From time to time, some old-fashioned Crown police cars appeared along the way. Judging from the paint and uniforms, they should be local police who came to help maintain traffic. Thanks to them, the road was smooth and there was no need to wait at any intersection.

As the motorcade approached a viaduct, Jane, who had been looking out like a curious baby, suddenly covered her mouth and let out a low exclamation.

"Is that a welcome to us?"

Jack tilted his head towards Matt next to him, and his eyes fell on the bottom of the viaduct, where four red barley corpses were hanging, some male and one female. The common feature was that all of them had lost their heads, and some even had one missing. arm.

"Welcome to Juarez." Matt said nothing and just shrugged. On the contrary, Alejandro in the back seat said slightly sarcastically.

Jack noticed that there were not many ordinary people watching on the roadside, and they seemed to have become accustomed to it. They gathered together in twos and threes, chatting with normal expressions.

The convoy passed quickly under the viaduct and just entered a small road. The police car in front suddenly stopped, and Jack quickly stepped on the brakes.

No one spoke, and no one asked what happened, because the gunfire like fried beans from the distance said everything.

Of the four people in the car, only Jack, who was driving, and Matt, who was sitting in the passenger seat, were wearing communication headsets. They all waited quietly until the liaison officer's voice came through the headsets.

"The Mexican side requested a change of route."

Then a voice with a strong accent came in, "There are some situations ahead. We need to take a detour. Everyone, sit tight."

The police cars leading the way started one by one and turned into a narrower alley. Jack stepped on the accelerator and followed closely.

The road surface became more bumpy than before, but the convoy accelerated its speed. The huge body of Sababan turned the originally narrow two-lane into a single lane.

As they went around and around, the atmosphere seemed to suddenly become tense.

Jack followed the car in front carefully while observing the movements around him. At this time, the sound of gunfire in the distance had disappeared, leaving only the sound of the vehicle's engine and the squeaking brakes when turning.

He was thinking wildly in his mind, if those Mexican federal special police suddenly took action, how long would his bulletproof vehicle be able to block the continuous fire from the M249SAW light machine gun.

This squad light machine gun using 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition is often seen in film and television works, and is also one of the most common weapons in the military assistance provided by the United States to South American countries.

"Nothing will happen here. If you want to take action, you'll have to do it at the border." Matt's expression remained unchanged, and he even looked a little relaxed.

Sure enough, the journey was uneventful. After walking through the alley for nearly half an hour, a section of high wall with barbed wire appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The pickup truck of the Mexican Federal Special Police sounded its siren again and then moved to the side of the road. Jack continued to drive forward in the direction of their waved signals and passed a DN-V Buffalo fire support vehicle.

This four-wheeled little guy is mounted on the turret of an M8 self-propelled howitzer. It uses an M3 short-barreled howitzer. This kind of old-fashioned firepower from World War II is considered a big killer in a country with a weak military like Mexico. .

Behind the armored vehicle is a concrete bunker-like sentry box. After bypassing the sentry box, you entered the Mexican Federal Courthouse.

I have to say that the Mexicans are quite thoughtful. The court building is close to the federal prison, which probably reduces the risk of being robbed while escorting prisoners back and forth, but this is not a tragedy.

Next to the court building, there is a post every five steps and a sentry every two steps. They are all policemen with armed weapons.

Following the previously discussed steps, Jack stopped the car and moved the Suburban behind him to the front, so that when he left later, the order of the vehicles would be completely different from before.

This little trick also shows that Matt is also wary of the special police waiting outside the court.

Just as the motorcade came to a stop, Matt got out of the car and walked into a slowly rising iron door together with two old bailiffs. There were four Delta members around them, guarding the three of them in the middle.

Alejandro, who was sitting in the back seat, remained motionless, his eyes glancing over Jack and Jane from time to time intentionally or unintentionally.

"Is there a problem?" Jack looked a little uncomfortable.

"I heard you were looking for an Irishman named Ian Doyle."

Jack's heart moved, "Do you know where he is hiding?"

Alejandro shook his head and did not answer Jack's question directly, "Matt said you were very powerful. You once protected a group of civilians and safely left Jolo Island, which was occupied by rebel forces."

Jack didn't understand what he wanted to express, so he could only nod, "My shooting skills are good, but fortunately the backup came in time."

Alejandro continued to shake his head, as if he didn't agree with Jack's humble way, "That bastard Matt rarely praises others. Since he said it, it means you are indeed very powerful. Let me see it if you have a chance."

Ugh, this is so pretentious.

