"I asked the veterinarian to see it overnight last night, and poured a large bowl of dog food and water for it." Bai Jingxuan gave him a reassuring look, "The veterinarian said that its injury is not serious, just rest for a few days and it will be fine." gone."

"Thank you so much, Miss Xuan!" Sun Jianhong had tears in his eyes, "I've always been worried about its injury. I just didn't dare to bother you too much."

"It's okay." Bai Jingxuan never promises others easily, "If you have something to do, just tell me directly, as long as I am happy, I will help."

In case he refuses to sell the house after half a month, then she will not block Li Tinghe's decision.

"Interesting." Sun Jianhong liked such frank people. If you are unhappy, he will not help you.

Three days later, Sun Jianhong basically recovered, and Bai Jingxuan personally handled the discharge procedures for him and sent him home.

As soon as he entered the courtyard gate of Sun's house, the big wolf dog Bubi ran towards Sun Jianhong, jumped up, and the tiger's body made him stagger a few steps before he stood still.

"Big darling, looking at you like this, you feel refreshed and recovering well." Sun Jianhong hugged the wolf dog into his arms.

"Wow, woof woof!" Bubi barked and wagged his tail excitedly at his master.

"Okay, okay, I know you miss me. I miss you too." Sun Jianhong was cheerful, and the wrinkles on his old face were smiling.

Looking at this scene, Bai Jingxuan felt that he was actually a nice old man.

A doctor in a white coat was walking out with a medicine box. Sun Jianhong hurried forward, "This is Dr. Qin that Miss Xuan said. Thank you for helping me cure Bubi."

"It's fine now, a little injury." Dr. Qin patted the wolf dog on the head, and Bubi gave him a "bark" as a response.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Doctor Qin left.

Sun Jianhong looked at the clean yard, and thought that several people had died inside, even though the bodies had been cleared away, it was still scary.

"Miss Xuan, can you stay here for a few days?" He was in a dilemma again.

"Okay." That's exactly what she meant.

Otherwise, I don't know how to persuade him to sell the house.

"Your uncle Wang Quan's grave is in the cemetery five kilometers away, have you visited it?" he asked.

"I've been there." Bai Jingxuan lied.

There's no shame in pretending to be someone else's cousin or niece. Instead, he asked his hands to go down and burn a handful of ghost paper.

"The food is ready." The driver, Fan Mao, came out of the kitchen. "You two can eat when you come back."

"Bobby has been injured at home for the past few days, and his dressing has to be changed in the middle of the night." Bai Jingxuan explained, "I asked Xiao Fan to stay here and watch over him. Don't blame me for making my own decisions."

"Of course not, it's too late to be grateful." Sun Jianhong shook his head. He has no children, and Bubi is his lifeblood.

Bai Jingxuan mentioned to him that the bodyguard He Qiang was injured and recuperated.

Therefore, it was replaced by Fan Mao as her escort.

"Wow, woof!" Bubi suddenly barked towards the outside of the yard.

"Ah!" A female voice with pale face exclaimed, and the next second, Bai Ruoyao stood outside the door with a pale face, "Tell that dog not to bark, it's so annoying to death."

Sun Jianhong saw that she was carrying fruit in her hand, looking at her exquisite attire, he probably was a rich lady, "Do you have anything to do?"

"Sister, you are really here." Bai Ruoyao smiled at Bai Jingxuan who was in the yard, "I originally planned to go to He Ting Yushu to look for you, but I saw your car on the way, so I followed."

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