"That is. Unfortunately, there are no vacant rooms inside."

"You can live with me at night." Gong Aiping raised her voice to Sun Jianhong in the yard, "Old man, didn't you say that you are going to make a bed in the main room, and buy a bed in a while."

Sun Jianhong wanted to object, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

"Thank you so much." Bai Ruoyao smiled. Even if you spend 120,000 yuan for one night, it's better for the old lady to say a word.

"You're welcome."

The two seem to have become fast friends.

Bai Jingxuan looked at the scene where the two had a happy conversation, but she was noncommittal.

Li Tinghe finished his breakfast and went to the company with Bai Jingxuan.

Gong Aiping took the opportunity to keep talking bad things about Sun Jianhong, "Hong Hong, that woman Bai Jingxuan is not sensible at all. She is so rich, and she still relies on us to eat and drink for free..."

"She didn't eat our food." Sun Jianhong said, "I was hospitalized a few days ago, and she sent someone to prepare food for me. And Bubi, thanks to her being taken care of."

"Oh, my Hong Hong, are you hospitalized?" Gong Aiping looked distressed, "Is it okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine." Sun Jianhong was not quite used to her enthusiasm. He told about the fact that Li's group wanted him to sell the house and move, and someone pretended to be Li's and came to commit murder.

"Oh my god, this is so scary." Gong Aiping patted her heart, "If you live here, what will you do if this kind of thing happens again in the future?"

"Girl Xuan said that no one will come here to make trouble." Sun Jianhong sighed, "She is a good person."

Gong Aiping disagreed, "Let's not talk about her first. Hong Hong, I have been waiting for you all my life."

"Yes." He nodded repeatedly.

She said tentatively, "In order to make up for it, you might as well transfer the ownership of the house to me."

Sun Jianhong looked at her incredulously, and remained silent for a while.

She immediately showed a sad expression, "My parents passed away a long time ago, and I have always lived with my brother and sister-in-law. After all, I am a guest in someone else's house. I wonder what's wrong with having a house of my own?"

"Your parents have always loved you very much. When they died, did they give all their property to your brother?"

"Almost. It's not easy for me to compete with my brother."

Then you will grab me? Sun Jianhong didn't say this, but said, "Let me think about it."

Gong Aiping got angry, and her voice was sharp, "You have delayed my whole life, even if you want your life, it is right. You still have to think about such a trivial matter as the transfer of ownership?"

Theoretically, Sun Jianhong was willing to pay her all his life, "But, Aiping, what are you going to do if the house is taken?"

"Of course I sold it and bought it."

"Why don't we sell it to Miss Xuan?" Sun Jianhong said in a deliberative tone, "You see, it's because of her that we can meet again. She is our benefactor. This house is now blocking the development of the Qianshui Jinwan project. Li's acquired it, and the project will proceed smoothly."

"Then you transfer the ownership of the house to me first." As for what she will do in the future, it has nothing to do with the old man.

"Transfer to you, and then to Miss Xuan, this will incur two handling fees. I should transfer directly..."

"Sun Jianhong, why are you so old and disobedient?" Gong Aiping was in a hurry.

"In the past, you were the one who listened to me." He fell into the memory, "Although you were not very good-looking, you were gentle, generous, and reasonable."

"Decades have passed, and my personality will always change a little." She said that she was sick, "Besides, I was crazy before, and my temper was a little irritable, which is normal."

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