Their Commission Pay is Not Right

Their Entrustment Remuneration Is Not Right Chapter 108

"Who in the world can use so much Honkai? It's disgusting." Chen Luo scolded as he put the Honkai crystal into his backpack.

Seeing that the number of Honkai crystals was almost there, Chen Luo directly teleported back to the Survivor Base. After once again confirming that there were no other Honkai Beasts and dead men nearby, Chen Luo did not return to the Survivor Base.

Now that it's all right, the survivor base is useless, and the child's affairs will be left to the child to solve.

At the same time, Chen Luo also glanced at the progress of his [Hand of Neurosis].

【Hand of Neurosis】: 5612/10000

Fortunately, the achievement has been opened. It seems that even after the event is over, the progress of the liver achievement can still be continued, otherwise Chen Luo will cry to death.

But are those Honkai Beasts so ruthless when they demolish their homes? Did you demolish so many houses in just one and a half days?

So terrifying.

Fortunately, these Honkai Beasts were fostered in Changkong City. If they were really placed in Chen Luo's house, Chen Luo would have no place to take them.

After taking a last look at the survivor base, Chen Luo directly summoned out the door of the bar and walked in.

The purpose of Chen Luolai's Sky City has also been achieved, to test the two powers and the body of the Herrscher after the transformation.

The power of the Herrscher of Domination is as easy to use as it has always been, and it can also develop different operations, such as condensing the core of the Herrscher of Domination at one time to allow the subordinates to develop when they have no time to spare. The right doll.

After the power of the Herrscher of Erosion continued to erode the mecha and left virus seeds in it, the experiment was almost done.

At least it proves that the strength of the anti-entropy mecha is not enough to resist the power of the Herrscher of erosion.


"Hmm..." Xing Xing, who felt a pain in the back of her head, gradually woke up from her coma.

"Where is this place?" After getting up from the dirt-filled road, Xing looked at the surrounding environment a little confused.

"Oh, are you awake?" Walter's somewhat flamboyant tone sounded.

"What's going on, what about Chen Luo?" Xing stood up with the mecha that appeared next to her.

At the same time, he also criticized the person who directly threw himself on the road by Walter.

"Thanks to you, let him run away." Walter looked at Xing and said disdainfully.

"What's up with me?" Xing retorted subconsciously.

"Oh, it turns out that you want me to be crushed to death next time together with you and the traveler from that other world, right? Then I understand, I won't keep my hands next time. Next time I will directly satisfy you and let you How about dying with that traveler from another world?" Walter nodded thoughtfully.

"Not so good, wait, is that bastard Chen Luo taking me as a hostage or a shield?" The invincible Uncle Xing reacted instantly.

"Nonsense, or do you think I can let the other party escape? The other party is stronger than you, but in my opinion, he is still just a rookie." Walter's tone was still as arrogant as ever.

After all, Chen Luo is not stupid. If Walter has a defecation, it will definitely arouse Cocolia's suspicion, so when Walter's personality has not changed too much, he knows what it means to respect the old and love the young.

"Damn, let Chen Luo run away again!" Xing said angrily.

Last time the bastard used himself as a bargaining chip, this time he used himself as a shield.

"Of course, it's not that there is nothing to gain." Walter said after suddenly remembering something.

"Well, what's the gain?" Xing asked subconsciously.


Just when Walter was about to answer, the communicator in Walter's hand rang.

"Oh, it's Mr. Cocolia, what's the matter?"

When he saw who the source of the communication request was, Walter's eyes flashed with anger, and a sense of revenge that was about to happen, then he restrained all his emotions and returned to his original arrogance, and opened the video call.

Why are you angry with your soon-to-be-doll companion? After all, her everything will be plundered soon.

Naturally, there are differences between people.

As a clone, what you have is only yourself, and what you can lose is only yourself.

But Cocolia is different. She is the leader of the anti-entropy reformist. She has countless forces under her control. She has her cherished daughter and Cocolia orphanage.

