"How did you do that?" Jie Jie still looked in disbelief as she walked out of the bar. This group of "militiamen" were notoriously hostile to those in the federal system.

And Jack not only asked that Harris Townsend to offer to help, but judging from the posture just now, he almost became a brother-in-law with him.

On the contrary, it is more understandable that the fat bartender gave this guy a few extra huckleberry pies when he went out. After all, she is a killer.

"After all, I am loved by everyone." Jack said with a smile.

In fact, it is quite easy to deal with these people. We can praise the local delicacies, curse the federation together, and talk about the "mutual aid", "autonomy" and "small economies" they admire, and appropriately respond to the series of tragedies in the 1990s. Express the mixed emotions of being a part of the Federation.

What's more, their arrival did not cause any trouble to the local area, but actually played a positive role. Not only did they help the police find the missing person, but they also saved a victim. This allowed Jack to occupy the moral high ground from the beginning.

So I used words to flatter them, and at the same time, I stated my position and explained that although their BAU team belongs to the FBI, it usually only catches serial killers and other things that endanger everyone, and does not participate in the dispute between local and federal governments.

These guys don't receive much education, lack theoretical guidance, and even have a vague understanding of Eucharism. As long as you accompany them to vent their dissatisfaction and express sympathy in a subtle way, you can win their favor in an instant.

As a senior keyboard warrior in his previous life, Jack knew very well how to change his political spectrum to attract people with different tendencies. Of course, the premise was not to talk too deeply, otherwise it would be counterproductive. After all, sometimes heretics are more hateful than heretics.

Seeing that Jack had no intention of further explanation, Jiejie did not pursue the question. Instead, she put down the sun visor on the passenger seat, borrowed the small mirror above, and gently touched her cheek against the gauze.

"How's it going? What did the doctor say?" Jack put a pile of packed local delicacies in the back seat. There were not only the huckleberry pie but also several steaming steaks. Now he was driving to the police station. They are all there waiting for them.

"The doctor said that he used the smallest size cosmetic needle to perform subcutaneous suturing, but the wound was a bit deep and it was difficult not to leave scars."

Jiejie's expression looked a little uncomfortable. After all, she was a girl. How could she not love beauty?

"Leave it to me. As long as you can keep it a secret from Emily and the others, I guarantee that you will remain intact and your skin will become as good as Hannah's. I know that you guys have been secretly asking for her secret skin care recipe." Jack said with a big smile. Said generously.

Jiejie seemed neither surprised nor jealous.

"Is this a special treat for becoming one of your girlfriends? The young city councilor from the Anderson family and your beautiful professor are both too young to be ridiculous."

"Hannah said it was because they all tasted it."

"Squeak!" The steering wheel in Jack's hand slipped, and Subaban's huge body made an inconspicuous zigzag on the road.

"What the hell did you talk about that day?"

He thought he had corrected the whims in Hannah's little mind. After the two of them kicked him out of the car that day, weren't they going to negotiate with Germany? How did they start talking about this?

Although Jack definitely doesn't have as deep feelings for Jie Jie as Hannah, he doesn't intend to be so ruthless. After all, this girl is a typical traditional type and is very strong when she is serious.

Anyway, Poland is a weak, pitiful and helpless Poland. Now it is sandwiched between the two big countries of the Soviet Union and Germany. Whatever it is, as long as it is not really divided into two halves in a physical sense.

"I know she is joking, but you are indeed very mysterious and seem to be omnipotent. Just like on that small island, when everyone was terrified, you were the only one who remained confident and fearless."

Jiejie paused for a moment before saying, "I have never experienced this feeling, giving myself to a man without reservation, trusting him unconditionally, relying on him, believing that he can lead me out of a desperate situation."

"This is inconsistent with the education I have received since childhood, but this feeling is really good, so I told myself that I must fight for it, even if the result may not be wonderful."

"So. What's the result?" Jack Poland wanted to know what Sudmeister had written.

