The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8014: frenzied, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!

"From now on, all Daoxing and suffering souls can enter this sea of ​​blood to practice!"

Jiang Yun's voice spread throughout the Daoxing Domain and reached the ears of all living beings.

Seeing the almost golden sea of ​​blood appearing above Daoxing Heaven and Earth, everyone was dumbfounded and extremely shocked!

As a monk, how could you not know that the blood of the strong contains powerful power.

And the sea of ​​blood formed by the natal blood of more than a dozen monks who have achieved half-step transcendence, as well as hundreds of thousands of monks above the Great Emperor level, can bring even more benefits to other monks. It is even more unimaginable!

Especially since there is actually a demon of time fused into the sea of ​​blood, making one day of practice inside it equivalent to ten days of practice in the outside world.

Being inside it, even if you do nothing, even if you don't change your own bloodline, your body will become stronger and your blood will be more powerful.

Jiang Yun's behavior can be described in four words—crazy!


Before everyone could recover from the shock caused by this sea of ​​blood, there was suddenly another earth-shattering sound of water surging.

Everyone hurriedly followed the sound and suddenly discovered that there was a waterfall not far from the sea of ​​blood!

The waterfall comes from nothingness a hundred feet high, falls down, and also forms a lake.

Unfortunately, the area is a bit small, only a thousand feet in size.

However, when everyone recognized the water in the lake, even the eyes of some half-step transcendent experts showed madness.

Because, that is soul blood!

The blood of soul and body is much more precious than the blood of life.

Of course, the soul blood of most living beings is only very important to themselves and does not contain much soul power.

But the soul blood in the lake in front of him contained soul power that was even comparable to the soul power of a half-step transcendent expert.

So much so that even the half-step detached people couldn't believe it, wondering if Jiang Yun had killed a large number of powerful detached people and taken away their soul blood.

Naturally, Liu Peng and the Ancient Formation Spirits had already arranged the teleportation formation and successfully attracted the soul blood from the Soul Ruins.

These soul bloods were left over and condensed from the two souls of heaven and earth of countless living monks in the cauldron for tens of millions of years.

The soul power contained is beyond imagination.

Jiang Yun shook his hand, and a golden light flew out of his hand and fell directly into the lake formed by the soul blood.

Hearing the sound of "Peng", a ball of golden flames rose into the sky from the lake, burning fiercely, and continued to climb until it reached a height of a hundred feet.

From a distance, it looks like a fire holding up the sky!

Others had not had time to react to this scene, but basically all the Soul Clan members in Daoxing World had already knelt down on the ground with tears streaming down their faces.

In their view, that flame is the source of the birth of their clan, and it is a sacred object that they have worshiped for countless years.

As the soul fire burned, a faint gas began to rise in the soul blood lake, drifting towards Daoxing Heaven and Earth below, as well as the various star worlds around Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

All the monks who were swept by these gases felt refreshed and refreshed, and even their senses became much sharper.

A lake of blood formed by the natal blood of a strong man requires monks to enter the lake and soak their bodies to gain benefits.

But the soul fire that Jiang Yun used as fuel and ignited with his own soul power could slowly warm the souls of all living beings through the smoke.

A lake and a fire. The appearance of these two made Confucian scholars and other half-step transcendental people who secretly resented it in their hearts before now secretly rejoice that they were lucky enough to stay in the Daoxing region.

Even if they are already extremely strong, being able to practice in such an environment for a long time will naturally have subtle benefits for them.

Not to mention, other living monks!

It can be said that Jiang Yun has gone to the extreme in order to improve the strength of Daoxing monks.

Looking inside the cauldron, and even outside the cauldron, there is no large domain that can provide such an excellent cultivation environment for living beings like the current Daoxing domain.

While everyone was immersed in the shock and joy of this lake of blood and unfixed soul fire, Jiang Yun's figure swayed slightly.

Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing appeared beside him instantly.

Seeing Jiang Yun's pale face, Situ Jing said distressedly: "Fourth, go and take a rest!"

In order to create this lake and soul fire, Jiang Yun drew ten drops of his life blood and a large amount of soul power, which was equivalent to dedicating nearly half of his own strength.

The soul power is okay, but the lack of life blood cannot be made up for by resting for a few days and regenerated.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Yun's current state is exhausted.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "No, I have nothing to do."

"There are a few more small things to do. After I finish them, I'm leaving."

Hearing these words, Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing both fell silent.

They naturally knew that Jiang Yun had too many things to do, and he could have left the Daoxing Territory long ago, but he could not rest assured about the safety of the Daoxing Territory, so he had delayed it until now.

The current Daoxing Domain can not only be regarded as an unparalleled holy land for cultivation, but also the strength of nearly thirty people with half-step transcendence are extremely powerful if placed in the cauldron.

This allowed Jiang Yun to finally leave Daoxing Territory with some peace of mind.

Dongfang Bo raised his hand, wanting to rub Jiang Yun's head out of habit, but thinking that there were too many outsiders here, he turned his hand to fall on Jiang Yun's shoulder, patted it gently, and kept silent in his heart. 's sigh.

As a senior brother, he wanted to share some responsibilities and pressure for Jiang Yun.

But he knew very well that neither he nor anyone else could do such a thing. Only Jiang Yun could do it.

Use your own strength to protect a large area!

Jiang Yun patted his senior brother's palm and was about to leave, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly focused and he looked at the soul fire he had ignited.

Noticing Jiang Yun's gaze, Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing hurriedly looked at Wuding Soul Fire.

At the beginning, the Indeterminate Soul Fire in the Hunyou Domain was as strong as the sky and the earth, but Jiang Yun's Soul Fire was only a hundred feet long.

This is not because Jiang Yun's soul power is not as good as the Soul Lotus, but because the Soul Lotus is an innate spirit, and the Soul Nether Realm directly leads to the Soul Ruins, the Soul Lotus can continuously draw on soul blood.

But here in the Daoxing Territory, they use teleportation arrays to continuously transport soul blood, and the quantity cannot be compared with the Soul Ruins.

However, at this moment, the height of the hundred-foot soul fire was slowly rising again!

In the opinion of Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing, this should be caused by the increase in the amount of soul blood, but Jiang Yun murmured: "Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister, I seem to have understood the origin of my guardianship!"

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