civilization was underdeveloped in the Middle Ages, but if Ulandal wanted to, she could finish work in one day.

Of course, this does not rule out the result of the convenience of transportation brought about by technology, and 500 years ago, in fact, there were not many Houkai beasts for Kallen to hunt and kill.

But in any case, if you only talk about close combat without weapons, Kallen should not be able to defeat Ulandal.

Of course, I didn't say that Kallen is weak, at least Kallen can beat the Pseudo-Herserscher, this is indeed an indisputable fact.

This shows that the opponent is indeed strong, at least it is no problem to fight Qiyana in a normal state.

This refers to Paramecium Kiyana, not Machi.

It’s just that compared to an out-of-the-ordinary person like Ulandal, because there is no Valkyrie armor, and the power of Honkai in this world 500 years ago is relatively quiet, so Kallen is not as good as Ulandal.

At the same time, because this world's knowledge of Herrscher is pitiful, and they don't even know much about the application of Houkai energy, so they are naturally unable to guard against the power of Herrscher of Knowledge.

"It's just that no matter what you say, you have to pretend to leave first." Chen Luo finally said.

"No problem." Otto nodded.

So in the end, under Kallen's gratified eyes, Otto walked into the channel system created by the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Although the two doors looked a little different when they came and when they left, Karen didn't ask, even though she had doubts. After all, they are both dying, so what's the use of having such curiosity?

After leaving the prison with Otto, Chen Luo brought Otto to the downtown.

"Here, this is the crystallization I made with special power. It can not only reduce the sense of existence, but also affect the people around." Chen Luo handed a necklace to Otto.

"Although from a certain point of view, you may be able to achieve a similar effect with Mimetic Yu Duchen, but the illusion of Yu Duchen cannot be effective for everyone at the same time." Chen Luo continued.

In particular, the Mimetic Feather Dust is still a weakened version transformed through Void Ten Thousand Zang.

Chen Luo's necklace is a combination of Kato Megumi's ability and inner demon ability.

When Chen Luo gave Kato Megumi's ability to Xiao Ke'er, he left some for research.

Although nothing was researched in the end, this necklace was made with half of the materials combined with the power of the inner demon.

In a sense, this is also the key of the eighth god.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Luo directly took Otto to Kallen's cell through the teleportation anchor.

Chen Luo still couldn't change his habit of inserting teleportation anchor points anytime and anywhere.

You can't use the power of the Herrscher of Space, it's too ostentatious.

After coming to Kallen again, Otto silently sat next to Kallen, leaning against the wall, wondering what he was thinking.

"Wait a minute, Otto, don't be in a daze, tell me where you should be in the past." Seeing that Otto was about to enter a daze mode, the law of consciousness that had just been released from Chen Luo's sea of ​​consciousness who asked quickly.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, it should be near the underground of the cathedral. After all, I still want to release the Honkai beasts imprisoned in the underground of the cathedral to make them cause chaos, and then take Karen away. "Otto glanced at Karen next to him, and continued after confirming that the other party did not find him.

"I don't need to say much about the location of the cathedral. Just go out and go straight to the tallest building."

"That's it. That's fine, I'll go first." The Herrscher of Knowledge turned into a wisp of green smoke after hearing Otto's words, and then floated towards the small window of the prison, and flew out of the cell.

As a qualified demon, there must always be one or more ways to disappear without a trace.

"That's right. Speaking of me releasing the Honkai Beast in the past, Chen Luo, can you do me one more thing?" Otto turned his head and said to Chen Luo.

"what's up?"

"When my idiot in the past said that I set the Honkai Beast myself, Kallen heard my words in another way," Otto said.

Although Otto didn't regret his original behavior, the key was to lose favor with Karen.

To be honest, if Otto could have thought that Kallen would do such a thing, he would not have chosen this terrible method.

Otto didn't try to change Kallen, but just wanted to make Kallen mishear her words.

Anyway, in the official records, it is recorded that [During the execution, a Honkai beast of unknown origin appeared near the square. 】

The emphasis is on "unknown sources".

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

100 rough stones, why not?

In fact, with the imitation of Void and Ten Thousand Zang that can carry out the Eighth God's Key, this matter can be accomplished, but it is obviously safer and safer to let Chen Luo take the shot.

Just because Otto can do it himself, the reward is not high, which is also normal.

"Okay, since there's nothing wrong, I'll take care of your mess." Chen Luo sighed.

"What mess?" Otto frowned.

"No." Chen Luo pointed to Otto the two chains he cut off with his own hands.

"How are you going to explain this stuff if I don't deal with it?"

"...Then I will trouble you." Otto nodded slightly.

"Yo, girl." Chen Luo lifted his consciousness shield from Kallen, and then his voice rang in Kallen's heart.

"?!!" Kallen looked at Chen Luo who was floating in the air, and immediately vigilantly made a move like Kaslana's gun fighting technique.

Kallen is now free from the restraints, so she can move about freely.

