The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 559 Dinner with the Cassels and their daughters

Jack had been thinking about this case on the way here, and this was a disguised reminder to him. Although simple and crude methods are very satisfying, they will inevitably run into trouble with those difficult defense lawyers in the future.

When he was at the LAPD, he had seen Angela Lopez's lawyer husband. How difficult that guy Wesley was. Fortunately, this guy was tamed by Angela and became his own.

In the future, he will inevitably deal with the scum of the upper class, and he may have to face a whole team of elite lawyers. Apart from trying to end the case in the arrest process (killing him), he really has not thought about this. coping strategies.

"Do you remember what we found in that van?" Jack asked while sorting out his thoughts in his mind.

Danny didn't understand what he wanted to express, "You mean those communion dresses, votive candles and the like?"

"Yes, he wants to create a ritual to satisfy his perverted desires, right?" An idea flashed in Jack's mind. Isn't this the field he has always been good at before? His speaking speed also became faster.

"Don't you think this nagging demeanor fits the style of a serial killer?"

Danny's eyes lit up, "It makes sense. A person wouldn't live forty or fifty years and suddenly become a sexual pervert when he wakes up. Do you think he might have other criminal records?"

"We can check where he has stayed before and see if there are any similar unsolved cases in the area. We can't do anything about Teresa's case, but we might be able to do other cases."

Jack imitated Jubal's example and clapped his hands, cheering up. "I can find someone to help. I know someone who is good at checking this, and she also happens to have authority."


"Hi, honey, did you miss me?" Jack was secretly glad that when he returned to Los Angeles, he did not forget to fill the refrigerator in the big office for the BAU friends, and also made some cute and cute things for Garcia. Delicious little dessert.

"Hey, the man of my dreams, miss me?" Garcia's response was the same as Garcia's.

"Cough" Jack almost choked himself. He was really not suitable for this greasy style, so he quickly got down to business.

"No problem, it's a trivial matter, but I need priority reading rights for the next installment of Jack Reacher." Garcia made the condition.

"As long as I can get it done, I can introduce the prototype of the big muscle tyrant to you."

Jack was talking about running the train, but his casual words reminded him that he hadn't contacted that big guy Jack Reacher for a long time. He turned back to his brother and asked if this guy who was running all over the map had passed by recently. New York.

Danny went to deliver barbecue to his father, the director, and Jack sent him a message to reassure him. He drove around the streets. New York itself is not famous for its food, but it brings together elites from all over the world. Different countries have different styles. All flavors can be found locally.

Jack has also learned bad things now. Instead of parking in those extremely expensive parking lots, he specifically looks for temporary parking areas on the roadside. As long as he doesn't block fire escapes and other towed vehicles, the logistics department will naturally help deal with any tickets he gets.

In addition, Danny also gave him a few NYPD family cards. Even if he opened the Firebird, he didn’t have to worry. Some minor violations would be ignored directly. In this regard, the NYPD’s family cards are better than those of the LAPD. Be easy to use.

Feeling that time was almost up, Jack found a spot to park his car and entered a French restaurant on the edge of the Hudson River. Rick Cassel invited him to have dinner here that night.

He probably guessed what this guy was looking for, but he felt that he might not be able to help.

"Please, every artist needs his muse, I can only ask for your help." Cassel clasped his hands and prayed.

"So, you really don't mind if your father finds you a stepmother?" Jack ignored this guy, raised his glass to Alexis and winked.

"Actually, if it's Detective Beckett, my first impression of her is quite good." Alexis smiled and raised the juice at hand, clinking glasses with Jack.

I really wish I had such a thoughtful little cotton-padded jacket. The more Jie looks at the unreliable father next to her, the more displeased she becomes. If he is a evil villain, he must find a way to kill this guy and snatch the little cotton-padded jacket away. .

Cassell looked a little embarrassed, "I'm serious, I've even completed the character setting, now I just need some small inspiration."

"Nikki Hitt, right? I already know." It feels like this guy is really not afraid of death. If Beckett knew that the heroine based on her was given such a name, would she interrupt him with one shot? leg.

