The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 384 Mystery on the Beach (5) (Please vote for me)

However, this time Garcia "disappointed" Jack. After spending half a day, she got nothing.

"Yes, honey, I've dug a lot, but I haven't been able to find any records related to the purchase of alcoholic beverages on the night of each victim's disappearance. My search terms even include my most recent search terms. Love the 'Irish Coffee' (a whiskey-based cocktail with coffee added to it).

In addition, I need to emphasize that as a smart girl, I also checked the transaction records of the ATM to see if they had withdrawn some extra cash, but I still found nothing. "

Garcia's excited words made Rossi shake his head.

"Thank you for your hard work, Garcia. In return, I will ask Jack to make a special 'Irish coffee' when he goes back. You will definitely like it."

Jack opened his mouth, wondering why this old man was trying to sell himself a favor again. Wasn't the pineapple pizza last time memorable enough? There was no "Irish Coffee". How about trying "Guizhou Huairen Coffee"?

"So the question goes back to the beginning. The murderer may be looking for targets on the street and then invite them to his home for a private party, but how does he pinpoint these people who meet his criteria?

To satisfy this, at least there is a situation where he can spend time with them, first as a listener, and understand what these people are going through."

As Jack was talking, his voice suddenly disappeared. Everyone looked at him in confusion, and then followed his gaze to Rosie.

"What did you think of?" Jack asked

"Who can make you talk about your troubles and get drunk when you meet for the first time, without spending a penny?" Rossi's words made everyone suddenly realize.

"The bartender who loves to tell stories!"


"Do you know how many bars and clubs there are in the South Bay, and that doesn't include those in hotels and restaurants, and those part-time bartenders at private parties large and small?"

Back in the conference room, after listening to everyone's reasoning, Chief Parker poured cold water on everyone.

Seeing that everyone, including Hotchner, was looking at him with the same gaze, Red spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

"Please, don't look at me like this. No organization will compile such data."

Tsk, there are times when the omnipotent encyclopedia is not so omnipotent. Jack turned away from his persecuting eyes and suddenly thought of a question.

"If the murderer is a bartender, then he should be used to hearing complaints, right?"

Seeing everyone's confusion, he added, "Unemployment, investment failure, bankruptcy, this kind of thing is too common. As a bartender, I encounter such customers almost every day. Even the murderer has encountered similar things recently, but it seems It’s not enough to trigger this kind of serial killing.”

Emily agreed, "There should be a more special trigger. Just this kind of encounter. Even if the murderer has mental problems and likes to show what he thinks is 'mercy' to poor people, there should be something special." It was something that resonated strongly with him.”

"So, what is the thing that can break a middle-aged person's heart the most?"

Hotchner, who is also middle-aged, said almost without thinking, "Losing your job, losing your family, losing your house. What is the crux of all this?"

"Emotions! Maybe it can go one step closer, emotional betrayal!" Rossi made the final decision.

"So the target of the killer's 'mercy' is the heartbroken," Emily concluded.

Hotchner and Jiejie stood up almost at the same time, "We need to talk to the families of the victims again."


One victim may have several family members, and these family members were summoned one by one through the local police station. Everyone was busy until 9 o'clock in the evening, when all interrogations were completed.

"As expected, all of the victims had suffered recent emotional distress and they do all have one thing in common."

Hotchner said while quickly flipping through the transcripts made by everyone.

"All breakups are caused by one partner cheating on the other."

Jack and Rosie looked at each other, and then said, "In addition, we also solved the secret of the wrapped body. Sean Taylor and Joe Cross were both cheating parties, so their bodies were not wrapped."

Emily suddenly realized, "He pities those who have been betrayed more, and vents his anger on those who cheat."

Sheriff Parker seemed to look much better. He participated in the work of the BAU team members almost throughout the entire process. He admired their meticulous profiling process. At the same time, he was much more confident in solving the case as soon as possible.

"Everyone, please go back and rest early. I will convey this information in text to every police officer participating in patrol tonight and the detectives working overtime."

It was indeed late today, and Jack and Jiejie had no intention of dating and went home.

The vegetable patch in someone's backyard had been deserted for nearly a week. It took him half a night to tidy up the vegetable patch under two mulberry trees.

All the ripe millet peppers were collected, some were waiting to be dried, and some were put in the refrigerator to keep fresh, ready to make some beef spicy sauce later.

The old lettuce and other green leafy vegetables were all hoeed into the mud. After pulling out some weeds, Jack spread some compound fertilizer, then turned the soil over again, and sprinkled vegetable seeds again.

The crops this time are mainly beans. Some edamame, also known as vegetable soybeans, are most suitable for sowing in spring and summer and can be harvested before the end of summer.

There are also various beans and melons. Although they are planted a little late, there is almost no winter in Los Angeles, so there is no need to worry about frost near harvest.

After working for half a night, he took a shower and went to bed. Although he was busy until about three o'clock in the middle of the night, it was already early for him to go to bed now.

Even though Jack only needs more than three hours of sleep a day to meet his physical needs, everyone shouldn't like sleeping in, right?

After lying in bed for a while in the early morning sunshine, Jack just got up and opened the curtains when the phone rang again.

After hastily finishing breakfast, Jack drove out and went directly to Redondo Beach, where another body was found, again a female body.

"It's good to be young." The person who came to the scene this time was Hotchner. His car stopped outside the police blockade almost at the same time as the Firebird. When he saw the energetic Jack getting out of the car, he couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at his two big dark bags under his eyes, Jack patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, thinking about the mean little kid in his family who was not yet one year old, and sighed in his heart, it is not easy to reach middle age.

After showing his ID and walking into the blockade, Chief Parker was standing in front of a trash can. When he heard the footsteps, he turned around, revealing the same haggard face.

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