A flower of blood burst out from Henry Foster's ribs. Almost at the same time, a 7.62mm bullet penetrated his temple. When it flew out from the other side, it took away part of his brain along the way.

The corpse stood frozen for a moment, then slumped onto the girl on the ground, causing her to scream in fright.

Almost at the same time as the gunshots were fired, less than 20 meters away from them, Jiejie and the other two people hiding behind a rock rushed forward.

"Good marksmanship!" Harris praised. He chose to grasp a larger part of the torso, but in fact the effect was far less than Jack's headshot.

Being shot in the torso will not cause immediate death. The other party is likely to subconsciously pull the trigger before dying, which will pose a threat to both the hostages under him and Hotchner under the cliff.

Harris packed up his Remington M700 and slung it on his back, "Meet you at the bar tonight. I will prepare the best beer and bourbon."

After saying that, he went down the hillside by himself.

Rosie picked up the bullet casing that Jack fired, played with it in her hand, and stared at the scenery in the distance without making a sound.

"Still thinking about what Harris said just now?" Jack put away the HK417, put it aside, and sat next to him with his knees in his arms.

“Not just Ruby Ridge, but Waco half a year later, and Oklahoma City.”

"Everyone remembers an FBI sniper who killed a mother holding her baby, and six months later in Waco, we killed 76 people, including women and children, without firing a shot."

"These scenes still linger in my mind, why so many people don't trust us."

"After that, many of my old friends left the FBI, and I was shaken."

The Waco that Rossi refers to is the David Jiao tragedy that occurred in Waco, Texas, which began on February 28, 1993.

Also after the failure of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms operation, the FBI took over and mobilized National Guard tanks and armored vehicles to siege the David Jiao Ranch in the center of Mount Carmel.

After more than 40 days of stalemate, the FBI decided to use tear gas to launch a raid. As a result, during the raid, the sectarians poured liquid fuel directly into the building.

In the end, a total of 76 people died, including more than 20 children and two pregnant women.

Two years later, on April 19, 1994, the second anniversary of the Waco massacre, a truck containing more than 2 tons of Xiaoliang fertilizer, Xiaoji methane and diesel fuel mixture was dumped on a nine-story building. An explosion occurred just north of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

168 people were killed and nearly 700 injured. This was the largest KB attack in North America before 9/11.

The murderer McVeigh was a supporter of the militia and a sympathizer of David's disciples. According to his confession, his purpose in creating the bombing was to prevent the government from committing another massacre in the future such as the Waco massacre or the Ruby Ridge incident. Such a "crime".

In short, these things are very fascinating to Jack. When he was in charge of politics, he had checked some relevant information with great interest and also watched relevant documentaries.

But Jack has never been able to understand the logic behind these things. In fact, even Americans themselves have thousands of theories.

The doomsday cult was founded by a psychotic control freak whose leader made it his mission to sleep with all the wives of his followers. This caused a tragedy, and two years later, it became the trigger for a horrific bombing.

The murderer's view is that the tough behavior of federal law enforcement agencies led to all tragedies, basically ignoring the evil deeds of the leader, including women in their 50s and girls just over 10 years old.

Because in his opinion, these women were all "voluntary". It was not until later, when the country began to promote the normalization of children changing their surnames from top to bottom, that Jack gradually began to understand.

"So, what brought you back to the FBI?" Jack asked.

"Unfulfilled wish." Rossi gave it up.

Jack had no intention of letting him go easily and pointed to a string of bracelets held in his other hand.

"You have to know that although we are not as experienced as you, since we are in BAU, it is really difficult for individuals to have any secrets."

Rossi still shook his head insistently, "It's not the time yet. This matter has been going on for too long. I need time to sort out my thoughts, but I promise that when I need you, I will not hesitate to ask for help."

"I hope you remember this sentence. Since you have worked hard to form this team, you should let it play its due role. Everyone, including me, is so outstanding and will not let you down."

Jack boasted very shamelessly.

While the two were talking, the three people on the opposite side were waving to them. The kidnapped girl was unharmed except for being a little frightened. She had already left under the escort of two local police officers.

The coroner who rushed over also completed his work, and his assistants were struggling to transport the body down the mountain on a stretcher.

From the angle where the two of them were now, the figures of Jie Jie, Rhett and Emily were coated with a golden halo under the afterglow of the setting sun.


"Do you trust me too much?" Jack put the rifle in the trunk and said to Hotchner with a smile.

"That's close to 300 yards away. This is not a professional sniper rifle."

Hotchner shrugged, "It seems I have no choice. At least I'm further away from his muzzle than that girl."

Jack was at a loss for words for a moment. He just wanted to stir up the conversation to see if Hotchner could give him some equipment. However, the upright man said such an awe-inspiring sentence that he didn't know how to continue.

"I will apply for a special sniper rifle for you." Hotchner grinned.

Tsk, I’ve learned so badly that I even learned to joke with Poker Face.

Harris did not brag. Not only did the beer in his bar taste good, but the privately brewed whiskey was also very strong. Everyone in the BAU enjoyed a rare "fish and water" experience.

This may also be an extremely rare scene. FBI agents and militiamen were drinking at the same table. The local police chief and several police officers were also present. Everyone also raised funds for the police officer who died earlier.

Jack even shamelessly ate and took a large bag of fresh beetroots onto the Gulfstream business jet.

This thing is considered one of Montana's specialties. As a southerner, he really hasn't had much contact with this kind of sugar crop that grows in the north.

He was amazed by the local specialty pickled beets, which seemed to have more flavor than pickled radishes.

When Jack returned home to Los Angeles, it was already late at night. When he opened the door, he saw an uninvited guest on the sofa. Hannah had a book covered on her face and was sleeping soundly.

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