Chapter 365 R·E·D

This field team of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Division in Los Angeles is quite special.

Although there have been some field staff in the behavioral analysis department, most of them are office-based analysts and consultants hired from various universities and research institutes.

These consultants are roughly similar to the psychologist hired by the CBI (California Bureau of Investigation) to pretend to be a psychic, Patrick Jane.

They occasionally go on field trips with detectives to crime scenes, but most of the time, the BAU provides assistance in the form of written recommendations to police departments in various federal states.

Typically, the local police department or sheriff's office provides clues and case details, and analysts and consultants analyze the materials in front of computers.

Then, based on what they have learned and the experience accumulated in past cases, they conduct a behavioral analysis and psychological profile on these suspects to summarize their characteristics and possible life backgrounds, thereby helping the local police solve the case.

Generally speaking, this kind of profiling is like shooting an arrow in a dark room. The shooter needs to use all conditions including experience except vision. But whether he can hit the target sometimes still depends on luck.

Rossi established the current BAU field team, which is now quite successful. In less than half a year, it quickly solved several cases and even prevented two serious terrorist attacks in time.

This also makes Jiejie's work even busier. Her job is to screen the requests for help sent by law enforcement agencies from various places and sort them according to their importance and urgency.

As more and more requests for help are sent from the headquarters and various places, Jiejie has endless emails to deal with and phone calls to answer every day.

Of course, this does not mean that when everyone is not out in the field, everyone except Jie Jie will be idle.

Rossi is busy with his new book, and occasionally has to take time off to attend a book signing or something.

Reed's teacher and father, Jason Gideon, taught at the University of California after leaving BAU. He was also a psychology expert and would ask Reed to give lectures or serve as a teaching assistant from time to time.

In addition to his administrative work, Hotchner is also busy with the Criminal Character Research Project, a permanent project that everyone in the team participates in. The content involves going to various prisons for serious criminals and interviewing perverts who are willing to cooperate.

The last time he and Red went to Terminar Prison and encountered a riot, they were conducting this research project. One of the goals of the project was to accumulate more experience and cases for psychological profiling work.

In order to avoid accidents again, Jack, the force responsible, has become indispensable. Basically every time he goes to those high-risk prisons, either Hotchner and Jack go together, or Emily is added.

When we occasionally have free time, we all have to sit down and go back to our job as analysts. Although some cases do not require everyone to go to the scene after being screened by Jiejie, it is still necessary to provide some analysis reports.

This job is quite important. Analysis reports are not written casually. Basically, the success rate of profiling suspects has established the reputation of the Behavioral Analysis Department.

Although it is no longer the 1990s, when the BAU was first established, psychological profilers were regarded as nonsense "magic sticks".

But the success rate of analysis is still very important. Only when the reputation is good and trusted within the law enforcement system can there be a steady stream of important cases.

Although most of these cases would be sent to Quantico and handled by colleagues in the department, both Hotchner and Rossi insisted on withholding some of them.

The investigation and analysis of these cases is like leveling up monsters while playing games. Rich experience is accumulated bit by bit through the work of these documents.

I said all this just to illustrate how difficult it is for Jack to take a leave now. After finally arranging his work, he asked for leave, bought a plane ticket, and boarded a flight to New York.

Old Hunter and Didi spoke vaguely on the phone. The general idea was that they had an old friend who was deprived of his personal freedom by unscrupulous guardians and was currently locked up in a nursing home.

The old couple had no acquaintances on the east coast, so they finally found a lawyer and filed a lawsuit, but they lost the case.

The family court judge and their old friend's personal doctor seemed to be unclean. Now they could only turn to Jack and find a way to get the old man named Joe Mason out of the damn nursing home first.

Wearing headphones and listening to Swift's "Welcome To New York", Jack walked out of John F. Kennedy International Airport with big sunglasses on his face.

After joining BAU, Jack has been to Maryland and Connecticut, but missed the middle state of New York, not to mention the famous "Big Apple" city.

But now he didn't have time to visit the world's most important financial center. He rented a Camry after leaving the airport, followed the navigation, and headed west to Cold Spring, a small town located on the banks of the Hudson River.

This is a quite beautiful town, with antique shops and second-hand bookstores lining the streets. It occupies a small area and can be walked around in half a day.

Jack drove around for a long time before he found a small and inconspicuous hotel. The old Hunters were waiting at the door of the hotel early.

Behind the two old men stood a bald, white man in his fifties. Although his face had deep wrinkles, he still looked like a tough guy.

Jack took off his sunglasses and looked carefully through the car window, feeling a little confused.

There was originally an action star named Bruce Willis in this world, and Jack had seen some of the movies he starred in. Although the one on the screen was more handsome, and had long hair, he was only as tall as Tom Clark. Ruth's level.

But Jack never paid much attention to it. After time travel, he had seen more specious stars, such as Nicolas Cage. In this world, he was neither bankrupt nor a model worker, and he looked equally unlike him.

Rather than being Nicolas Cage, he is more like Nicolas Chaos in Jack's impression. It doesn't matter that he is not handsome at all. He always plays some nonsensical comedies and competes with Jim Carrey for his job.

The bald old man who appeared in front of Jack now was obviously closer to the Bruce Willis he had in his previous life.

After giving Jack a strong hug, the old Hunters introduced the bald man to Jack, Frank Moses, a former CIA senior agent, currently retired.

Jack was paralyzed on the spot. He couldn't figure out how "Detective Hunter" was related to "Red Flame Battlefield".

Why did Rick Hunter and Dee Dee McCall, who had worked as police detectives on the West Coast all their lives, know an R.E.D (Retired Extremely Dangerous: Retired Extremely Dangerous).

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