"Found it. At 1:18 p.m., a girl sprayed something on the salad bar." Hannah leaned out of the van.

"Then it's time for me to go back. Let me know when you confirm your identity." Danny Regan flipped the cigarette butt into the sewer on the roadside unethically, stood up and patted his butt.

After saying that, he directly found an NYPD police car on the side of the road, got into it, and asked the patrolman to take him to the police station along the way.

Jack and Hannah went directly back to the operations center. Jubal had received the video file. When the two returned to the big office, he was giving a briefing.

"It seems salads aren't always a healthy eating choice, and CSI Labs has confirmed that the synthetic tetrodotoxin, or TTX, found on the salad bar is the culprit in this case.

The good news is that this thing is not contagious, but that’s all. It is odorless and extremely lethal. Is there anything else the CDC can add? "

A female CDC doctor with a visitor's card and a temperament very similar to Dr. Morgan whom Jack had met introduced to everyone,

"There is currently no antidote for TTX, and the attack time is different depending on each person's constitution, so people will continue to die in the next few hours. We have transferred all people who have eaten in this fast food restaurant to They were all sent to the hospital, but in fact there wasn’t much the doctors could do.”

"As far as I know, there is currently no mature synthesis technology for TTX. The price of high-purity TTX will not be less than 100,000 US dollars per gram. Who would use such an expensive poison for poisoning?"

Jack had thought that someone had obtained some highly toxic puffer fish guts and directly extracted it. However, CSI confirmed that it was artificially synthesized high-purity reagent-grade TTX, which was very interesting.

Wouldn’t it be nice to use this technology to make money directly? You must know that poisons are also medicines. Since TTX can cut off power to the nervous system without any sequelae afterwards, this means that it is a more powerful anesthetic than tablets and is not addictive.

Therefore, TTX can also be used to cure physiological drug addiction, and the effect is very good. It is precisely because of problems with production and research progress that there is currently no mature TTX drug on the market.

The female CDC doctor looked at Jack with surprise and nodded, "Indeed, TTX has a complex structure of oxygen-rich interconnected rings, and it has been quite difficult for organic chemists to synthesize it.

Although the first successful experiment on synthetic TTX was carried out as early as 1972, the process was extremely cumbersome and the yield was extremely low. It has remained in the laboratory stage. However, not long ago, a research team at New York University successfully invented a New Technology.

They reduced the synthesis steps to 22, increased the yield to 11%, and the materials required were mainly common materials available on the market. "

"OK, this means that we are dealing with an organic chemist who pays attention to cutting-edge science. Of course, it does not rule out that he is a guy who is good at using the dark web."

Jubal said, projecting a photo on the screen, "We found a suspected suspect through facial recognition. Her name is Caroline Zabatak, white, sixteen years old, who just moved into Sinai. Shan Hospital, the symptoms are consistent with those of TTX poisoning.

Guess what, she was not on the dining list we counted. The hospital realized something was wrong and just provided her information. The ERT (FBI Evidence Response Team) was searching the trash cans along the street along the way she passed, hoping that Can find her poisoning tool. "

"The pattern on her T-shirt comes from an Anarchist dark heavy metal band. Their propagandists are very radical and highly inflammatory, and they are very popular among teenagers."

Dana Moger walked into the office and pointed at the photo on the screen.

Seeing everyone giving her surprised looks, she shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "If you have a daughter who is in the rebellious period of youth, you will understand these things like me.

This small group is both amateurish and radical. Imagine a tattooed man wearing various metal rings on his skin, playing an electric guitar on stage and roaring at the top of his lungs to destroy authority and capital, and you will understand. "

"It sounds very convincing. It is close to Wall Street and belongs to the financial district. Most of the victims serve capitalists. Maybe they regard it as some kind of declaration." Anna guessed.

"We're going to Mount Sinai Hospital, hoping she can still talk." The car key turned twice deftly around Jack's fingers.

"Hurry up, the whole New York is panicking now, and I don't know if I should eat tonight."

Dana Moger's statement was a bit exaggerated, but it illustrates the seriousness of the situation. Today's movement is no less than the previous apartment building explosions. The CDCs wearing chemical protective suits frightened the citizens of New York more than the bombs.


"When she came home, she couldn't even speak and could hardly stand. I quickly drove her here. Now the doctor is not sure whether she can wake up."

Caroline Zapatak's mother is a middle-class woman who seems to have a good life. Her eyes are red. Although she is anxious about her daughter's condition, she still speaks in a very organized manner.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sabatak." Hannah and Jack looked at each other and took the initiative to comfort her.

"I don't even know why she ate there, we've never even been to that place in Manhattan." Ms. Zapatak complained softly. Apparently she didn't know that her daughter was not simply a victim, but more likely It's the perpetrator.

Hannah helped her sit down on the bench next to the hospital corridor, "Do you know why she went to that place?"

"Maybe it's to meet her online friends. She has almost no friends, most of them are online. I have never met them. Is there a problem with this? I don't understand why you ask this."

Being watched by two FBI agents with solemn faces, Ms. Zapatak became a little wary.

"That's right, we need to find all the victims so that we don't miss anything. You know, uh... some people may not know yet."

Jack lied casually, but unexpectedly it aroused more thoughts from Ms. Sabatak.

"Do you think Caroline is being targeted?"

Ah, Jack was speechless for a moment, but Hannah was keenly aware of the problem.

"We have not received similar information. Has your daughter had any conflicts or conflicts with others?"

The scowl on Ms. Zapatak's face became even worse, as if Hannah's question opened her conversation.

"Caroline has had a hard time at school in the past few years. As you know, children at this age can be very cruel. She had to change schools twice in the past two years because she suffered some very excessive bullying at school. .”

Jack's eyelids twitched, and American-style adolescence finally appeared. For some reason, after coming to this world, all the teenagers he met were mature and sensible.

Whether it was Kara who escaped from the pervert or the invincible, well-behaved and sensible daughter of the Cassel family, they were simply out of this world compared to the things he had seen in American TV series. This time he finally met a "normal" "Yes.

"How long has this been going on?" Hannah asked.

"After her father left without saying goodbye, about five years ago, when he packed a bag and disappeared from our lives, Caroline's behavior became somewhat out of control.

It started with all kinds of outbursts of emotion for no apparent reason, and then I would often find her burning things in the room, some old photos and old clothes.

I know that this incident caused her a lot of harm and made her more sensitive and impulsive at school. Such behavior caused her to be ostracized and bullied by her classmates, and it became more and more serious. "

Jack subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Caroline Zapatak on the hospital bed. Well, it didn't seem like he was a mixed race. Well, he was just narrow-minded.

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