Walter really wanted to see the other person's expression after losing everything, hoping it wouldn't be too boring.

"Lord Leader, what happened to ME? Why did the big explosion happen?" Cocolia asked immediately after the video was opened.

Yes, that's right, that's it, still fooling me with lies.

If you are unwilling to share a little bit of the truth with yourself, what is the possibility other than treating yourself as an abandoned child?

Listening to Cocolia's "advice", Walter was furious, but Walter was able to freely control his emotions under the advantage of the doll.

"Your daughter was kidnapped by that traveler and used as a shield. I didn't kill the other party. The other party even detonated the ME club. It's that simple." Walter said casually.

"Damn, is that the traveler again!" Cocolia said, biting her fingers.

"Oh, by the way, it's not that there is no gain. In order to prevent me from chasing him, the other party offered me a treasure, a fruit that is said to allow people to evolve." Walter said.

"What? The fruit of human evolution? Where is it?" Cocolia was instantly surprised.

"Mr. Cocolia, aren't you talking nonsense? Of course I ate it. It tastes good." Walter licked his tongue.

"Have you eaten?" Cocolia's tone was full of shock and undetectable anger.

You consumables, you have eaten such expensive things?

"Of course, and indeed as he said, my abilities seem to have really evolved, I feel better than ever before, and the multiplier of gravity that can be manipulated has more than doubled." Walter said with a look of relief.

"...Lord Leader, come back with mecha troops and Xing as soon as possible." Cocolia finally said after being silent for a while.

The evolved consumables can no longer be used as ordinary consumables.

At this moment, Walter's eyes also flashed a trace of mockery.

Chapter 133 Severn Valley and Time and Space Turbulence

When Chen Luo passed by the bar this time, he took a special look and found that no one went home through the bar after starving to death.

Mona really scared Chen Luo out of the shadows.

Let me ask you, as a tavern owner, if you go back to your bar and see that a person almost starved to death in your bar, I ask you whether you are in a hurry.

This is a living person, and after all, your Mona has such a skill as astrology, and you can starve herself to death, which is really outrageous.

In the past, Mona still had money to eat a fruit and vegetable salad to fill her stomach, but now she dares not have a Mora left.

I don't know if Mona is too happy to chop her hands, or she believes in herself too much.

When he pushed open the door of the bar and returned to his living room again, Chen Luo suddenly lost all motivation.

"What should I do?" Chen Luo looked confused.

According to Chen Luo's previous living habits, Chen Luo should now wander around the community to find someone who needs help, and then increase his entrustment needs, or go to the hospital to be a nurse or something.

"Wait, the hospital!" Chen Luo subconsciously took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.

"It's Saturday, isn't it? Logically, we should go to see Yun Lian'er, but..." Chen Luo looked up at the gradually darkening sky and slumped on the sofa.

I used to see Yun Lian'er at around 10 am, but now it's already 6 pm.

But after suddenly taking time off, Chen Luo felt an extremely strong sense of guilt.

Because during the 7-day event, Chen Luo never rested except for eating, sleeping, and running a bar, so this kind of boring time is a great waste.

I really want to go to the bar, but the bar has no customers.

Chen Luo was thinking about whether to open a bar all day in the future, but if he thought about it carefully, if he opened a bar all day, what would he do if he had a commission during the day?

"By the way, call Mom and the others, it can be considered safe."

Chen Luo cut down zombies in another world for 7 days, and became a jerk who destroyed the world. This kind of experience was completely unexpected for Chen Luo before.

"It seems like half a month since I unlocked the talent by myself. The time experience of this half month is really too magical." Chen Luo sighed, and then started to make a phone call.

It took a while for the call to be made before the call was connected.

Chen Luo was not surprised by this. After all, the other party seemed to be coming from the South Pole or the North Pole. It was normal for the signal to be poor, or it was surprising that he could get through.

"Hey, mom, are you there?" Chen Luo called his mom, not his dad.

Because Chen Luo has not yet figured out how to face his father.

