
A group of people stood outside the house, vomiting against the wall, and all the beef burgers they had eaten for lunch were wasted.

Jack stood upwind and handed Jane a bottle of water to rinse her mouth with.

Jian grumbled for a long time and drank half the bottle in one breath. Then she felt better. Then she turned around and asked, "Did you know the situation here before you came here?"

Jack was a little speechless. It seemed that she didn't listen to what he said before. She was completely shocked by the scene at that time.

"We have solved a case before, where three construction workers built their contractor into the wall, but that time the body was wrapped in thick plastic bags, and there was no body odor at all. Compared with these cases where they were directly sealed in plaster Board walls are much harder to find.”


Jane turned her head and spat out the water she had just drank. Jack was speechless and gave her a healing technique. However, this could only make her feel better. Vomiting caused by non-pathological factors could only wait until she mentally slowed down. It takes slow adaptation to recover.

The smell of corpses is very disgusting, and rotting corpses mean there may be danger. Therefore, in the process of evolution, humans have written the information of aversion to this smell into their genes in order to stay away from danger.

Although they were already more than ten meters away from the villa where the corpse was hidden, everyone felt that the stench still lingered in their noses.

Jack was no exception. He just saw a lot of corpses in previous cases and was mentally prepared, so he didn't react as strongly as Jane and the others.

At this time, a faint smell of sour urine drifted in the wind. Jack subconsciously took two steps back, but still couldn't avoid it. He looked in the direction of the smell with some confusion.

I saw two Phoenix police officers who had just arrived, cleaning the small tool room.

The debris in the tool room was removed, and inside were several large blue plastic barrels. The two policemen were opening the lids to inspect. The faint smell of sour urine seemed to come from those large barrels.

Seeing that the two of them were working together to move the barrel out, they could open a locked basement entrance on the floor.

"Hey! You two, get out of there! Stay away from there!"

The two policemen didn't know what was going on, but they felt the tension in Jack's voice, so they subconsciously left the tool house and walked towards this side.

"What's wrong?" Jane finally finished vomiting, wiped her mouth and walked away from Jack.

Jack didn't answer. He waited until the two policemen came up to him and then asked, "Have you seen clearly what's in the barrel?"

A younger policeman shrugged disapprovingly, "It's a light yellow particle, probably not a drug."

"Call the EOD (explosive ordnance disposal team), it could be nitrates, get everyone out of there."

Jack had a black line on his forehead. God shouldn't be a drug addict. Haven't these city police officers received basic explosives training?

Pure amine nitrate is a white, odorless crystal, but the kind used as fertilizer will appear in the form of light yellow granules due to purity issues, and will also have a faint sour urine smell.

This thing will decompose in the sun. The things piled around the hut were obviously improperly stored and had produced ammonia gas. The smell was particularly pungent, and he could smell it even from such a distance.

What the DU dealers are doing by hoarding fertilizer at home may be because the big explosion at the Lebanese port last year gave them some inspiration, or maybe it is used to deceive the police who come to the door. In this desert of Gobi filled with yellow sand, it is impossible to use it. Come to grow American herbs.

The TNT equivalent coefficient of this thing is 0.42, which means that one ton of amine nitrate is equivalent to half a ton of TNT. With so many barrels piled there, if they are all amine nitrate, it will be enough to create a small mushroom cloud.

After hearing Jack's explanation, everyone's faces turned pale, and they quickly told the others to evacuate. Even the CSI who had just arrived was stopped at a distance.

Unlike Siris, who had long banned the use of this stuff directly as fertilizer and switched to fertilizers such as calcium ammonium nitrate, Lao Mei only added a passivator to the finished ammonium nitrate and continued to sell it as fertilizer.

If you have a little knowledge of chemistry, you can simply water-soluble recrystallize to remove the passivation agent, and then mix in some engine oil, aluminum powder, or something like that, or add some XXX, then add some XXX, and you can level a building with one bucket building.

Why Jack knows this is clearly written in a certain divine book.

An hour later, as the sun set, the EOD team arrived belatedly. At the same time, the helicopter carrying Rossi and several senior officials from the bureau also landed slowly.

"How many corpses are there in total?" Rossi looked serious.

"Fifteen bodies were hidden on both sides of the corridor, and at least 20 bodies were hidden in the partition wall of the room. Before he could check the attic and under the floor, Jack found suspected explosives, and EOD is handling them."

Soon the EOD report came. Jack's judgment was correct. Not only were the blue barrels filled with amine nitrates, EOD also found a trap on the basement entrance cover.

If Jack hadn't stopped him in time, the two policemen would have been dead on the spot, and others wouldn't have felt better either. The shock wave was enough to cause death from internal injuries to those standing nearby.

Don't believe that the so-called true heroes never look back at the explosion. You ask the camera to adjust the angle behind them, which is probably covered with various glass shards and gravel.

Rosie looked at Jack with a somewhat incomprehensible look. He could probably guess the meaning. It was just that I asked you to check the evidence. You gave me such a big news, right?

Jack felt that he was really wronged. He had just arrived in the morning, and he went on a mission right after having a meal. He didn't expect it to be so "smooth".


"The discovery of such a large number of corpses near Phoenix is ​​undoubtedly a comprehensive escalation of the drug gang's operations, and Washington will definitely ask local authorities to explain why such incidents occurred deep in the heart of the United States.

These could be victims of gang fights or illegal immigrants being held for ransom, but it will take weeks to identify the victims."

That night, the case made national news. Jack was bored and pressed the TV remote control to change channels. Almost all news channels tonight were broadcasting the news on a rolling basis.

You know with your buttocks that there is definitely someone behind this, maybe the CIA, maybe the DEA, maybe the FBI, or even a joint effort from all parties.

Jack put down the TV remote control and picked up the mobile phone beside him. On it was a long message from Justin.

After leaving Los Angeles, he followed the request and left his original mobile phone with Jiejie. He was holding an anonymous prepaid mobile phone bought on the road, but before that, Justin gave him a long list of IP addresses and asked him to Memorize it.

After that, no matter what mobile phone he uses, as long as he can access the Internet, use the mobile browser to log in to this IP address, and after entering a string of dynamic passwords embedded with dates, Justin can take over it instantly. The same goes for other computers, tablets and the like. reason.

Jack thinks this method is good. Compared with the advanced artificial intelligence in those science fiction movies, hacker masters like Justin are more reassuring and easy to use, but just as easy to use.

This long message from Justin was mainly to help convey the concerns of several girls. They all knew that this guy had just gone to Phoenix, but then he made such big news.

Justin can obviously convey his greetings in one sentence, but he has to divide it into Hannah said, Zoe said, Maureen said, and Jiejie said.

Jack frowned and read the message, then replied OK. The content of the previous message disappeared together with the reply, as if it had never appeared.

Hey, it’s not going to blow up. I’ll let you spoil it, but I won’t blow it up.

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