It only took less than half an hour for the Sabo class driven by Jack to reach the farm 60 kilometers away.

This is indeed a small farm, less than 4 hectares by visual inspection, which is about eight or nine acres.

The main building is a large wooden house with only one floor. From the outside, it looks like it has at least seven or eight rooms. There are also a few scattered wooden houses around it, which are common barns, garages, tool warehouses and the like on farms.

"Jiejie, check around you, don't go into the house, be careful of explosives."

Considering that this guy committed suicide with a grenade and had a military background, the two of them rushed into the house to search without any hesitation. This guy made up his mind to drag the police on his back, who knows if there are any traps in the house.


"Angela Miller!"

Jack walked half a circle around the cabin, calling out the names of the kidnapped people and listening carefully to what was going on inside.

Jiejie walked towards the garage fifty or sixty meters away. There was a large flowerbed surrounded by fences, but it was blocked by the garage and she couldn't see clearly what was planted behind it.

Jack picked up a shovel from the ground and was thinking about breaking a window on the side of the cabin and looking inside.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out not far away. It was the location of the garage where Jiejie went to check. However, the sound was not the gunshot of the Glock equipped by the FBI, but the typical gunshot of a rifle. Jiejie was in danger!

"Bang!" There was another gunshot. This was Glock's counterattack, but it was only one shot.


Jack threw down the shovel and drew his gun as he ran. As he walked around the wooden house, there was a harsh sound of burning tires, followed by a loud noise.

An old brown Ford pickup truck crashed through the back door of the garage, sending up a cloud of dust as it appeared to try to escape.

"Bang bang bang!"

Without thinking, Jack emptied the Glock's magazine at the pickup truck nearly a hundred meters away while running. At this distance and shooting posture, he didn't expect to hit anything. It was just a cover shot.

Because he couldn't see the clean situation from his current position, the most important thing was to get to her as soon as possible and check her safety.

After Jack finished shooting the Glock bullets, he didn't even bother to change the magazine. He inserted the gun into the holster on his waist and was about to take out the FK7.5 under his arm when a clean scream made him ignore the pickup truck. He sped up and ran towards the flower garden.

"Jack, come on, she's dying."

Jack ran all the way, ignoring the pickup truck that was driving away, and rushed towards the place where the clean voice came from.

On the side of the garage is a large rose garden. Jiejie is holding a woman in her arms and sitting under a dead cherry tree.

"Help, I can't stop her bleeding."

Jack knelt down on one knee and took the woman from her hand, but looked at Jie Jie's face first. There was a long blood mark on her cheek, and the clothes on her right shoulder were damaged, exposing the scratched skin.

"I was fine. When I found her, the guy was about to stab her a second time. I pulled out my gun as a warning, but there was no shooting angle."

Jack nodded. Jiejie was injured by the splattered edges of the board after the bullet hit it. As long as his eyes were not injured, we can talk about the rest later.

So he lowered his head and concentrated on treating the woman's wounds. The woman's injuries were quite fatal. She was stabbed on the left side of the chest, quite close to the heart. The lungs must have been damaged, and there was an open hemopneumothorax.

Jack first used his healing skills to save her life, and then directly tore off her clothes. Now was not the time to think about what she had and what she had.

"There is a first aid kit in the car. I need a first aid kit and a thoracentesis kit. Hurry!"

Jiejie didn't care that she was still bleeding, turned around and ran towards Sababan where they were driving.

Jack directly took out his mobile phone and dialed the emergency number. Fortunately, although this ghost place was a bit remote, there were no more bloody problems with no signal.

While he was on the phone, he continued to use his healing skills. There was nothing he could do. Although he could use his skills to secretly repair the main blood vessels and narrow the internal wounds, pretending that the wound was not deep, the injured person's lungs were filled with blood at the moment and he might suffocate at any time.

"Angela Miller?"

After hanging up the phone, Jack called loudly to the woman in his arms and slapped her on the cheek, trying to keep her awake.

The woman opened her eyes with difficulty, blood foaming from her mouth.

"Hey listen to me, we are the FBI. I just met Mike. He is very good. I promised to help him find his mother."

When she heard her son's name, the woman's eyes widened and she grabbed Jack's arm hard.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. I'm here. Hold on, your husband and son are waiting for you."

Although he was talking about cliché comforts, just like the kind of dialogue in American dramas where the other person would die in the next second, Jack only felt that his heavy heart was finally completely relieved.

As long as the person is not dead, the person will not die in his hands. Now he just needs to keep the other person awake. He is not a professional emergency doctor. It is very important for the patient to stay awake for his subsequent first aid work. Otherwise, he can only keep the other person awake. A miracle was performed before Jie.

"It's all here."

Jiejie threw off her high heels and ran around barefoot. When she ran in front of Jack, her feet gave way and she fell down in front of the two of them.

Jack didn't care to help her, stretched out his hand to hold the first aid kit, opened it and found the first aid kit and thoracentesis kit inside.

He first tore open the sterile side of the first aid kit, stuck it tightly to the wound, and sealed the chest cavity. Jiejie helped fold a triangle towel and handed it over for pressure bandage.

Jack then tore open the thoracentesis bag, took out the ARS trocar from it, found the second rib at the midclavicular line, inserted it into the middle, let the catheter enter the pleural cavity, pulled out the rubber needle inside, and removed the small valve on the needle. , put on the catheter.

This scene looks quite scary, but it is the best first aid method for traumatic hemopneumothorax, which can successfully restore the injured chest to a negative pressure state.

"Okay, you're okay, we just need to take you to the hospital."

While comforting the woman, Jack took out another oropharyngeal ventilator, which was used to prevent the woman's tongue from falling back and blocking the trachea in case of coma.

"Relax, relax, this thing is a bit uncomfortable, but it can prevent any eventuality."

The injured person's condition was temporarily stable, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did Jack notice that the wound on Jie Jie's cheek was still bleeding.

"Don't move, I'll help you deal with it first."

Jack held her head and carefully helped her clean the wounds on her cheek and shoulder. It seemed that the two of them had never had such close contact since returning to Los Angeles.

Listening to the sirens in the distance, Jiejie twisted her body unnaturally, but in the end she had no intention of avoiding it.

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