The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 291 The Scarlet Witch in the Blizzard

Jane Banner felt like she was going crazy. Although she had been driving hard for 2 hours in this snowstorm, everything seemed to be in a dream.

She is a native of Fort Lauderdale, a Floridian who lives on the warm seaside of the East Coast. She has walked on the beach and bathed in the sun since she was a child. This is the first time in her life that she has seen a live snowstorm.

She had never been to such a cold ghost place, let alone seen such heavy snow. Why was the snow so heavy that it completely obscured the view ahead, and why was she suddenly sent here.

Jane Banner was just a new agent who had just joined the FBI for a few months. During the "Volunteer Night" at the FBI Academy, when she read "Las Vegas" aloud on the stage, her classmates cheered. The sound seemed to be still in front of me.

It all happened so fast. She came to a Riverton courthouse in Fremont, Wyoming, to submit a deposition, and then she got a phone call.

The call came from her boss. He said that a murder was suspected to have occurred in an Indian reservation called the Wind River Valley. He asked him to confirm it because she was now the FBI closest to the crime scene.

Jane Banner didn't have time to think too much. She didn't even have time to return to Cheyenne (the capital of Wyoming) to apply for a Saber. She hurriedly rented an SUV from the car rental company and rushed to her destination.

Feeling the warm air from the air conditioner in the car getting lower and lower, the girl's despair began to spread little by little, and she began to think about whether joining the FBI was a wrong choice.

She looked back on her career in the FBI for just a few months, trying to remember whether she had inadvertently offended that strange boss with a gradually upward hairline who liked to collect Captain America cards in private.

With an outgoing personality and good looks, she prides herself on handling interpersonal relationships fairly well, whether at the FBI academy or the Las Vegas office.

Occasionally, a few guys who feel good about themselves want to provoke her, but she handles them with ease. After all, this is not the last century, when girls were patted on the butt in the office and still greeted them with a smile.

Seeing the snowstorm outside getting bigger and bigger, it was no longer possible to see the road ahead clearly.

Jane Banner lamented, lying on the steering wheel and feeling sorry for herself, so is everything just a coincidence? Is it really just his bad luck that happened to happen to him?

Everything felt like a dream. I always felt like I was in the hot desert of Las Vegas one second, and the next second I was thrown into this ice and snow hell of more than 20 degrees below zero.

"Am I going to die?" An unspeakable feeling of depression surged into her heart. Even though the car engine was still running and the air conditioner was still running, Jane Banner felt an uncontrollable despair.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk." There was a knocking sound outside the car window. Jane Banner reflexively put her hand on the window button, but hesitated for a few seconds before finally making up her mind and lowering the window a crack.

Although it was just a small crack, the cold wind still roared in, instantly reducing the temperature inside the car, which was already close to zero, to below zero.

"Your car broke down? Do you need help?" A familiar voice came from the car window, and Jane Banner couldn't believe her ears.

"Jack, is that you?" She pressed the button with incredible force and lowered most of the car window glass. Sure enough, a familiar handsome face appeared in front of her.

"Jane?" Jack didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here. This girl who looked exactly like the Scarlet Witch in the Marvel movies had left a deep impression on him in the academy.

"Aren't you in the BAU?" The wind was too loud, and Jane Banner tried to raise her voice.

Jack looked at the girl who was wearing only a thin down jacket and shivering from the cold. He didn't answer her question, but asked equally loudly.

"Can your car still move?"

Jane Banner seemed to realize that now was not the time to reminisce about the past, and nodded quickly, "Yes, but the wind and snow are too heavy. The navigation said that the destination is ahead and turn left, but I can't see anything."

Jack nodded, "I have a local in the car leading the way, just follow us."

After saying that, he raised his hand and motioned for her to quickly close the car window.

A Ford F150 drove out of the way in front of Jane Banner's SUV. She quickly put down the handbrake and followed cautiously.

After 20 minutes of arduous driving, the two cars stopped in front of a wooden house on a farm. There were three bloated figures standing at the door of the wooden house, waiting there.

When the two cars stopped, a middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat and a Department of Fish and Game logo embroidered on his chest uniform came forward to greet them.

An Indian girl jumped out of the passenger seat of the Raptor F150, threw herself into the arms of the middle-aged man, and burst into tears.

Jane Banner turned off the car, looked at the heavy snow outside, hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage, wrapped up her thin clothes, got out of the car and walked quickly towards the cabin.

The cold wind carried huge snowflakes and came towards her. The biting cold made her breath involuntarily shorten. It seemed that if she didn't do this, as long as she dared to take a deep breath, the cold air would completely freeze her lungs.

"I'm Jane Banner, from the FBI."

Jane Banner walked to the wooden house and shook hands with a fat old man wearing a thick police uniform.

"Did you come alone?" The fat old man looked away from the SUV she got off and asked expressionlessly.

"Uh, I guess so. It's just me."

Jane Banner was also unsure. She did come alone, but she didn't know what was going on with Jack, who she had just met halfway, who should be affiliated with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Department.

"I'm Ben Xiaoy, the captain of the local tribal police station." The fat old man introduced himself, watching a beautiful female FBI agent shivering in the wind and snow in front of her.

"That's Corey Lambert, a registered hunter from the Department of Fish and Game. He's the one who found the body." Sheriff Ben Shaw raised his chin and pointed at the middle-aged man who was lowering his head to comfort the Indian girl.

"This is his father-in-law, Dan, who owns the farm."

Sheriff Ben Xiaoy looked at an old man with silver hair next to him, two strands of Indian pigtails hanging down on his chest, and a wrinkled face, and continued to introduce.

Jane Banner kicked two steps in place. Less than 5 minutes after leaving the car, she could no longer feel her toes. In this temperature, the damn canvas shoes on her feet were no different from not wearing them at all. .

"I'm sorry that we're meeting under these circumstances. Well, would it be convenient to go see the body now? No offense, but I'm freezing to death right now, so I hope the sooner the better."

Jack, who was wrapped up tightly, appeared behind her at some point, "Jane, although I appreciate your professionalism, are you really not going to wear more clothes?"

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