"..." The waiter felt that the boss was sick, but he didn't dare to say more, "Yes."

Suddenly, the strings under Ling Che's fingers began to pluck smoothly.

The sound of the piano lingered, and he recalled scenes and her life in the organization in his mind.

Back then, when he first joined the organization, he might have been injured when he was abducted, lost his memory, and his mind was almost blank.

At first, the training started in groups of ten, running, boxing, fencing, and weight-bearing every day...

A good partner, I thought it was just hard work.

Unexpectedly, the organization announced one day that only one of the ten people would be left.

The partners who get along day and night will all kill each other.

At that time, he had a little brother named Hao, who took great care of him during training and even gave him delicious food.

The surrounding area and the top of the venue, which is as large as a football field, are covered with fine steel nets.

No one can escape.

Several machetes and daggers were lost in the organization.

They were ordered to kill each other, and those who resisted would be shot dead by machines \\, officers, and \\guns driven in advance outside the arena.

In order to survive, everyone is trying their best to knock down and kill each other.

There is no more camaraderie of any kind.

Together with Hao, he killed the other eight people. When there were only two people left, Hao said, "Seventh, you kill me. I don't want to watch you die."

At that time, he only knew that his number was row seven.

Everyone must forget the name of the past.

Hao said he did not want to forget.

Just when he was hesitating, Hao quietly took out the dagger hidden in his sleeve and stabbed him directly.

No matter how quick he reacted, he was still stabbed in the abdomen. Fortunately, he didn't die. With an explosive torque, he twisted Hao's neck with his bare hands.

Survive as one in ten.

He received wound medicine to stop the bleeding, and a chair as a reward. He sat outside the fine steel net and watched the one out of ten players at the back of the field fight.

The organization said, let them learn a little bit.

Trash, unworthy of life.

At that time, he saw Xiao Xuan in one of the later scenes.

She is so beautiful, she looks like a shining enamel doll no matter where she is.

Her situation is difficult.

The woman is jealous of her beauty, and the man wants to invade, offend, her.

Because, even in the field, anyone can do anything to the weak.

Of the ten people in her group, eight died.

There is only one man left with her.

The man said to her, "Obey me, kneel and lick."

"I can give you half an hour more life."

Even the well-armed organization personnel standing outside the fine steel network all looked optimistic about the show.

Because that man is obviously a violent person with brutal muscles.

Moreover, he later found out that before joining the organization, that man liked NUETONG, and he was a murderer and a human MO.

She is so weak that it is impossible for her to be his opponent.

There were nearly mutilated corpses all over the ground, and there were pools of blood under their feet.

She stood there covered in blood, and bent over to pick up a clean handkerchief from someone's corpse.

I wiped my face.

There was a slight smile on the stunned beautiful face, and he asked the man with a smile, "What pose do you like?"

When the violent man thought of being served by her, he wiped the saliva that almost spilled from the corner of his mouth in surprise, YIN\\\\HUI looked at her greedily, "Enjoy in front of witnesses, labor and capital like it so much!"

She walked over at a leisurely pace. After the previous fight, she was already weak and weak. Looking at it, it seemed that she couldn't even walk. "You haven't answered yet? What posture do you like?"

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