After all, he gave the cauliflower snake one of the three-piece suits collected by the other party.

When I didn't become a puppet master before, I thought it was nothing unusual, but now that I have become a puppet master, I have awakened the habit of collecting, and I think this kind of behavior is really excessive.

Why don't you go back and make a copy yourself, with your talent as a puppet master, you should be able to make something like the real thing.

"My dear son, why do you remember that I called my mother, do you miss my mother?" Even through the phone, Chen Luo could hear the pleasure on the other side of the phone

After all, Chen Luo used to rarely call his parents every 7 days, usually half a month.

"Just take it." Chen Luo didn't bother to talk about these things with his mother. After all, it was impossible for the other party to know about it.

Besides, who can believe such a thing as going to another world and killing zombies for 7 days?

"Oops, the children are shy when they grow up. How is the trip? Did it go well?" Chen Luo's mother asked with concern.

"It went well, but I went home after 7 days of traveling. After all, traveling is really tiring." Chen Luo said with deep feeling.

"I don't understand why you can travel outside all the time and only go home once a month."

Chen Luo had been fighting zombies for 7 days, and he was already exhausted. Although archaeology does not mean fighting zombies, it should be quite tiring.

"Oh, this is the trouble for adults, we need to earn money to support our family. Besides, the reason why you feel tired is because you don't have a company by your side, so do you want to find a girlfriend? Although it is very reluctant to give up My Xiaoluo was beaten by other cabbage, but it's time for you at your age." Chen Luo's mother joked.

"Isn't it, I'm only 17 years old, isn't it puppy love now?" Chen Luo never expected that he would be urged to marry at the age of 17. Is this a normal parent?

"I just want you to pay attention. During the trip, see if there is anything you can see right, and quickly seize the opportunity. It's not important to have a puppy love. Anyway, even if you can't go to college, you can support it at home. You. Just don't delay the study of other girls." Chen Luo's mother said ramble.

"Okay, don't talk about me, are you still in the North Pole? What about the photo I want with the penguin?" Chen Luo changed the topic instantly.

Just kidding, I'm only 17 years old now, it's too hard for me to find a partner.

What human suffering is this.

And this is going to find a mother for Shibao?

In this case, Shibao and the other party must not fight.


"Penguin photo, sorry, we don't have time to go to the South Pole, my baby, can you take a photo with the polar bear?" Chen Luo's mother said embarrassedly.

"Okay, just send it to me later. By the way, where's my dad?"

"Your dad is talking to the local tour guide."

"Guide? Does the North Pole also have a tour guide?" Chen Luo was stunned for a moment.

"Ah, no, we're not in the Arctic anymore, and we're going to some other place for archaeology now."

"That's right, by the way, Mom, do you have any requirements for the age of your son's girlfriend?" Chen Luo asked.

Mom, you may not believe it, my children have mothers.

Just a little older.

50,000 years old.

"Age? It's not too demanding, but it can't be too outrageous. Don't think about being close to a rich woman. Our family is not short of money. Let me tell you, the rich woman is happy, you can't stand it."

"...What are you thinking?" Chen Luo choked out these words after a long time.

"It's even worse for young people. The maximum death penalty is the highest in three years." Chen Luo's mother said nervously.

"Stop, stop, let's not discuss this issue, where are you traveling now?" Chen Luo regretted raising this question.

And why does my mother know more than me.

"Where to travel, Severn Valley... Have you heard of it, baby?"

"Severn River Valley? Severn River?" Chen Luo asked suspiciously.

"So does the Severn River still have a valley? I have learned a lot."

"Cough, okay, it doesn't matter. In short, I will be doing archaeology here for a while now. I don't know when I can go back this summer vacation."

"Okay, anyway, when it comes to summer and winter vacations, you are all like this. I'm used to it. By the way, remember to pay attention to safety." Chen Luo exhorted.

"Don't worry, remember."

After calling his mother for a while and asking his mother to say hello to the father who was talking to the tour guide, Chen Luo turned off the phone.

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