The smart people present were lost in thought because of Jack's story, and Mike was the first to ask a question.

"But the problem is, the story of Charlie and Yvonne itself is not lacking in topicality. How should we create enough reversal?"

Jack looked at Harvey with a smile. The scene where he took the initiative to cover up for Yifang in court to prevent her from being found in contempt of court by the judge and possibly being detained was still vivid in his mind.

"Mr. Lawyer Specter, may I ask if I am beautiful?"

Harvey was embarrassed. Fortunately, his many years as a lawyer had allowed him to develop a thick skin that was bulletproof. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly.

"Ms. Biasi is the most gentle lady I have ever seen."

Jack relentlessly exposed his ruthlessness in court.

"Since even a gentleman like you would be impressed by Yifang, it would be reasonable to think that there would be an unknown rich man who covets Yifang's beauty and wants to take advantage of her, right?"

His words stunned everyone, and they began to combine it with the inspiration he mentioned before, and they had probably guessed his idea.

"Here's my plan." Jack said, taking out a check folder and handing it to reporter Dupree.

"Here is a bearer bond in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, Mr. Dupree please publish a statement in the New York Post tomorrow.

It is said that an unknown rich man proposed that as long as the notorious Charlie Lang breaks up with the beautiful Ms. Yvonne Biasi, he can obtain this bearer bond.

Provided, of course, that a formal statement is also published in the New York Post. "

Dupree took the check folder in surprise, and before he could say anything, Jack continued.

"You can write whatever you want about the specific content. If you have enough space, you can exaggerate the unknown rich man's love for Yifang and make it as disgusting as possible."

"It sounds like you don't intend to tell Charlie and Yvonne the truth in advance. What if Charlie really chooses money?" Harvey's assistant Mike questioned.

"This is a bet that tests their kindness and love. Isn't it too cruel?" Aunt Didi also expressed the same view.

The bald Frank, who had been silent and seemingly not paying attention to the matter, seemed to suddenly become interested.

"I bet you that the hundred thousand yuan will be wasted, but this bet is very interesting, so why don't you count me in?"

"Count me in too." Wesley also came to join in the fun. He is a real rich second generation.

Harvey pondered for a moment, "Count me in. I can also notarize this anonymous rich man's statement as a lawyer."

Mike beside him was a little surprised, "Aren't you worried that the firm will cause trouble for you? Although it can be explained by personal behavior, they are still worried that it will affect the reputation of the firm."

Jack looked at Harvey thoughtfully and reminded, "Although there will be a clarification in the end, given that you were once the plaintiff's lawyer, if Charlie really chooses to give up his relationship with Yvonne, you will probably be regarded as An accomplice who adds fuel to the flames.”

Harvey smiled freely, leaned his body on the sofa, and crossed his legs, as if he had gained some kind of relief.

"What I sacrificed is just a temporary reputation. If you lose the bet, I won't lose anything. Instead, I will increase my exposure.

But if you win the bet, I will not only gain exposure, but also gain a good reputation. The public will forget what I have done before and regard me as a conscientious and capable lawyer. This is a win-win situation. I win. twice. "

You know that lawyers are not economical.

After listening to Jack's plan for dealing with the aftermath, everyone agreed that they might as well give it a try. Anyway, there was no better way at the moment, and maybe this deviant move would work wonders.

Jack explained the follow-up matters, and everyone dispersed. The old Hunters and the bald man Frank returned to the town of Cold Spring on the Hudson River.

It's not that they can't afford to live in the Plaza Hotel, but they have already seen the bustling elderly people, and they obviously prefer the tranquility of the small town.

The hard-working reporter Dupree went back to work on the story overnight, while Jack went to take over Hannah's surveillance mission. There will be a series of subsequent operations that require some necessary guidance and design.

That night, New York residents were surprised to find that the New York Post, which is famous for its eye-catching headlines, was in trouble again.

The front-page headlines in other newspapers were either "Police and Waitress Lose in Lawsuit" or "Charlie and Yvonne Going Bankrupt."

Only the New York Post's headline read, "Choose!" Money or love? 》, which makes people feel baffled.

There was very little content under the title. After Dupree compiled a confession from an unknown wealthy man that could be called harassment, it was the statement designed by Jack.

The statement was divided into two paragraphs. In addition to offering $100,000 as bait to ask Charlie to leave Yvonne, lawyer Harvey Spector also issued a statement vouching for the authenticity of the bearer bond.

For a time, the entire New York City citizens were caught up in crazy discussions, and no one paid attention to lottery winnings, divorce and other messy things.

Everyone was discussing whether the policeman, who was once known for his integrity and trustworthiness, would dump the waitress for $100,000, and there were even bookmakers preparing to make bets on this.

The Internet has gone completely crazy, and all kinds of so-called "insider information" that are true and false are popping up all the time.

In fact, it is not only the FBI that can easily find out the details of a person. In the Internet era, it only takes a short day. Under the deliberate manipulation of some people, public opinion on local social networks begins to ferment rapidly.

Just now someone claimed to be a classmate of Charlie Lang and Muriel Lang and described how they met and got married. Then someone claimed to be their neighbor and gave a decent description of Muriel getting the What a waste of money after winnings.

Then another so-called neighbor appeared and exposed that after Charlie won the lottery, he had invited office workers who commuted in the evening to take the subway for free. Countless people immediately appeared in the following posts, saying that they had received free subway tickets that day. Subway ticket.

Then someone soon exposed what kind of scumbag Yvonne’s ex-husband Eddie Biasi was, how idle he was, and even shamelessly came back to pester him after hearing that his ex-wife had received a windfall, forcing Yvonne to leave home. run away.

Another witness said conclusively that he saw Charlie being kicked out of the house by his wife. It was his son who suggested to Charlie why he couldn't spend money for himself and enjoy a night in a single suite at the Plaza Hotel.

Finally, there was a waitress who claimed to be the front desk of the Plaza Hotel, and she swore to prove how Yvonne and Charlie met by chance in the hotel lobby that day, and then she vividly described the scene of their chance encounter.

Such as the expression of surprise, the cute little eyes, the reserved conversation, etc., and she also uniquely noted the approximate time, implying that if someone could get the surveillance video, they could prove that what she said was true.

All of this seems to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands, and the only person who knows the truth of all this is busy making phone calls and continuing to make plans.

"He went out secretly? Okay, I understand. Don't worry, your partner will be happy."

"Where is Yifang now? Are you arriving at the coffee shop soon? OK, keep an eye on her and don't let anyone else show up. The last thing you need right now is an accident."

"Dupree, you can start putting on your makeup. It looks like it's going to rain today. Make sure you use waterproof adhesive to stick your beard on."

After making one phone call after another, Jack, who was hiding in the car, held his hot phone and sent another message, "You don't need to delete all the negative content. You must keep the especially fake ones. This kind of stuff is sometimes better than the positive ones." content works better."

It started to rain lightly outside, and Jack turned on the defogging function of the car window. As his vision gradually became clearer, in the night, a pretty figure came from far and near, pulling out a knife in front of the movable iron fence of "Yifang Coffee Shop" He took the key, opened a gap, and pushed the door open.

Then dim lights came on in the room. Yifang, who secretly returned to the store, took off her raincoat, took a rag and wiped the tables. Tears fell from her eyes as she wiped them. From time to time, she wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand. The tears that fell can never be wiped away.

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, happiness and good health!

I wish our motherland prosperity, peace and prosperity!

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