Their Commission Pay is Not Right

Their Entrustment Remuneration Is Not Right Chapter 105

Then, it was already revealed by Chen Luo's countless silk threads that covered the entire corridor, showing a black and red posture, instantly entangling Walter in a daze.

Of course, when using this move, Chen Luo also turned off the beheading skills of his collapse terminator.

In fact, this move Chen Luo was originally prepared for Xing, because Chen Luo had never played against Xing before, so Chen Luo made great efforts for this.

Otherwise, Chen Luo wouldn't talk so much with Xing Xing and delay the other party's actions.

But Chen Luo didn't expect that Xing fell down before he exerted his strength.

This is the invincible Xing-sama.

And now the first Herrscher Walter who suddenly appeared is enjoying all the treatment.

And since the opponent is a Herrscher, the damage received is increased by 60%.

The damage calculation of the Honkai Terminator is so simple and crude.

The lower you are in the Honkai faction, the more total damage you take.

Increases damage dealt to Honkaiju and Deadmen by 100%, and damage dealt to Herrscher by 25%.

And a special "Herscher" like this Walter, who is neither the Honkai Beast Death Warrior nor the Herrscher, the damage the opponent takes is increased by 60%.

Speaking of which, even the Herrscher Yae Sakura is only 50%, and Walter is not even as good as the Herrscher.

Under the combined erosion of the power of the domination and erosion of the dual lawrs and the destruction of the collapse energy, the small ball in front of the opponent collapsed instantly, and the gravity exerted on Chen Luo was also destroyed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hui Chen Luo instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Walter, and then a hand directly pierced through the opponent's abdomen.

"Ah!!!" Walter let out a violent scream.

When Chen Luo saw his Herrscher personality stab Yae Sakura in the stomach, he felt that the other party was cruel, but now that he thinks this should be one of the most suitable ways.

If you stab the hands and legs, let's not say whether it can be stabbed or not, even if it is stabbed, it will not make the other party incapacitated. If you stab the chest, it may be directly stabbed to death.

So poke the belly is the most suitable method.

Moreover, the distance from the stomach to the limbs is almost the middle place, that is to say, eroding and dominating other places from this place is the most efficient and convenient transportation point.

As the other party's screams sounded, more and more threads were wrapped around Walter's body, and the black and red threads not only absorbed Honkai Energy, but also had the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

The power of erosion can not only control machinery, but also control beasts or humans, so it can erode the opponent's body, and when eroding the opponent, it will definitely affect the opponent's body and indirectly affect the soul.

And taking advantage of this opportunity to dominate its body is very labor-saving.

The power of the Herrscher of Domination and the power of the Herrscher of Corruption are indeed a perfect match.

But just when Chen Luo eroded the opponent to half, Chen Luo suddenly stopped.

"Is this thing really worth controlling?" Chen Luo suddenly fell into doubt, and now the other party has been eroded by half, and belongs to a half-doll like Ling.

"If the other party is really the Herrscher of Reason, it's definitely worth it, but he's just a clone of the Herrscher of Reason. And it's still a cloned product..." Chen Luo is really entangled now.

You want to kill him, anyway, the other party is considered a combat power, and if you want to kill the other party, you just use the Honkai Terminator to kill it.

But you have to say that he manipulated him into a puppet and pulled the other party down a little bit.

Since becoming a puppet master and having a puppet collection library, Chen Luo seems to have awakened to some strange collection habit.

At this moment, Chen Luo finally understood why his father kept three sets of things, one for touching, one for placing, and one for sealing.

There is only Yae Sakura in Chen Luo's current doll collection, not even Ling. Ling is just a half-doll who is not qualified to enter the doll collection, so it does not occupy one of the 999 places.

And Yae Sakura, if you beat Walter, here is the clone, it will be very easy.

Therefore, adding Watt to the doll collection is undoubtedly polluting the inventory.

"But if it is said that he is turned into a half-doll, the other party will definitely not obey."

The situation of this Walter and Ling is different. Ling is born with a high degree of favorability towards Chen Luo, and Chen Luo has no intention of manipulating her, just to maintain the other party's existence, so she can be turned into a half-doll.

"Forget it, let's put it in the doll collection first. If you are not satisfied, go back and kill. Anyway, after the doll collection is short by one, you can add another immediately."

In the end, Chen Luo chose combat power amid the entanglement of collection addiction and the urgent need for combat power.

As Chen Luo made a thorough decision, more black and red silk threads began to appear in the void, and began to surround and wrap around Walter in front of him.

