For some well-known reasons, almost everyone knows the story of a certain dissipated Red Empire that used nuclear bombs to open reservoirs and put out fires in oil wells.

But what is less known is that on the other side of the ocean, another big country in the Cold War tried to use "peaceful" atomic energy earlier than the Red Empire.

In July 1962, the federal government conducted the "Satan Experiment" deep in the Nevada desert, detonating a 1.04-kiloton nuclear bomb.

However, due to the configuration of the hydrogen bomb, 30% of the explosive yield of this nuclear bomb was caused by fission. The fission reaction produced huge radiation pollution and radioactive dust drifted all the way from the west to New York on the east coast.

A total of approximately 13 million people in the Federation have been exposed to more or less radiation contamination, and the decay period of radioactive materials produced by fission lasts for decades.

This experiment is part of the "Plowshare Project". As you can tell from the name, this plan is to use the huge power of nuclear bomb blasts to carry out a series of infrastructure projects.

These include "experiments using nuclear explosion stimulation to extract natural gas from dense geological structures that are currently unavailable."

Several similar nuclear explosions were subsequently carried out in New Mexico and Colorado, but were ultimately abandoned because the extracted natural gas contained "unacceptable" radioactivity.

The "Clark Proving Ground" Hotchner mentioned was once one of the "Ploughshares Project" nuclear bomb testing sites in Colorado, and the green glass crystal was the product of those nuclear explosion experiments.


"Jeremy Andrews' father is Manard Andrews. His wife and daughter died of illness more than 30 years ago. He also moved away from Centennial City with his son who was less than eight years old after going bankrupt.

After that, the whereabouts of the father and son were unknown until Jeremy came of age. Records show that he attended a vocational school in Grand Junction for three years when he was 18, and has lived in Nucla ever since. "

Garcia sent the information she had just investigated, which verified the previous profiles of everyone in the BAU.

"The 'Clark Proving Ground' is located in northwest Colorado, close to the Wyoming state line. If he really goes there, he must pass through Highway 13."

Reed quickly pulled out a map, drew a shortest route on it, and then notified Garcia to call up traffic surveillance along the way to try to find traces of the white van.

Female reporter Katrina Townsley regained some consciousness under the care of Jiejie and Emily. She admitted that she was forced to call Gil Moss under the threat of Jeremy.

But she didn't know what happened after that. After Jeremy kidnapped Gil Moss, he began to torture the two of them in turn until she lost consciousness from the continuous strong electric shock.

An ambulance arrived belatedly and took the bruised female reporter to the hospital. The local Sheriff's Office sent two police cars and several police officers temporarily took over the scene.

The BAU people continued on the road, heading north.

Their current location is almost in the southernmost part of Colorado. If you only look at the straight-line distance, the distance from Jeremy's "hometown" is only over 300 kilometers.

The problem is that this is not the journey that Jack once took across the east and west. The road goes straight west, and it takes a long time to move the steering wheel to keep in the lane.

Almost all the way from south to north, we have to travel through the Rocky Mountains. The actual distance has nearly doubled, and it is extremely difficult to travel. In four hours, the two cars only covered half of the distance.

The mobile phone signal was intermittent along the way. Fortunately, this time Reid brought a satellite phone. Before 10 o'clock in the evening, Garcia sent a good news.

She used image recognition to find the white van belonging to Jeremy in the pitiful traffic surveillance videos in the towns along the way.

Rossi guessed that this guy really planned to take his prey back to his childhood "nest" and "enjoy" it slowly.

Tonight is a moonless night, and the dark night has completely obscured the originally magnificent scenery of the Rocky Mountains. A large SUV and a pickup truck are driving quietly on a poorly maintained road.

Jack's co-pilot was Rosie, and Jie Jie was sitting behind him. Reid and Emily were in Hotchner's Saab driving the road. Through the radio, everyone chatted a few words from time to time, and gradually became sleepy. .

Everyone's interest is not very high. This case is probably the most unsatisfactory one since the team was established. If Jack hadn't gotten it right, everyone would still be kept in the dark at this moment.

Emily originally had a good impression of Gil Moss deep down in her heart, but of course that was only before she contacted the media on her own initiative.

Although it is not to the extent of "girls helping girls", as a female agent, she understands how difficult it is for a woman to make a difference in a male-dominated workplace such as the FBI.

It is different from that Eastern country that experienced a thorough ideological change in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which fundamentally eradicated the soil of discrimination.

In European and American countries, discrimination against women cannot be eliminated by labeling it as politically correct and then launching a few so-called feminist movements.

On the contrary, after experiencing the baptism of McCarthyism, the federal government is very skilled in guiding various so-called movements by adding sand and guiding directions.

Whether it is environmental protection, fighting for the interests of the grassroots, or issues such as race, skin color, and the status of women, they have all been reduced to seemingly shiny flags that can be waved when needed.

It might be a bit far-fetched, but when driving on this dark road, the only sight in front of me was the taillights of the Saber driven by Hotchner more than ten meters away, and there wasn't even a passing car in the opposite lane.

Jack could only whisper nonsense to Rhett and Emily on the radio. After all, the old man next to him was already snoring slightly, and his woman was sleeping soundly in the back seat. He was miserable. I don't even dare to turn on the music.

Of course, he would never dare to expose his political coordinates. Occasionally, he would make Emily and Red talk for a long time by making one or two heart-wrenching remarks, such as the foundation of women's rights coming from labor rights and economic foundation.

The time came to 12 o'clock in the morning, and seeing that their car was running out of gas, Jack and Hotchner discussed finding a place to rest nearby. The car needed to refuel, and the people needed to eat and rest.

They had already driven out of the mountains and were on Highway 13, which Red had mentioned before, less than 100 kilometers away from their destination.

"There is a small town ahead. Maybe we can find a restaurant there that is still open, eat some local food, and then find a motel with an air conditioner that is not broken, and sleep comfortably for a night."

Emily's voice came over the radio again.

"Maybe I can replenish my refrigerator with some ingredients. After the case is over, I have to drive back to Los Angeles." Jack felt a little dizzy when he thought about this.

Not only was this case not going well, he was driving almost every day during this period, almost driving all the highways around Denver.

Saboban, who was leading the way, turned onto a branch road. According to Red, they could reach the place called Meihu Town in fifteen minutes at most.

"Speaking of which, this town has become quite famous in recent years. Although the population is only a few hundred people, in order to revitalize the local tourism industry, they modeled the 'Burning Man' festival in Nevada and organized a 'Mountain Man Music Festival'. It should be there”

Rhett was still chattering on the radio, but was immediately interrupted by Hotchner.

"Reed, there is still no cell phone signal around here. Please use the satellite phone to contact Garcia and report our whereabouts. We may need assistance from the nearby Sheriff's Office tomorrow morning."

"Beautiful Lake Town, 'Mountain Man Day'." Jack had a bad premonition in his heart. After the last ogre incident, he belatedly remembered that it was the famous horror film "Fatal Turn" series.

This is Meihu Town, and it's also the "Mountain Man Music Festival". Which part is it from?

"Red, the 'Mountain Man Music Festival' you're talking about isn't a festival like a Halloween party where a group of people wear masks and pretend to be man-eating mountain monsters, right?"

Jack still asked with a sense of luck.

"Have you heard of it? In fact, it's not that big. Uh, wait a minute, I'll call Garcia first."

"Hotch, I think we can drive slower." Before Jack could finish his words, Saberban, who was opening the road ahead, made a loud noise.

Now that I feel better, I’ll update my book friends quickly.

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