"It's weird." After entering the door, Rossi looked around the room and sighed.

"This house is quite cozy." Rhett expressed everyone's opinion.

This is just like the tool room before, from the entrance to the living room, everything is placed where it should be.

Shoes are neatly placed in the shoe cabinet, hats are hung on the coat rack in an orderly manner, and the books on the bookshelf are also returned to their places one by one. Even the magazines on the table are piled up by category for convenience at any time. Take.

"It's not obsessive-compulsive disorder or mysophobia." Jack's gloved fingers passed over the bookshelf and wiped away the dust on it.

"The books are arranged in an orderly manner, but there is no classification or any specific rules. This is not obsessive-compulsive disorder."

"It looks like it's been cleaned regularly and there's not much dust, but that's about it. It's not to the point of mysophobia."

Red snapped his fingers and suddenly realized, "This is like Jack's home."

The others looked sideways, and Jack's face was full of black lines, "My house is not so clean. I am just a self-disciplined bachelor, and I have not reached this level."

At least his sofa cushions were never tidied up, because every time Hannah came, they would be messed up, often in the bedroom or other strange corners.

Hotchner's one-sentence answer explained everyone's confusion, "It's like having a hard-working hostess. Before my son was born, Hallie would keep the house so neat."

"Did Francis really treat the captured women as slaves? Why did he kill them again?" Emily was still puzzled.

"Hodge." Rossi, who was opening the desks one by one, suddenly said.

Hotchner, who was looking through the bookshelf, looked around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There are many video tapes with the names of the missing women written on them." Rosie simply pulled out the drawer. All the video tapes were destroyed, and the tapes inside were pulled out and torn into a ball.

"These need to be repaired immediately and asked to be sorted out by Garcia as soon as possible." Hotchner picked up the drawer and went directly out to find the police chief.

Emily and Rhett walked into the kitchen and saw a large piece of cardboard titled "Rules" nailed to the wall, with 1,234 "rules" written on it in marker.

"One, all actions must please the master."

"Two, any resistance will be punished."

"Is it the law of his kingdom?" Emily reached out and peeled off the cardboard. This thing must be regarded as evidence.

"Note that the word master is singular and capitalized, emphasizing that there is only one master here."

As Red spoke, he took down the only photo from the refrigerator next to him. In the photo, Francis was holding a shotgun and standing under a sudden boulder. It was also taken from an upward perspective.

"So you think his accomplices are more like his servants or slaves? What is the status of those captured women?" Emily looked at the photos in his hand.

"His outlet." Jack walked to the kitchen door, tilted his head and motioned for them to follow him.

The two curiously followed him into a room, which was similar to a bedroom, with a bed and a wardrobe, but very abruptly at the other end was a blood-stained wooden torture chair, the kind with chains and leather restraints. stuff.

"He slowly tortured those women here. No wonder it took so long for a victim to appear." Rhett looked like he suddenly realized.

"There is fresh blood here." Hotchner, who was checking the closet, opened the bottom partition of the closet to reveal the hidden compartment inside.

"The victim was hidden in here."

Emily picked up a copper utensil similar to an egg beater from the dressing table and twisted it in her hand, "What is this?"

As she turned, the pear-shaped head of the "eggbeater" was divided into three parts like petals, and slowly opened, looking pretty good.

"The Pear of Pain, a Medieval Instrument of Torture." Encyclopedia Dr. Reed came online immediately.

Seeing that Emily was still confused, Jack helped explain.

"You can think of it as a kind of torture device version of an F-section inspection tool."

Emily imagined it for a moment, her hands trembled subconsciously, and she quickly put the thing back.

"Do me a favor." Rosie called to Jack.

The two of them worked together to erect the seemingly ordinary steel wire bed in the middle of the room against the wall.

Everyone was so surprised that they could not speak. They saw that the back of the wire bed was densely covered with various homemade torture instruments.

These are not the fun-loving Ace Wood products, but real instruments of torture, each one covered in blood.

Even though Jack had seen a lot, he could only recognize a few of them. The whip was made of fine steel wires. It seemed that with just a slight swing, he could hear the whistling sound of tearing the air.

An iron hood with sharp teeth inside. After the victim wears it, any attempt to open his mouth to make a sound will cause him great pain.

There is also a kind of fork, fixed on a collar, which can force the person's head to be raised high, otherwise the sharp fork will be pierced into the chin.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but everyone stared at these heinous instruments of torture and couldn’t help but hold their arms tightly. It was as if the temperature of the room dropped a lot in an instant, and there seemed to be some kind of vague howl lingering in this eerie place. in a small space.

"They spread plastic sheets and the like on the floor, and after torturing those poor women to death, they used them directly to wrap the bodies."

"Each of them suffered months of brutal torture. Judging from the torture instruments, the degree of damage to the bodies was quite severe."

Even after witnessing countless bloody and violent serial murders, Rossi still felt angry about such inhumane behavior.

"We must do our best to help the families of the victims and appease these souls."

Jack walked out of the wooden house and returned to the sunlight. He rubbed his arm and the creepy feeling was gradually dispelled from his heart.

"Jiejie has finished the examination and is on her way back. We have obtained the facial features of Francis's accomplices." Hotchner showed the chief and his subordinates the sketches received on his mobile phone.

"He is in his twenties, 5 feet 8 inches (173 centimeters) tall and has a slim build, but please note that he possesses several firearms and is capable of deadly force."

The Sheriff finished arranging tasks for his subordinates and was about to leave, but was stopped by Jack.

"Chief, there must be someone nearby who knows who Francis's accomplice is. Can you give us a hint as to who we should look for?" Jack asked.

"Harris Townsend, the leader of the militia here, has a bar called the Inn, but I don't recommend you go alone. They are very unfriendly to outsiders, especially the federal police."

The police chief was a little distracted when he spoke, his eyes fell on the three corpses dug out from the flower bed not far away, his expression was filled with anger mixed with pain.

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