This was Jack's second time spending the night in the desert. Compared to the beautiful night the first time, this time it was much more difficult. After roasting a few scorpions, catching a rattlesnake, and feeding two more with snake meat, he came out in the middle of the night. After the foraging kittens, it was finally getting light.

Watching these two slender-waisted cats that looked like small cougars disappear into the bushes in the distance with one step and three turns, Jack stood up and exercised, then threw the remaining snake heads and skins into the fire to destroy the corpses. .

Comparing reaction speed with a rattlesnake with bare hands, and blowing it a dozen times in a row, causing his brain to collapse, was something I wouldn't have dared to think about in my previous life. Even if I could really keep up with my reaction, I wouldn't have the guts.

There is no need to worry at all now. If he is bitten, it is just a matter of healing. He will naturally become more courageous. The rattlesnake died in a very suffocating manner, being stunned throughout the whole process.

Isabel had no idea about this. Shortly after dawn, the little girl wiped the dried tears from the corners of her eyes, yawned, and got out of the sleeping bag.

Jack heated up two cans for breakfast, and the two of them filled their stomachs, packed up their things, cleaned up the traces on the ground, and continued heading northeast.

The Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico is not a life-limited area like the Sahara, but walking for a day under the scorching sun is quite a test of the willpower of an adult, let alone an underage girl.

The route had been planned in advance, and Jack knew it well, so he did not skip the water. However, after walking down the road one day and seeing Isabel starting to limp, he knew that she had almost reached her limit.

He did have a bit of a test in mind, and it was also a kind of training. I think this experience should be remembered by this little girl for a long time.

Some things can only be cherished enough if you have to work hard for them. The same situation also applies to other people. After a lot of hard work, you have to reach your destination. Even if it is a donut, you still have to say with tears that it is delicious. .

With less than half a day left to travel to the small town of Reynosa on the Mexican border, Jack decided to take a rest early. They were lucky enough to find an abandoned wooden house today.

This was probably a small farm that had been abandoned by a bankrupt farmer. There were a few scorched corn stalks standing alone in the dry farmland. There was not much green left in the vegetable garden in the backyard, but Jack still found a few that looked pretty good. Onions and carrots.

"Is it difficult to cross the border?" Isabel gnawed on the onion with tears in her eyes. It wasn't that bad to eat, it was just smoked. Two small grooves appeared on her dirty little face with tears. She looked pitiful and disgusting. Somewhat funny.

"It's not difficult at all. It's much easier than our two-day journey."

Jack checked the surroundings and found that it was okay. The bed was fairly firm and the windows were intact. He could have a comfortable night's rest.

After searching some more, he found a few pots and jars. He fetched some water from the well in the backyard. There was not much water in the well, but it was still clean. It was not necessary to drink, it was enough to simply wash up.

Seeing that he was busy all the time, Isabel couldn't sit still. She put down the onions and followed him. Judging from his posture, she knew that he was planning to boil water. She took the initiative to run outside the house and picked up a pile of broken wood and threw it into an iron sheet. In a gasoline barrel.

A little girl who had grown up in a wealthy life could actually see something real in her eyes. Jack felt that he had seen the right person. In just two days, her transformation was amazing.

It's just that I don't have a very picky eating habit. I would rather eat a raw onion with tears in my eyes than take a bite of a carrot.

After boiling water and putting it in the house, he dug out a towel from his bag that he thought was not needed and asked her to take care of her own personal hygiene. Jack closed the door and walked outside, took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

Although the signal was a bit weak, it was barely usable. Jack first called the number that Alessandro had given before, hung up immediately after dialing, and then started sending messages to Justin.

First, ask her to help everyone make sure everyone is safe, and then describe the previous events in detail and ask her to pass it on to Rosie through reliable channels.

It didn't take long for Alejandro's call to come back.

As expected by Jack, after learning that Matt died unexpectedly, Michael was seriously injured, and that an FBI agent was missing, and the failure of the entire operation also caused casualties to the Mexican police, the CIA reacted strongly.

All those involved in the operation, including Alejandro, the "special advisor", were placed under house arrest and questioned repeatedly as soon as they returned to Corpus Christi Air Force Base.

If Jane Banner, who was left behind, hadn't immediately notified the FBI and DHS when the situation was bad, who knows what these CIA gangs planned to do.

Fortunately, this was a joint action team in name only. Although only agents from the CIA and FBI participated in this operation, other departments were also nominally involved and naturally had the right to know.

So things took a turn for the better after people from all walks of life intervened one after another, either to watch the fun or simply to see the CIA's joke.

Alejandro didn't know the specific situation. He was just released this morning. After the CIA issued a gag order on him, he was put on a plane. He was already at a resort beach in Colombia.

As long as everyone is fine, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Even Alejandro, the "special adviser" who is used and thrown away by the CIA, is fine. This means that the situation has not developed in the worst direction. What he had prepared before It seems that those methods are useless.

Sure enough, after he happily lit a cigar, and not long after enjoying it, the phone rang again. This time it was Rossi who chose to contact him directly after receiving Justin's notification.

It was obvious that Rossi knew much more detailed information. At this time, the BAU team had returned to Dallas and resumed investigating the supermarket bombing.

The direction of the attack has completely changed, because according to the BAU's investigation, the four suicide attackers were all Americans from the mainland and had no connection with foreign countries.

The focus above has also shifted from overseas terrorist activities to internal ones. The FBI now fully occupies the dominant position, and the CIA can only step aside.

Rosie couldn't say much on the phone, and finally told Jack to return safely. There was no need to worry about Isabel's identity. The Federal Witness Protection Program would arrange a new identity for her.

Jack asked him to help tell Emily that her nightmare was over. Ian Doyle had completely integrated with the land of Mexico, but the promise he made could not be fulfilled. Emily's necklace is still there. It's wrapped around his wrist.

After hearing the news, Rosie's mood immediately improved, she laughed and then hung up the phone.

The stone in Jack's heart finally fell to the ground. After making the last phone call, he discussed with a certain Texas Ranger about the details of "smuggling" tomorrow night. After finishing his cigarette, he knocked on the door and entered the house.

Back in the house, Isabel was still sitting on the edge of the bed with tears in her eyes, looking at a loss with her bare feet. Tsk, someone noticed the big blisters on the soles of her feet at a glance. It seemed that she was frightened. .

Jack was already prepared. He found the first aid kit, used a needle to pop the blisters, squeezed out the tissue fluid inside, sprinkled some Yunnan Baiyao, and then wrapped an elastic bandage twice like a little foot. The little girl curled up her feet comfortably. The little pearls on my fingers and face finally stopped falling off.

After cleaning herself up again, Isabel regained some of her energy, and her big and smart eyes began to move around again until she saw Jack slicing the carrots, throwing them into the pot and stewing them with a few cans.

The two of them, one big and one small, finished their dinner with sad faces, then looked at each other and laughed. If they were hungry, they were really hungry. If they were unpalatable, they would be really unpalatable. This meal was enough to become someone's cooking skill that they have always been proud of. Black history.

It was almost completely dark, so Jack found a shovel, dug a hole in the backyard, and buried the assault rifle he had been carrying, including the magazine and some other unused items, in it.

I will travel lightly tomorrow and take care of all these eye-catching things. I also have two pistols as self-defense weapons, which are enough to deal with most situations.

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