"Who are you?" Karen looked at Chen Luo tensely.

Chapter 526 Imaginary Demon - Chen Luo

"Don't be so loud. I'm an elf here to help you realize your wishes. And don't be so loud, just say it in your heart. Because only you can see me, I don't exist in the eyes of others, and They can't touch me either."

While talking, Chen Luo smashed his head directly into the stone wall next to him, and then disappeared from the wall like a ghost, and then appeared from the wall again.

"And my purpose is to help you realize your wishes. Whenever a pure girl is about to die, I will appear and fulfill their wishes." Chen Luo said quite sincerely.

"I feel that you don't look like an elf, but rather a...devil who tempts people to fall."

Although Kalian still had a good impression of Chen Luo when she saw Chen Luo, but as soon as the word fulfilled the wish came out, Kalian felt that the other party had something wrong with her.

"Oh, why are you so sure?" Chen Luo asked with interest.

In Chen Luo's view, being wary of strangers is a very good quality, so Chen Luo was not angry at all.

"Because Otto said that most of those who use the guise of fulfilling wishes and helping you are not good people." Karen said.

"..." After hearing this, Chen Luo silently glanced at Otto who was sitting beside him and also looked at him.

The other party also noticed Karen's movement. Although Otto didn't know exactly what Chen Luo sent to Karen between Chen Luo and Karen, Otto could clearly hear his name from Karen's mouth. .

"Do you trust Otto that much?" Chen Luo glanced at Otto, then looked at Karen again.

"At least Otto is indeed smarter than me and has helped me a lot," Karen said.

" need my help even more, for example, to help you fix this chain. Don't let Otto's help to you be leaked." Chen Luo pointed to the broken chain on the other party's shackles.

"Karen, you don't want Otto to be punished because of you, do you?" Chen Luo showed a strange smile.

I don't care, I don't care, you send me a commission quickly!

" really are a demon!" The one who looked at Chen Luo with Kalian became more vigilant.

"Ah, that's right, that's right, I'm a devil, and I'm at a showdown!" Chen Luo said in a pretentious manner.

Because Chen Luo suddenly discovered one thing, that is, in modern society, the title of devil is much more useful than angels, gods, and elves.

At least in people's impression, demons will do things after receiving money. Although it is possible to lose your whole body, they really do things.

Gods or angels are different, they... Forget it, let's not mention it.

"Did you really admit your identity? Mr. Demon!" Kallen said while waving an iron chain on her shackles to Chen Luo.

But when the iron chain slid across Chen Luo's body, it seemed to have passed through nothingness, without causing any harm to Chen Luo at all.

The movement on Karen's side also caught Otto's attention, and Otto looked at Chen Luo with a very special look.

What did you do to my Kallen?

Although Otto didn't speak, Chen Luo could hear the other party's subtext.

One thing to say, what Karen said is indeed a little bit easy to be misunderstood.

"Ah, that's right, I'm a demon anyway, so you just say whether you want to fulfill this wish. I can warn you, if you don't fulfill this wish, someone will come and find that your chain is broken. Then you can't justify with 100 mouths. Your great inventor may be implicated at that time, after all, rescuing a condemned prisoner is not a small crime, even if he is the young master of the Apocalypse family."

This time, in order not to let Otto misunderstand, Chen Luo directly opened the public channel.

"Hey, what do you want?" Seeing that it would not cause any harm to Chen Luo, and what Chen Luo said was indeed something that needed to be dealt with urgently now. So Karen couldn't help but get discouraged.

"Don't worry, you won't be charged this time. Isn't it a devil's usual method to give some small favors to the other party before doing big business? So the help now is considered a gift." Chen Luo said quite generously.

"What do you mean by big business?"

"The nonsense is of course the soul of you, a pure girl. You are about to be hanged, and your soul will be silenced. In order not to waste it, I can only recycle it myself. So if you want to sell your soul, I can help you You can fulfill any wish." Chen Luo blinked and said.

"No." Caroline shook her head.

"I don't have a wish to fulfill."

"Huh? Is it? If you don't have a wish to come true, sometimes don't be so sure, but forget it, I will always follow you until you are about to die, and during this process, you can also Let me do a little favor. Like repairing the chain. In the end, I will offer you a temptation that you can't refuse. And whether you want to sell your soul or not, the choice is ultimately in your hands." Chen Luo said .

Well, Chen Luo has no interest in Kalian's soul, Chen Luo just wants to get some commissions from him.

Anyway, Kallen is going to the modern age, and helping her realize a little wish will not cause too much change in this world. And Karen is probably the only person Chen Luo can get his wish for, and basically everyone else can't get entrusted.

Because it is easy to happen things that change too much for the future.

"...As expected of a devil, he is really good at using words to confuse people." Karen was a little shaken in her heart, but her mouth was still stubborn.

At least repairing the chain and preventing Otto from having an accident because of himself is indeed a bargaining chip that Karen cannot refuse.

Especially when Chen Luo said it was just a gift.

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