The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 275 Wait a minute, let me finish talking before I start.

Hiding Lindsay in a deserted school on weekends is really a bit dark, but at least no one in BAU thought about it this way.

Although Reid's map analysis included this area, the priority mark was also very low when coloring.

It can only be said that the logic of teenagers is sometimes not so rational and often unexpected, especially in this country.

"Jack, we found that Ryan Phillips. He is 21 years old. He attended this high school a few years ago and was expelled for taking contraband."

After receiving a call from Jie Jie, Jack watched Kisson rushing into the campus with a gun and quickly followed him.

"You'd better come quickly and bring an ambulance. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well."

"I know, we'll get there in 10 minutes, Jack. Pay attention to safety." Jiejie whispered at the end.

After hanging up the phone, Jack thought for a moment and felt that what she said made sense. He opened the trunk, picked up a body armor with the words FBI on it and put it on, then pulled out his Glock and followed Kisson.

"Hey, did you ask where exactly they hid the people?"

Kisson looked back at him with a somewhat surprised look on his face, "That guy said he was hiding on the first floor. You're not going to stop me?"

Jack glanced at him, held the gun in both hands, and walked straight past him.

"My people will arrive in ten minutes. If you are not worried about any accidents happening within these ten minutes, I can handcuff you here and go in and search alone."

"I'm starting to like you a little bit now." Kisson immediately stopped talking nonsense, and the two of them entered the teaching building with guns on the left and the other on the right.

Even on the first floor, it is very difficult for two people to search. There are five or six classrooms alone, as well as a bunch of other small rooms, such as locker rooms, activity rooms, teachers' lounges, and even bathrooms.

Fortunately, most rooms are equipped with large glass, so you can basically see what's going on inside without opening the door.

The two of them bent over, marched with small steps, and searched forward quickly until they reached the end of the corridor. Jack listened carefully and heard the voices of a man and a woman coming from the men's room.

"Actually, I don't like Katie that much, but you. You are very special."

".No need to hide, you are finally starting to be scared, aren't you?"

"Fuck you, you can try it. No matter what you do to me, my father will repay you a hundred times."

Jack carefully opened the door without making a sound as much as possible, and the next second, Kisson rushed in directly.

"I'm so scared. Why don't you let me take care of you first and see if you can still be so stubborn, hahaha."


By the time Jack entered the men's room, Kitson had already knocked the guy named Ryan Phillips to the ground with the butt of his gun.

"Kill him, Daddy, kill this bastard." Lindsay, whose hands were tied behind her back, was helped up from the ground by Kissen.

The girl's clothes were still intact and there were some bruises on her face. She was already in despair. When she saw her father, she didn't burst into tears. Instead, she got up from the ground and kicked him on the ground. The beast's clothing department.

"He was the culprit. He took two people and violated Katie in front of me. I couldn't do anything. He was the one who killed Katie."

"Katie begged him to stop, but he laughed at her and kept laughing at her!"

Seeing Kitson's gun pointed at him, Ryan Phillips fell to the ground so frightened that he couldn't care less about the severe pain in his groin and kept pleading.

"No, no, I was just impulsive. I won't do it again. Please don't kill me."

Seeing Jack, who entered later, wearing a body armor with the three letters FBI printed in big yellow letters on it, the beast seemed to have seen a savior.

"Save me, save me, this is murder, I didn't resist, he can't kill me, he can't kill me."

"Crack!" The shotgun in Kisson's hand was loaded.

"Shoot him, you are a policeman, you can't watch him kill me, shoot him quickly!"

Amid Ryan Phillips' desperate cries, Jack sighed and put away his pistol.

This Shabby had some brains, but he didn't seem to have much. Seeing him struggling to pull down his half-taken pants and falling to the ground begging, Jack was really speechless.

"Kissen, are you sure your testimony is important enough?"

Hearing Jack's seemingly unrelated question, Kissen was slightly startled, and then smiled.

"Yes, very important."

"Okay, let's go through the process."

Jack stood up straight, and amid the confused, surprised, puzzled, and other expressions of several people present, he began to give advice without any emotion, and even the tone of his voice did not fluctuate at all.

"Kisun, you can't do this. He has no power to resist. Although he raped and tortured an innocent girl, illegally detained your beloved daughter, and tried to humiliate her."

"But he is just a young man who is dazzled by hormones or has an unfortunate childhood. Killing him will not bring much more than giving you the pleasure of revenge and giving the Owens and his wife some relief after losing their beloved daughter."

"Lindsay has been tortured these past two days. She urgently needs treatment and psychological counseling. You should listen to her voice. Violence cannot solve any problems. What you need to teach her is how to better protect herself in the future. .”

"Okay, I'm done."

Under the increasingly desperate eyes of Ryan Phillips, Jack finished the above lines in one breath as if reciting lines. Then he took a big breath and added with a smile.

"I like my job at the FBI more and more because I don't have to worry about carrying body cameras or anything like that."

"Lindsay?" Kisson glanced at his daughter.

"Ah? Yes, Daddy." Lindsay was stunned by Jack's nagging. After being reminded by her dad, Lindsay seemed to wake up from a dream.

"Kill him and I will avenge Katie."

Keeson once again pointed the gun at Ryan Phillips.

"No, please, please spare me. I was wrong. I beg you, God." Ryan Phillips wailed in despair again.

"Wait, I almost forgot."

Jack called it off again.

Ryan Phillips breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been granted amnesty, thinking that the FBI in front of him had changed his mind and planned to stop him.

"Bang! Bang!"

Jack took out his Glock and fired two shots at the ceiling, then shouted, "Stop, Kisson, your life has been full of violence. When will this life end?"

Seeing that Kisson was also stunned on the spot, he tilted his mouth to indicate that the process was really completed.



Kisson pulled the trigger with an impatient look.

Nothing feels right no matter what I write today. I have revised most of the chapters. I'm sorry.

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