"Ask your sweetie Hannah." Jiejie rolled her eyes at him cutely, saying nothing, but it seemed that she had said everything.

Jack didn't ask any more questions, just stretched out his hand to hold her gently. People are all possessive and selfish creatures. How lucky he is to be able to make them willing to give so much.

As for the BAU, someone must have noticed that after the plane crash, Emily intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the "suspension bridge effect" in front of herself and Jiejie, partly as a test, but also as a reminder.

Rosie is an old fox. He probably guessed it a long time ago, but he didn't point it out.

Hotchner is an old administrative bureaucrat. Even if he didn't notice that after the two people suffered such a serious accident together, he should have talked to them separately out of precautionary considerations, but obviously he did not do so.

Since everyone is pretending to be stupid, Jack will not be stupid enough to pierce this layer of window paper. He really has a plug-in and can take care of many aspects without worrying about any bloody incidents.

The two drove back to the police station. Everyone was very satisfied with Jack's feeding, which was very effective in calming everyone's low mood.

After all, as psychological profilers, they can more easily reconstruct those cruel scenes in their brains than ordinary people, and it is difficult not to be touched. Of course, they can also more easily detach themselves from their emotions, but this takes time.

The excellent quality steak and the sweet and sour lingonberry pie restored everyone's mood a lot. There is also a very local pickled beetroot that is also very popular. Jack thinks he can consider replicating it after he returns. one time.

The murderer's accomplice has not yet been arrested, so everyone gathered together after the meal and began to profile the unknown suspect.

"He was the submissive partner, he was extremely dependent on and in high awe of Francis, but now that Francis is dead, that makes him very dangerous."

Rossi first elaborated on his views.

"So, if we push him to the edge, he is likely to do the same thing as Francis." Emily made an explosive gesture.

At this moment, Garcia's video call came in, and Jiejie transferred it to the computer.

"Those video tapes have been sorted out and all have been sent. I checked every frame and I didn't see his accomplices. He was only responsible for videography."

Garcia looked pale, as if he had just experienced the most terrifying thing in his life.

"That's it, I've seen every creepy scene and not even Jack's baby panda can save me now."

"Well, Garcia, there is a jar of blueberry jam at the bottom of the refrigerator in the office. It is for you to use for emergency 'healing' when we are away." Jack was obviously prepared.

Garcia suddenly showed a pitiful expression, "Oh, baby, you make me so sad. Blueberry jam is my boyfriend's favorite, not mine. You remembered wrong."

"Cough~" Jack coughed slightly and looked at the others hesitantly.

"That is not for you to eat, but for you to apply. When you go on a date tonight, use some and you will get a cute puppy."

"Wow, this is such a genius idea. You are really my close friend." Garcia regained his energy almost instantly.

"Then I'll go on a date after get off work, and I'll leave the rest to you." After saying that, she hung up the video.

"Why did the blueberry jam let Garcia get a pet?" Dr. Reid, the genius encyclopedia, also had a question that he couldn't figure out.

"It's better that you don't know." Emily shivered as some unclean scene seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

Everyone looked at Jack as if they were looking at a strange alien creature. They wanted to open his head to see what was inside and why they had prepared such strange "emergency supplies" for Garcia.

"She has been a little overweight recently, so we can't always let her relax by eating desserts," Jack explained dryly.

After a brief joke, Jiejie turned on the video and everyone gathered together for analysis.

As Garcia said, the content of the video is bloody, horrifying, and horrifying.

Francis in the picture is a pervert, using those instruments of torture with excitement and inflicting cruel abuse on the victim.

Everyone was silent, and the room was filled with the screams and pleas of the victims and the clichéd preaching of the murderer coming from the loudspeakers.

Everyone insisted on watching all the videos in fast forward, trying to get rid of useless emotions and use rational thinking to analyze the information revealed in the videos.

"He only shoots Francis, and the camera rarely stays on the victim." Reid spoke first to break the dead silence in the room.