Walter's screams gradually weakened in the endless entanglement, and the other party's situation was like Yae Sakura at the beginning, and was gradually tied into a cocoon. When the other party broke out of the cocoon, it was a puppet again. .

In addition to turning the opponent into a doll, this cocoon can also heal wounds.

As for why this cocoon increases the healing effect, it may be because each doll made will cause a lot of damage to the doll's body.

After all, think about it carefully, whether it's the Herrscher's personality or Chen Luo's method of making the other person's doll is to first pierce the other side's abdomen, so that the other side loses a certain ability to move, and then use the string to tie the other side tightly, and start to the other side. Transform into a puppet.

If this does not add a healing function, I am afraid that the doll will die as soon as the conversion is completed.

Does this count as demand determines supply?

"It's this Xing..." After dealing with Walter, Chen Luo walked to Xing's side, squatted down, and tapped the opponent's head with his sword.

"How to deal with it?" Chen Luo was still very distressed about this.

If Walter's clone has half the qualifications to enter the Chen Luo doll collection, then this Xing really doesn't even have half the qualifications.

It's not that our invincible Uncle Xing is very good... well, she is really good.

And killing her is naturally impossible, after all, waste is not a good habit.

Moreover, the invincible Uncle Xing is an excellent material.

Time ability... If I become a doll master in the future and can mass-produce time ability dolls, then...

Time bomb to understand?

Time-capable people, especially such kind of time-capable people, are really hard to find.

"Then... let's turn it into a half-doll." Chen Luo thought for a while, and then placed his right hand on the opponent's neck lightly.

The Herrscher ability of Domination is activated.

The other party is in a coma now, so it is still very smooth to convert it into a doll. Although the other party has a painful expression on his face, it is not Chen Luotong anyway.

Although it is true that the opponent can't beat him, if he can beat himself, it will hurt to break a rib or two.

So Chen Luo has no guilt at all.

There is also a difference between half-dolls and half-dolls, 1% dolls and 99% dolls, can this be the same?

Ling's kind of doll belongs to about 5%. Chen Luo is only on the basis of maintaining the existence of the other party at a minimum, and transforming it into a half-doll, the control power can be said to be as small as possible.

And this apricot, Chen Luo gave her a 50% degree.

At this level, Chen Luo couldn't control the other party's thoughts, but he could make the other party feel upright.

Thoughts are the thoughts of the other party, but the body is Chen Luo's body, obeying Chen Luo's orders.

And if it exceeds 50%, it is easy to be found abnormal.

And after more than 50%, even if Chen Luo is no longer superimposed, the other party will gradually become Chen Luo's puppet over time. This is an irreversible process, so for this kind of people who want to control but do not want to control completely A degree of 50% is just right.

"Hey..." Although he received two dolls at once, Chen Luo couldn't be happy at all.

If it is said that the quality of the dolls in Chen Luo's doll collection is at the level of Yae Sakura, then Chen Luo is of course happy.

But this time, the two dolls obtained are crooked melons and cracked dates.

Especially after realizing his own power, when transforming Walter, Chen Luo sighed even more after detecting the dilapidation of the opponent's body.

This Walter replica belongs to the kind of dead goods that have been mass-produced but not fully mass-produced.

There are many problems in the body.

After gaining a combat power that was intended to be used as cannon fodder, Chen Luo had to lose a piece of Honkai Energy crystal to transform the opponent's body.

What is this loss-making business?

Chen Luo sighed and threw a piece of Honkai Crystal onto the opponent's body.

If the Honkai Crystal for Yae Sakura was meant to provide nourishment to the opponent, then the Honkai Crystal for Walter was simply to heal him.

Cocolia's human cloning technology is really indescribable, at least in Chen Luo's eyes.

Chen Luo's furniture action has raised all of Chen Luo's puppet master skills to the proficient level, including human body modification.

Coupled with the blessing of the favorability gift of the Mebius scalpel, Chen Luo can now be regarded as a senior scientific researcher of the former civilization.

So Chen Luo could only use his power to operate on Walter while sighing.

nmd, simply lost.

"After transforming this Walter, let him go into anti-entropy as an undercover agent, try to occupy a high position, and then take anti-entropy into the pot. This is the result of stupid mortals who dare to resist the collapse." Chen Luo whispered forcefully.

【Ding! Honkai faction item exchange discount is 9.2%]

Well, there is another piece of news, that is, this favorability level has started to rise slowly.

In the past, it was enough to say good things, but now we have to do a practical thing to reduce the discount.