"And your little source of inspiration is to ask me to convince the NYPD Police Department to let you follow Detective Beckett to do some things." Jack raised his hands while speaking, put two fingers up to his ears and bent them. Indicates the meaning of quotation marks.

".'Investigative' work?"

"Yes, that's right, I can sign a liability exemption agreement, and I've even prepared a body armor." Cassell's eyes lit up, and he opened his phone to show a selfie of him wearing a body armor.

This body armor is actually a custom-made one. Why do you say that? Because other people's body armor has either "SWAT", "NYPD" or "FBI" on it, which Jack often wears.

And the body armor he was wearing had a big "WRITER" written on it.

Jack sighed heavily and thought of what happened before, "Since Alexis put herself in danger for the FBI before, I will definitely help, but I heard that even the mayor is a fan of your book. , why don’t you just go to our mayor?”

"Uh" Cassel looked around mysteriously, then leaned closer and whispered, "I heard some rumors recently that the relationship between the mayor and the NYPD is a bit tense, and some said that Director Reagan, although he is on the surface, He remains neutral on both sides of the aisle, but privately he is moving closer to the Elephant Party.”

It seems that although writers are somewhat different from reporters, they are also well-informed people.

Jack did not continue on this topic, and the three of them continued to chat about their experiences in New York while enjoying the food.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been with that old rookie John for a long time, or if it’s because they were both actors in the original world, which led to some similar personalities between the two guys. It’s really hard for Cassel to really make him Hate.

Coupled with the fact that this guy also has the lovely Alexis by his side, Jack's words became more difficult to talk about, and he talked about the second new book he was preparing.

"Have you ever experienced an air crash? Fighted terrorists? And SEALs?" Cassell was so envious that his eyes turned red. The guy in front of him was filled with stories. Serial killers and the like were enough to attract attention. Oh, I didn’t expect such an “adventure” to happen.

That's right, Jack's second book plans to write about his experiences on Jolo Island, including plane crashes, tropical rainforests, terrorists, hostage kidnappings, PMCs and Navy SEALs. These are all the elements that a bestseller should have.

Alexis also showed an expression of interest, looking at Jack with a curious light dancing in her eyes.

The French meal was a long process. The three of them ate and chatted until late at night. They put the father and daughter who were still satisfied with the story into a taxi. Jack finally reminded Cassel.

"Even if the NYPD agrees with your bad idea, I suggest you communicate with Detective Beckett first, as a minimum of respect."

He remembered that in the original play, Beckett first came to Cassel for help because of a case, but now it was obvious that he had disrupted the process because of himself, and he didn't know if that case would happen again.

"I'll go to the 12th Precinct to find her next Monday. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this." Cassel took out an invitation.

"Because of the accident last time, the publishing house is planning to hold another cocktail party, which will be next Monday. Please be sure to attend."

Jack took the invitation, waved goodbye to Cassel and his daughter, turned around and was about to put away the invitation, when he saw a familiar figure on the side of the road.

Director Frank Regan, who was dressed in formal attire, was holding a beautiful woman in a sexy black evening dress as he walked to the roadside and stopped a taxi with his hand.

By coincidence, Jack also knew this older beauty. She was the reporter and news anchor Miss Davidson whom she had met at the open-air press conference in Police Square.

Tsk tsk, Jack watched as Frank Regan very gentlemanly opened the back door for Miss Davidson, put her in the car, leaned into the car and kissed her good night, then closed the door and watched the taxi leave. I felt quite dumbfounded in my heart.

Sure enough, there are no coincidences in the adult world. He had previously told Dana Moger about his guess that Miss Davidson might be Frank Regan's person, but he did not expect it to be confirmed so quickly.

Judging from the intimate attitude of the two people, this Miss Davidson is not only Director Reagan's person, but also in every sense of the word.

After watching this scene, Jack threw away the car keys in his hand, turned around and left. He didn't expect that he would inadvertently reveal a little secret just for a meal.

I heard Danny mention it before that his mother had passed away long ago and his father had been single in recent years, so it was natural for him to go out for a date.

Just thinking about Miss Davidson's identity, Jack couldn't help but smile. If the outside world knew that the NYPD director's secret lover was a reporter, it would probably cause a commotion. It seems that the director is also a wonderful person and likes to play with fire. a feeling of.

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