The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 587 The old fox deceives the young fox

Just after noon, when Jack came to Director Frank Regan's home again, he met Eileen Regan and Henry Regan, who was over 80 years old, at the long table in the dining room.

The long dining table was piled with various documents. The two of them seemed to have stayed up all night, checking the thick communication records with two pairs of conspicuous dark circles under their eyes.

Seeing him appear alone, Erin looked a little surprised, "Where's the Danny man?"

"I left Danny in the bureau and tried to get him to sleep in the dugout for a while, the guy was exhausted."

"We're not much better." Mr. Henry took off his reading glasses and rubbed his sore eyebrows. Despite his age, this old man was in really good health. Even though he was over 80 years old, he could still stay up all night until noon.

This also reflects from the side how much the Reagan family cherishes their loved ones, and the important status of Linda, the sister-in-law, in the hearts of the family.

Jack stepped forward and helped Mr. Henry up from the chair. Taking the opportunity to persuade him to rest for a while, he gave him a long-lasting BUFF and said,

"Danny confirmed from a few guys in the prison who belonged to the Elmar gang that their boss did have an insider within the police, but he didn't know the specific identity.

I also asked about several locations, but so far I have found nothing. I have an idea and I want to discuss it with Frank. "

Mr. Henry really couldn't stand it any longer. He took the crutches handed to him by Jack and walked tremblingly towards the bedroom. He pointed to the study room and said, "Frank is on the phone inside."

"Let me go in with you, I've also made some discoveries here." Erin also stood up from her seat and led Jack into the study.

Ten minutes later, after listening to Jack explain his fishing plan, Frank raised his hand to stop Irene who was about to speak, took out a box of cigars from the drawer, handed one to Jack, and lit one himself, just like that in the study. Zhong started to pace.

The fragrant aroma of cigars filled the study room. After a long time, he slowly spoke, "Your plan is generally fine, but the arrangement is a little hasty. Whether it is you or Irene, go find Lyle Green." Ni’s intentions are too obvious, and the other party may not take the bait so easily.”

It was with this in mind that Jack came specifically to find the director. Danny's wife had just had an accident, and a new witness had appeared here. There must be a reasonable reason to avoid arousing suspicion.

"So I hope that you can personally take action. A high-status and anxious father will personally kill a key witness for the safety of his family. All this seems very reasonable."

Frank nodded and his expression softened a lot, but then he seemed to think of something again. The hand holding the cigar shook slightly and he said in deep thought,

"The premise of all this is that Lyle Greene, the poisonous special prosecutor, is indeed a traitor. But have you ever considered this? What if he is just an incompetent politician who likes to sensationalize?"

Jack couldn't help but be stunned. To be honest, he really hadn't considered this. There was currently no substantive evidence as to whether Lyle Greene was a traitor. Everything was just based on his speculation.

If it is true as Frank said, then the operation he planned is destined to be nothing more than a bamboo basket.

Fortunately, Erin, who had been listening in, finally couldn't help but speak, "Although I didn't find direct evidence, there is a discovery that can support Jack's conjecture."

Two men in the study, an old man and a young man, looked at her at the same time.

"I mentioned before that when we captured Raimundo Salazar, we also obtained his mobile phone. Although many of the numbers on it came from anonymous prepaid mobile phones, these prepaid mobile phones were sold by comparison. electronics store, I found a pattern."

As she spoke, Irene showed the circled list in her hand to the two of them, "There are several prepaid mobile phone numbers sold from an electronics store on the corner of Barrack Street. Guess who happens to live on that street." In the apartment?”

"Haha, well done. You are worthy of being my daughter. I'm proud of you." Frank hugged his little cotton-padded jacket and did not hesitate to praise him.

Irene was smoked by the cigar he was holding, and covered her nose in disgust, "I just sent people to that store to investigate. Although Lyle Greene was very smart in using cash to pay the bill, in the After seeing his photo, the shop owner recognized him immediately."

Frank threw the remaining half of his unfinished cigar directly into the ashtray like a waste, "I will arrange a car immediately and go back to the office to meet with the prosecutor."