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, but Chen Luo always feels that he has been caught up with himself.

Chapter 130 Chen Luo's Fourth Calamity Corps

It doesn't take long to do a complete doll transformation, but when you do a doll transformation to Walter, it takes a lot of time to treat various problems on him.

But the good news is that if the Walter replica before the transformation can only be regarded as a defective product, it is already a semi-finished product after Chen Luo's transformation.

And in this way, the opponent's ability to use that kind of gravity will be stronger.

If Chen Luo got the body, that is, the cloned Walter's thing, Chen Luo felt that what he did should be much better than that of Cocolia.

The science and technology of anti-entropy is indeed strong, but they mainly focus on mechas, and the mechas still come from the knowledge of the upper civilization.

Not only anti-entropy, but even adding a destiny, in Chen Luo's view, the other party's human body modification technology is just like that, and he can probably do it himself, and even surpass it in some places.

After all, Chen Luo is the equivalent of someone who has mastered the true inheritance of Mebius.

Of course, there are indeed outstanding ones, such as Otto.

It's a pity that this old boy Otto doesn't do the right thing.

If you say that Otto is important to mankind, it must be big, but it is definitely impossible to say that he truly fights against Honkai for mankind.

Otto's own original words are that he will not destroy Honkai, at least not until the Herrscher of Death appears, and even protect Honkai, so that Honkai can successfully give birth to the Herrscher of Death.

In general, it seems that the technology of Destiny is already developed enough, but in fact Otto has more and more awesome things that he is unwilling to come up with.

"It's really time to look up Void Wanzang, but it's a pity that Void Wanzang is now beyond the limit and cannot read the knowledge inside."

It is conceivable that when the overrun is completed, Void Wanzang, which completely obeys Chen Luo's orders, shows all his authority. After Chen Luo has read all the knowledge of the previous civilization, Chen Luo's theoretical knowledge will become stronger. .

After all, compared to the ability of Void Manzang that can simulate the keys of any god, the knowledge contained in Void Manzang is actually more important.

"Then the question is, if you don't show me some value, I will recreate you now." Chen Luo looked at Walter who was gradually let go by the silk thread.

When the bound silk threads gradually began to loosen, it meant that this person had been turned into a puppet by Chen Luo, and at this time those silk threads were easily cut off.

Just like the reformed Yae Sakura, after supplementing the nutrition, the combat power instantly soared, and all the threads were cut, and he wanted to hack Chen Luo to death.

And the same is true for this Walter. Chen Luo not only supplemented the other party's collapse energy, but even adjusted the other party's body for a long time, so that the other party's body is at its peak and liberated the other party's output problem. It can be said that the current Val Te can play at least two previous Walters.


At the moment when Walter was about to be loosened by all the strings, Walter's eyes opened, and a pitch-black ball of light appeared in front of Walter, and a terrifying gravity began to be exerted on this poor, weak and helpless. ME's corridor.

"Hahaha, although I don't know what you've done to me, I feel better now than I've ever felt, so I decided to reward you with a whole corpse!" Walter, who started to laugh frantically, slammed into it with force. He broke free of the silk thread that had become weak after using it, held the gravity ball with one hand, stroked his hair with the other, and looked at Chen Luo openly.

"Humph!" Seeing such a presumptuous Walter, Chen Luo snorted and looked at each other coldly.

Feeling Chen Luo's icy gaze that was like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered, Walter suddenly felt like he was falling into an ice cellar, and his body even lowered his arrogant head uncontrollably.

"Put away your senseless temper, and next time I'll recreate you." Chen Luo said as he looked at the clone that had been transformed by himself.

"Yes, my lord..." Feeling the irresistible order, Walter's spirit also worshipped Chen Luo.

Even if he is as arrogant as a watt and is transformed into a puppet, he can only kneel and sing conquest.

If it is the real Herrscher of the first agent, Chen Luo may not be able to beat him. After all, the first Herrscher is indeed a bug. The power of my thinking is so terrifying, but it is only a copy of this defective product. Not to mention the body.

But even the Herrscher of the first agent, if Chen Luo is really transformed into a puppet, although the other party has the ability to resist, it is only a resistance.

Chen Luo's power of the Herrscher of Domination is no longer just the power of the Herrscher of Domination.

All true Herrscher powers belong to S-level talents, but S-level talents are also divided into upper and lower.

The Herrscher of Domination and the Herrscher of Corruption, these two powers or talents are a perfect match. Together with the stigmata of Chen Luo's puppet master, they are enough to make ordinary S-rank talents unable to resist.

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