The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 246 The foundation of the American nation

It takes more than two hours for a Gulfstream business jet to fly from Los Angeles to Great Falls. However, Rossi was not very lucky today and lost two laps in a row. He pushed his cards and stood up to make way for Red.

"Who can tell me why the report said that the murderer had a loaded gun in his hand but did not choose to resist but directly detonated the grenade?"

"Touch." Hotchner hit a pair of Dongfeng, picked up the coffee and took a sip.

As a good husband, he has to help his wife take care of their newborn son every night. During this time, he is usually exhausted during the day, so he has coffee "exemption".

"Because he wants to make a name for himself, be remembered, and recruit a few more police officers to support him. There are many members of militia groups like Montana."

"They are keen to promote resistance and hate the federal government. They will actively join the army to gain military experience, and then after retiring, they will start to hoard weapons and establish various military organizations claiming to resist the government."

Obviously, Hotchner has had a lot of experience dealing with these guys.

Hearing him mention the militia organization, everyone present looked unhappy. In the history of this country, the concept of "militia organization" originated at the beginning of the founding of the country.

During the Revolutionary War, it was nominally relying on the "militia" power of the thirteen North American states to defeat the British and successfully make this colony independent from the mother country. (The French cry to death)

The subsequent massacres of Indians, the Civil War, and even the main force in the Mexican-American War were actually, strictly speaking, the army united by the "militia" of each state.

In 1824, these "militias" in each state were renamed the National Guard, but they still belonged to each state. It was not until 1903 that the United States had a regular army that truly belonged to the federal government, which is the predecessor of today's US military. .

Now that the "militia" has become the foundation of the country, it naturally leads to the emergence of some very interesting concepts.

At that time, the founders of this country proposed that the power to establish armed forces should be given to the states. The standing army of the federal government was a threat to the autonomy of the states and was contrary to the country's federal concept.

This leads to people's perception that the history of militia organizations is much longer than that of the United States, and the importance of militia organizations is no less important than their identification with the country.

By the 1960s, some movements and ideological trends in the United States were on the rise again. Not only were the Z-wings dissatisfied with the country, but many Y-wings also came out to join in the fun, saying they wanted to resist ZF violence. You are too indulgent of these Z-wings.

So in the 1970s, the "militia" movement made a comeback again. These "militia" organizations spontaneously organized by the private sector had both Y-wing and Z-wings, which made old Americans have complicated feelings.

Because as long as these organizations don't actually cause trouble and just shout slogans, it is not illegal. Even the relationship between most "militia" organizations and the local government is very good.

But in the 1990s, because of these "militia" organizations, a series of major incidents occurred in the United States, one of which was a manslaughter case that brought shame to the federal police, including the FBI.

In the early 1990s, a certain big shot who liked to shirk his pants in public became the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. This man was also a strongman at the time, and he carried out severe crackdowns on cult gangs and restless figures in the country at that time.

At that time, the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) felt that it was shameful that Randy Weaver, a member of the "militia" organization, failed to enforce the law on fishing, and issued a subpoena to him through the court on the charge of private rehabilitation and coercion.

As a result, the date of the summons was written incorrectly and was one month different from the actual date, resulting in Randy Weaver not appearing in court on time.

Not realizing their mistake, the court sent a group of three federal marshals to arrest Randy Weaver. As a result, they met Sammy, the 14-year-old eldest son of the Weaver family, who was hunting with his dog near the Ruby Ridge farm.

The nervous bailiff shot one of the hunting dogs directly, and a gun battle broke out. A bailiff and Weaver's eldest son Sammy died on the spot.

The bailiff believed that the Weaver family was resisting arrest and that a colleague had died in the line of duty, so they dispatched an action team with great fanfare and notified the FBI.

The FBI, who did not know what was going on, also dispatched helicopters and snipers to surround the Weaver family on Ruby Ridge.

Weaver's wife held the baby and opened the door for her husband, but was shot in the head by an FBI sniper, causing tragedy.

Later, there were the famous "Waco Massacre" and the resulting "Oklahoma City Bombing", all of which were closely related to the "militia" organization.

These incidents have made all the FBI agents present here feel very sad, and they are very troubled by the fact that these guys are either involved in a cult or have some serious mental illness.

"Let the local police send forensic evidence such as the murderer's dental records to Garcia, and we will determine the specific identity of the deceased, especially focusing on the murderer's military experience."

Rosie said to Jiejie, who immediately picked up the phone to contact her.

"After getting off the plane, I will go to the explosion site first and get acquainted with the local police." Hotchner pushed the card to indicate that he had messed up.

"Jack and Jiejie will go to the kidnapping scene and see if they can talk to the victim's husband."

The plane began to descend slowly, and everyone began to clear away the mahjong tiles on the table.

"The rest of the people, set up a temporary office when they get there, guide the local police in the search according to Dr. Reid's map, and be mentally prepared, we won't be too popular."


As soon as he got off the plane, Garcia called. It seemed that things were going smoothly on her end. Jack quickly stopped, raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and opened the external speaker.

"Hey, baby, those little toys you gave me are so cute. I'll pamper them every night before I go to bed."

Garcia's call made Jack feel a black line on his forehead. What's this and what? This eldest sister won't be able to speak well if she doesn't use some H accent every day, right?

"You mean those baby panda ornaments you brought home that won't fit on the table? No problem, I'll make you something bigger next time. I guarantee you'll love it so much that you won't want to go to bed unless you touch it a few times every night."

Jack was not to be outdone. The two girls on the side were fine, but they glared at Hotchner, who had always been rigid.

"Let's get down to business, Garcia. I won't hinder your continued communication after the case is over."

"The good leader, Francis Goering, is 42 years old. He served in the army for a year and was ordered to retire due to bad behavior. The most serious one was being arrested for causing trouble in a bar."

"Three people were seriously injured and hospitalized at the time, and his information is also in the federal database because he joined the uh... militant militia group."

"Radical militia organization?!" Jiejie repeated these words one by one, with an expression as if she was right by you guys.

In order not to be criticized, and to prevent others from saying that I copied the encyclopedia, you should search for the events mentioned in the book yourself. They are quite interesting.

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