After thinking about it, he stopped making a call and turned to look at Jack, "Would you mind being my driver for a while, Jack?"

"With pleasure, Mr. Director."


"Squeak!" The Dodge Hellcat stopped firmly at the door of the New York Police Headquarters. Frank clutched his chest in shock and loosened the passenger seat belt.

"I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time. It reminds me of when I was young, when I was just an ordinary NYPD patrol officer."

There was a hint of innocence on Jack's face, and the director acted as if it was not him who had been urging him just now.

"You should also make arrangements over there. Lyle Greene will be here in half an hour at most." He took Jack in the elevator to his office on the top floor. Frank waved for him to sit wherever he wanted. He sat upright behind the luxurious desk and picked up the phone. Start instructing subordinates to arrange matters.

Jack found a sofa and sat down, took out his mobile phone and called Sylvia. Fortunately, he had been well prepared and left a prepaid mobile phone for her.

The communication was very smooth. Sylvia didn't need to know too much, she just had to cooperate in acting in a scene, and most of the content was performed in her true self, so there was almost no difficulty.

Not long after, the two people in the office put down the phone almost at the same time and looked at each other. Just when they were about to say something, there was a gentle knock on the office door. Jack quickly made an OK gesture to Frank, who nodded. He turned his head and responded loudly, "Please come in."

Frank's female secretary pushed open the door and walked in, followed by the drug gang special prosecutor Lyle Greene.

"I heard you wanted to see me, Director Reagan?"

Frank stood up and stretched out his right hand to him, "Thank you very much for coming. This is FBI Senior Agent Jack Tavole. You have met him before."

Jack also stood up and shook hands with the other party. The three of them exchanged a few words and sat down on the guest sofa. Frank showed some hesitation on his face. After a while, he cleared his throat and said,

"Lyle, uh, can I just call you that?"

"Of course, Director Reagan." Lyle Greene looked flattered, but he was overjoyed in his heart. He had roughly guessed the reason why the NYPD director in front of him was so cowardly and respectful.

"The situation is like this. Detective Danny Regan, my son, is likely to miss the hearing tomorrow afternoon due to some unexpected factors." While saying these words, Frank had a slight expression on his face. Ran.

"What?!" Although he had already expected it, Lyle Greene still couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart. He could only pretend to be shocked and stood up from the sofa.

"Danny's testimony was very important. He was the only key witness who could testify against Raimundo Salazar. This... this is unacceptable."

"Please sit down and let me finish my words." Frank once again showed his unruffled aura and forced the other party to swallow the rest of his words.

"Just yesterday afternoon, something happened that made it impossible for us to risk losing an important family member by having Danny testify, so I hope you can understand."

"But this is the only chance we have to actually send Raimundo Salazar to jail. Subsequent investigations can lead to more indictments. Without the testimony of Detective Danny Regan, according to one case, According to the principle of second trial, he will be acquitted and we will think about it later.”

Lyle Greene looked distressed, as if he was really an upright prosecutor petitioning for the people.

Frank sighed, his eyes filled with tears, looking like a hero short of breath, "I fully understand the hard work you and the team you led have been putting in on this case, but everything happens for a reason.

I understand this is a huge favor, but this news must not be known to the outside world. Danny will be admitted to the hospital tomorrow due to a sudden illness. I hope you can help keep it secret until the hearing is over. "

Lyle Greene was already happy at this time. He gritted his teeth and pretended to be reluctant. After a long time, he sighed and spoke a high-sounding phrase.

"I knew this was a method that these beasts of the Alma Gang were good at, and I even specifically reminded Detective Danny Regan. I didn't expect that, but this... This is really against the judicial spirit that we have always adhered to. .”

"Yes!" Frank nodded, "So I contacted Senior Detective Jack Tavole and found a new witness for you."

Lyle Greene, who was still immersed in inner joy, was immediately stunned by this sudden turn of events. A look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he didn't even realize that his voice had changed a bit, "What? A new witness?"

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