Jack didn't think he could know where Ian Doyle was hiding because the information Justin gave him said that Alejandro had been in Cartagena, Colombia for more than a year before the operation was launched. , and more than a year ago, Doyle was still imprisoned in the secret prison of Zuklan.

But Alejandro must have his purpose in saying these words. Maybe he will have a way to find out the whereabouts of Doyle. Jack is not worried that this guy will set a trap for him. After all, he has an official status. people.

If you try to deceive the FBI, unless this guy never sets foot in the United States, there will be no good results.

"There will be a chance." Jack, who had figured this out, did not rush to ask further, but also pretended to be calm.

Not long after, a guy with a black cloth covering his head and handcuffs was escorted out and put into the car. Matt quickly returned to Jack's car and said into the headset while pulling on his seat belt, "Set off!"

The convoy of six Saberbans set off again, this time the car with four Delta members took the lead, Jack's car came in second, followed by the car escorting the prisoners.

The convoy quickly drove out of the federal courthouse, and the Mexican federal special police pickup truck that had been waiting outside for a long time followed again, with guards at the front and back.

"Plan has changed. Let's retrace our steps and go directly back to El Paso." Matt ordered on the communication channel.

This was something Jack had expected. The so-called exit from Laredo was just a false shot. He should have deliberately reported it to the Mexican side to hide it from others, or even to be wary of his own internal affairs.

Jack studied the map. At the speed they were driving at, if they took the road normally, it would take less than 20 minutes to reach the border. And if they drove along the dilapidated highway in Mexico from Juarez to Nuevo Laredo, at least It takes 10 hours.

There were some noises coming from the channel. It seemed that he was in the same car with the liaison officer. The Mexican SWAT personnel were protesting loudly. Jack's Spanish was quite good now. Although the other party spoke very fast, he could hear what the other party was protesting.

However, this noise quickly disappeared. I don’t know whether the other party was instructed by their superiors or for other reasons. The special police pickup trucks and motorcycles were still guarding the front, rear and left.

The police car leading the way sounded its siren, the motorcade sped along, and the atmosphere became tense again.

This time, even Matt was no longer as leisurely as before. Instead, he was holding an assault rifle and constantly observing the situation around the road.

"There is a local police car watching on the left." Jack said calmly.

This car had been following them since they had just left the court, and it was quite skillful. It passed through a row of buildings and drove on another road parallel to them.

It's just that the light blue paint of the Crown police car driven by the local police is too obvious. Every time he passes the intersection, he can be seen heading straight towards his own convoy.

"Attention, there is a car following at 9 o'clock. Is it one of ours?" Matt repeated Jack's words and asked for confirmation.

No one responded on the channel, but a SWAT motorcycle turned left at the intersection ahead and entered the road on the left. After passing two more intersections, Jack never saw the motorcycle suspected of following them again. Crown police car.

At this time, Matt kept observing the buildings on the left and right, and his face became more and more gloomy. He only heard him say in a deep voice, "Eagle Eye 1, check the surrounding roofs."

Soon, a voice that had never been heard before came from the earphones, "The roof is safe, you are almost reaching the bridge, the road ahead is safe, hurry up."

Obviously, Matt also hid a group of people for surveillance. Jack guessed that it was most likely a military drone.

I went back much faster than when I came, and soon the bridge was in sight. This bridge across the Rio Grande was between the border crossing points of the two countries. I passed the Mexican border crossing checkpoint and then drove across the bridge. This is the US border crossing point.

The convoy quickly passed the location where the Mexican federal special police were waiting for them. The police pickup trucks riding in the special police pulled over and left the main road at the intersection on one side to make way for the Saboban convoy.

"Everyone should follow closely and stay in the current lane. Our people have left a fast lane for us at the border crossing point."

Sure enough, as Matt said, the convoy did not make any stops and quickly passed the Mexican checkpoint under the wave of several Mexican special police officers.

"Fake, we're in trouble." Just after passing the Mexican border crossing, Jack had to step on the brakes. A huge traffic jam appeared in front of him. Four lanes were blocked, all of which were vehicles heading to the United States.

"Alert!" Matt ordered, "Hawkeye One, report the situation ahead."

"Uh, that's it. There's a car in front that broke down. Our people are handling it. It only takes a few minutes. Wait a moment." Hawkeye No. 1 reported.

Time seemed to slow down suddenly, and the originally warm sunshine in January seemed to make people feel a little scorching, and even baked the surrounding air into a sticky feeling. Everyone in the convoy was alert and observed carefully. Every car around.

It seems like the first time I wrote a chapter of 3,000 words?

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