After starting the diesel generator on the first floor, not only was there a wireless signal in the room on the fourth floor, there was even clean water available.

There is a deep well next to the building. After the electricity was turned on, clean groundwater was continuously fed into the water tank. Although only a simple cold shower could be taken, it refreshed everyone's spirits.

“I’ve never missed the sunshine and sand in California so much.”

Walking out of the bathroom, Jack sighed, took the clean T-shirt from Jiejie, and was about to put it on when he was hugged tightly by her.

Neither of them spoke anymore. They gently stroked the girl's back and felt the wetness coming from her chest. Jack knew what she was afraid of.

"Don't worry, everything will pass and the nightmare will end soon."

Feeling that the girl's mood in his arms had stabilized a little, Jack let go of his arms. It wasn't that he didn't know how to cherish the girl, or that he wanted to pretend to be serious.

There is really no time now, both of them are very busy now.

Jiejie is now the leader of the women in this small group. Not only do the two female college students follow her, but the wives of several other couples also unite around her.

The men were busy clearing the building and constructing simple defenses, such as blocking up the first- and second-floor windows with planks of wood from the mines.

The women were responsible for washing the clothes and building a fire in the open space downstairs to dry the clothes.

They also separated two people to help take care of the four rescued girls.

After Jiejie's patient communication, finally a girl named Nadine was willing to speak. She is the eldest among the girls. She is fifteen years old and can speak some simple English. She has been detained for two years.

The longest time the other girls were captured was only half a year. Before that, some died of illness, some committed suicide because they could not bear the torture, and some suffered from massive bleeding due to miscarriage, just like the corpse that was carried downstairs.

The reason why Nadine is alive today is that she comes from a relatively liberal business family. Her parents not only provided for her to attend a girls' school, but also bought her some cosmetics, so that she learned to dress herself up since she was a child.

So before each video shoot, Nadine became the girls' "makeup artist." Although this skill did not allow her to escape the same fate of being ravaged, compared to other girls, the beasts were at least better when ravaging her. Willing to wear a T.

Jack was busy calling for help. After having a network signal, Captain Torrance contacted the airline, but it was just as he had expected.

The Philippine government directly rejected the airline's request and insisted that unless the US government was willing to send troops to help them eliminate illegal armed forces on the island, their soldiers would not be willing to go to the island to die.

Jack had contacted the BAU team before, and they already knew the news about the plane crash. They were overjoyed to hear that he and Jiejie were safe.

Rossi has no intention of solving the case, and is now contacting all parties. No matter what, he must rescue his two detectives as soon as possible.

Hannah was going crazy, and Jack finally calmed her down, giving up her idea of ​​flying to Manila immediately and asking her to find Tyler Kelly for help.

Applying pressure through public opinion is the best way they can think of. This is also a win-win situation to a certain extent. The media will not let go of such sensational news that can shock the eyeballs.

While Hannah was contacting Taylor Kelly, Jack continued to make arrangements. Among the two female college students, the good-looking blonde girl was called Bree Terri. She had fair skin, beautiful appearance and long legs, and was a well-known Internet celebrity.

A pitiful beautiful girl and the great hero Captain Torrance who saved everyone, all the elements needed to make a sensational news are complete.

Soon, live online broadcasts of the crash survivors and Los Angeles Channel 8 News were launched.

People all over the world have seen a beautiful girl who cried so much that she told online how she and her passengers experienced a narrow escape and how the plane successfully made an emergency landing under the calm and calm driving of the two captains.

How ferocious the local militants are and how dangerous the situation they face is.

Before dark, the news of the plane crash snowballed and made headlines on various social media and news media.

Shortly before dark, the airline sent a message that a five-person PMC team would land on the island early tomorrow morning and bring communication tools and some supplies.

Although a mere PMC team is not enough to rescue so many people, follow-up support is already being arranged, and it is said that the military will take over directly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although in the video, the airline executive's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten a meal, no one cared. Their goal was achieved.

Just as the darkness before dawn is the darkest moment of the day, by the same token, tonight before rescue arrives will also be the most dangerous time.

Although some disguises were made, the outside world could not analyze their location from the video. Even the IP address here was disguised by Garcia.

But no one knows if any locals who are familiar with the situation on the island will guess that they are hiding in this abandoned mine.

After dark, everyone ate something in a hurry and turned off the rumbling generators. Everyone's mobile phones were fully charged, but except for a few rooms with completely blocked windows, all lights were prohibited in other places.

The women all gathered on the fourth floor, which was the safest place, and there were some mosquito nets, so they could sleep relatively comfortably.

The men worked in pairs, keeping watch in shifts. Jack fell asleep for a while, then he couldn't stand the mosquito bites, so he went to the roof to replace Gasparet.

The tropical rainforest in the middle of the night looked eerie and terrifying. From time to time, there were several strange screams coming from the distance. I didn’t know what kind of animal was making them.

The night sky is very beautiful. Although there is a bright moon missing, the stars are shining, which is the kind of night without light pollution that the fresh-faced people in the past life loved most.

Jack sat boredly by the water tower on the roof, relying on his keen hearing to swat the mosquitoes that were trying to treat him as a meal. Before long, countless unknown insect corpses were lying at his feet.

Suddenly I noticed a strange movement, turned around, and saw Jiejie climbing up the ladder to the roof.

"Why did you wake up so early? There are still several hours before dawn."

"Everyone was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as it got dark. I don't usually sleep much, so I woke up early."

Jie Jie fumbled with her pocket and took out the small bottle of DEET, handed it to Jack, and then sat down next to him.

She seemed to find this uncomfortable, so she adjusted her posture for a long time, and finally sat in his arms, tilting her head and resting on his shoulder.

Why do you want to PUA yourself now?

There was not much DEET left in the bottle, so Jack simply used it all on himself and the girl in his arms, so that nothing would disturb them in a short time.

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