Emily nodded in agreement, "He seems to care more about Frances than the tortured victim."

"Because he's a 'give'."

Jack's words explained everyone's doubts.

"Pay attention to the language of these shots. The camera represents the position of his eyes. The focus is almost all on Francis, as if he is caressing Francis' body."

Jiejie replayed a scene, and sure enough, Francis was torturing him with his bare upper body and chattering endlessly, but the camera directly skipped the victim's body and stayed on him for a long time.

"So he tore those video tapes not to destroy evidence, but because of jealousy." Rossi suddenly realized.

"He regarded Francis as his lover and willingly accepted his servitude, tidying up the house for him, cleaning, kidnapping girls, burying corpses, and planting roses."

Hotchner directly picked up the phone, "Those roses were bought. Emily even found a label on the latest rose bush. I immediately contacted the police chief and needed to mobilize manpower to investigate all nearby nurseries selling rose seedlings. .”

The next morning, good news and bad news came at the same time. Emily found out the identity of Francis's accomplice, Henry Foster, who worked in a gardening store, and the store owner provided his address.

Emily and Rhett rush to the dilapidated trailer where Henry Foster lives, but it's too late.

By the time they arrived, Henry Foster had already packed up his things and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the local police chief contacted Hotchner urgently, and another victim appeared.

Before 10 o'clock in the morning, Henry Foster showed up at a gas station, kidnapped a young woman who was filling up her tank, forced her into the trunk at gunpoint, and drove away.

"I just finished checking his residence. He destroyed everything related to his identity, including photos and documents. He threw them all in the oven and burned them clean. The only few photos he had, he also burned his face with cigarette butts. Pictures of childhood and adulthood.”

Rhett and Emily rushed to the gas station to meet everyone and reported their findings to Rossi and Hotchner very quickly.

"Why?" Hotchner raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Henry Foster was the weaker one in the relationship. He not only followed Francis's instructions, but also tried to understand and accept the ideas and concepts that the other party instilled in him."

Rhett explained.

"So he destroyed everything in his past, which was a denial of his personality."

At the same time, on the other side, the rather elderly female gas station owner was holding a shotgun in her hand and told Jiejie and the others what happened with an angry look on her face.

"I swear I could have shot, no bastard has ever managed to mess with me here."

"But I was afraid of hurting her, and I watched the bastard stuff her into the trunk while the car was stopped by the gas pump as it turned."

"Well, I can imagine the scene. That bastard was so lucky."

While Jack agreed, he carefully took the shotgun that looked older than her from the aunt's hand and handed it to the police officer on the side.

"Is this the person you saw?" Jiejie handed over a photo. This is the only photo of Henry Foster they have obtained so far. It came from an employee photo provided by the owner of the gardening store.

"No." Auntie's shopkeeper's reply was surprising.

"Did you see his face clearly?" Jiejie asked suspiciously.

"Of course, follow me. There is surveillance in my store." Auntie, the store owner, led everyone into the sales area of ​​the gas station very simply.

A thin white man appeared on the computer screen with a bandage on his face. His appearance was somewhat similar to the photo, but instead of the blond hair in the photo, he had brown hair and a mustache.

"He looks like Francis Goering!" Jiejie said in surprise.

"Or Henry Foster's version of Francis." Rossi and Hotchner looked at each other, and they seemed to already have the answer in their hearts.

"He just walked in, bought beer and pumpkin seeds, and then went back to his car and sat in his car, which was the brown pickup truck outside. At that time, I felt that something was wrong with this guy, so I got my guy ready."

Auntie's shop owner was still talking non-stop. Everyone winked at each other, abandoned Jack in a very unloyal manner, and all turned around to leave. Red, who was still in a daze, was taken away with Hotchner holding his shoulders.

There have been very few comments on the recent chapters. How is the quality? Personally, I feel that the writing is quite graphic, and the interaction is quite interesting. It seems that the coding feeling is starting to become smoother.

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